How do I get rid of loose skin after weight loss?

I have lost 82 pounds and I have done a good job of using diet, exercise, weights and crunches to lose that weight. It has turned most fatty areas into muscle and I have even started being able to see my abs. So cool! However....... The other day after swimming a mile I did my push ups at home with out my shirt on. The loose skin from my weight loss just hangs there looking very unawesome. lol. I guess what I am wondering is this. If I keep working hard, even if it takes a couple years will I eventually lose that pocket of flab or am I destined to carry it with me forever? Seems like if I keep working at burning fat and my body keeps regenerating new skin cells that over time the elasticity will tighten up. However, considering I don't believe in surgery to undo my slothenness I might just have to have it to see forever to remind myself what a fat blob I once was and how easily I could become one again if I don't stay active. Thoughts? :)


  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Well, some of it will tighten up on its own after a while. However, what is left wil not disappear. Some people fill in some of the space by gaining muscle mass. And there is surgery.
  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    i have the same problem. they say that skin may take up to 2 or 3 years to tighten up as much as it can. proper hydration and losing slowly seem to be recommended to minimize loose skin. but because of the amount of weight you lost, it's not going to go away. surgery will be the only option if you really want that area to look flat and not hang when you bend over. sad but true!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member