Looking for some new friends!

Hi, just need a bit of support and was thinking that this would be a great place to start! The problem I have is that I'm good for a while then I just get bored and give up! Please help me to loose weight, we can support eachother!

Claire x


  • Rivah67
    Rivah67 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi Claire and welcome to mfp. i sent you a friends request :flowerforyou:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    I dont know if having a friend like me would help... I like to quit too!!...lol.. but maybe if we motivated each other we can stick with it!~!.... Let Do this!
  • FranticCreature
    Hey, welcome!
    Also looking for new friends, this site is a great way to stay motivated :D I hope it works for you too.
    Emily :)
  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    hey claire thts like me but im doing my best to stick at it feel free to add me x
  • jrhodges20
    jrhodges20 Posts: 103 Member
    Kan and Claire having friends on here is the best way to be motivated. I am a 911 dispatcher in a small county, its generally pretty quiet, however someone still has to be here all the time, I found myself being bored all the time.. So one i started bringing homework to work to do it, and two started working out. Not only does it make the time go by, keeps me from eating, when I am bored I eat. I have also found when I am bored I get on here and read about all my friensds and their updates and regularly participate in forums on here and make new friends. i would love to be there to help you all out. I know you can both do this, and if you'd like I like everyone else on here will be here anytime you need us
  • jrhodges20
    jrhodges20 Posts: 103 Member
    Kan and Claire having friends on here is the best way to be motivated. I am a 911 dispatcher in a small county, its generally pretty quiet, however someone still has to be here all the time, I found myself being bored all the time.. So one i started bringing homework to work to do it, and two started working out. Not only does it make the time go by, keeps me from eating, when I am bored I eat. I have also found when I am bored I get on here and read about all my friensds and their updates and regularly participate in forums on here and make new friends. i would love to be there to help you all out. I know you can both do this, and if you'd like I like everyone else on here will be here anytime you need us
  • laineems
    The more support the better! Ill add ya :D
  • peteloafer
    peteloafer Posts: 28 Member
    my sentiments entirely

    good luck

    Pete :smile:
  • Tkhk0514
    Tkhk0514 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Claire, Welcome...we all could use the support now and then. Even just a little boost, compliment etc. Best of luck on your weigh loss endeavors. I sent you a friend request.