Am I supposed to stay under the 1200 calories?

Nelle914 Posts: 13 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I see some people writing about how they are struggling to make it a little over the 1200, but I thought you were supposed to eat less then what it says? Ive been eating about 900 to 1100 calories a day to make sure I don't go over. Am I supposed to hit exactly 1200 or go a little bit over? Im confused


  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Generally, you don't want to go "under" 1200 - if your cal goal is 1200, try to get very close. It depends a lot on your height/weight, BMR and what your loss goal is, but 1200 is generally considered a lower limit for what you need to sustain your daily function (breathing, etc)

    Some good info on why not to go under 1200, and why not to try to lower cals too much:

    Good luck!
  • You should ideally be going well over ( say about 1500 calories ) and burning off 3 or 400.

    If you are just dieting and eating 900-11 calories a day then it is not good for your long term health.

    Go over, give yourself a treat/reward then burn it back down to below 1200 calories.
  • You need to add your exercise calories as well. My nutritional calories are 1200 but then I get extra for working out. If I don't work out that day, I need to just stay at 1200.
  • You will kill your metabolism if you stay this low for long. Also you will most likely start feeling deprived and at one point throw in. You should eat in a way that you can continue for life. It should not be a "diet" but a lifestyle hang that you can maintain.

    good luck
  • Nelle914
    Nelle914 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you everyone! You all helped :D
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