Big step back.... Need help...

DeltaH Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
so when I found out that I GAINED three pounds last week, I went on an eating binge for a few days.... Now I'm feeling fatter, depressed and as if I'm never going to reach to my goals.... I want this sooooo bad. I've wanted this for years, but I always seem to loose my willpower and go for that cheeseburger or pizza.... I just don't know what to do.... Am I just going to be big and unhealthy forever?!?!


  • No you are not! Making a lifestyle change is NOT EASY!! Take this one day at a time and don't beat yourself up.

    Use this experience as a "teachable moment." You are learning more about your body, cravings, etc. The more you know, the more you will be able to alter your lifestyle to fit you health goals.

    So . . . stop the pity party and get back up! I believe in you :happy:
  • smiley01x
    smiley01x Posts: 93 Member
    dont let this ruin your efforts! just continue today and try to forget the past failures. that is what i try to do, its not easy but you are worth it!
  • I know how you feel....when you're not making the progress you want, you just think "Screw it" and eat like crazy afterwards! Don't feel bad. The next time you want that cheeseburger or pizza, look at it and think about what it has in it, then remind yourself that if you want to lose weight, those foods are not the way to go! Perhaps you could exercise a little more this week to make up for it.
  • Don't worry about yesterday - today is a new day - keep moving forward with your efforts!
  • Agree with unckat09 about taking it one day at a time. I hurt my calf yesterday morning during a work-out so can't do anymore until it heals. Been using wii fit & wii active & walking/jogging to help get myself back in shape. Prayers for encouragement for you to get back on track. You are doing it the right & smart way. I've done Atkins, South Beach, & Nutrisystem. As soon as I quit, the weight crept back up. It helps to have a support system when dieting & working out. Don't give up!! mb:D
  • Hey, First of all, good job for knowing what you did. That makes you more aware of it next time. I've fell off the weight loss wagon from July to January and I felt horrible. So I've been back on for about 3 weeks, and i'm feeling great. Take it one day at time, make sure you let yourself have a fun snack maybe once a week. Then find fun foods that are healthy too. I didn't know how good pudding was until I tried the different flavors, and it's only 60 calories.

    Find someone to share your experience with, someone you see all the time. My co-worker and My husband are my support system, and I couldn't do it without them.

    Stay Strong, and know that you have a goal that is completely reachable.. GOOD LUCK and BEST WISHES!!!!
  • Beegale
    Beegale Posts: 21
    forgive made a bad food choice.....and that's all it was, one bad choice out of millions of choices that you will make over the course of your life. Perhaps the next choice you should make is about how to see yourself? Are you going to think of yourself as 'big' and 'unhealthy' or are you going to choose to define yourself as some one who is taking positive steps to become 'smaller' and 'healthier' ? Those two things can then become goals instead of negative labels.
  • snipie
    snipie Posts: 8
    First I am not familiar with your history so lets start from scratch. First I am no diet expert; I am also here to loose weight and get myself back into healthy shape. This is only my 4th day on this site and I can see I will be spending time here just as I do on Face-book.

    A. You want to loose weight.
    1. So you are healthy.
    2. You can go to your closet and grab any pair of pants and they will look GREAT on you.
    3. No more wearing that long coat to cover your butt.

    Always keep low cal. foods on hand, in your car, fridge, work area.
    Carrots, things that crunch seem to satisfy me.
    Stay away from fast food joints.
    Ask your family for help by not eating pizza or hamburgers in front of you.

    Good luck this week, walk a lot.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Make up your mind to eat right TODAY. Then tomorrow, make up your mind again.
  • No is the answer to your question.......staying perfect is one of the hardest things and even though the scale shows a number it does not mean you have not been successful. Everyday is a new day.....but I can also attest bingeing is not cool....that is what makes us yoyos...hang in there
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