Questions? You can help if you want.

Hi everyone! Glad to be here. I've restarted my attempt at losing weight, and just wanted to share with everyone what I am doing to make sure I'm on the right track.

For my diet, most days I have had a breakfast of a serving of oatmeal and a banana, with coffee. And for lunch I typically have a lean cuisine and a side salad and some radishes or snap peas or carrots. I usually prepare my own supper or go out to eat, and try to keep it under 600 calories. I also have a light snack in between lunch and dinner, and have a bag of healthy pop popcorn at night after supper.

I have been walking every day about 3.5 to 4 miles, and have always been waking this at around 3 or 3.5 mph. I'm working up to getting it down to 4 mph.

My calorie goal before exercise according to the app is 1860, and I have stayed below this number, even if exercising. And she exercises have given me up to 700 bonus calories.

Anyway, I'm just wondering if this all sounds like I'm on the right track? Anything I should be doing differently or in addition to what I am doing? So far I have lost 5 pounds in 10 days, and I'm hoping it will continue.

Thanks for any help!


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    It sounds like you have yourself off to a great start. But your rate of loss will probably decrease as you keep going. Just a couple things:

    -Try to "eat back" at least half of your exercise calories, especially since your calorie goal is kinda low for a dude.
    -Weigh all of your food (that you can -- I mean, I realize you can't when you go out to eat...) instead of using "cup" or other volume measurements. This will help make sure you're accurately recording the calories you consume.
    -Be honest, and keep logging, even if you have days where you eat over your goal. Don't just give up. Keep logging. Be honest with yourself and you'll have the best results.
  • Booda101
    Booda101 Posts: 161 Member
    Definitely agree that you're off to a good start.

    And this will be worth a read:

    Good luck to you!
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Sounds like a good start, and similar enough to my own actually, except for the difference in diet as I'm doing a low carb thing myself.

    Personally speaking, the best thing at this stage is continuity and allowing the good habits to build, I find. I wouldn't worry to much about the specifics as long as its sustainable, as you can always adjust as you go, and make tweaks & adjustments if you're gaining too fast/ too slow/ have problems at certain times during the day.

    When trying to lose on a carb-rich diet before, I found having good snacks helped a lot that would keep me going.

    Exercise-wise, one of the optimum blend of exercise for fat loss tends to be mostly walking, a bit of strength training (gym/ bodyweight/ etc), and some sprinting. I'd look to incorporate some of the latter as you get a handle on things, as they can only help. Just beware of overeating after vigorous exercise, and personally I always found some juice and water/ piece of fruit, and sometimes a snack comprising complex carbs helped a lot in that regard after training.

    My big tip would be not to be afraid of fat or protein in your diet, as both are very filling, and thus keep you from overeating. For that reason, low fat never made sense to me, and I always go for the full fat version.

    Oh, and if eating a carb-rich diet like you are, try opt for good slow-releasing carbs, and also carbs with a bit of fibre, as these will fill you for longer, and also help avoid any blood suagr funkiness. Cutting sugar helps a lot in that regard too, ie in reining in your blood sugar, and thus cravings :)

    Good luck with it all! :)
  • Thanks everyone!

    Also, how do you get those fancy weight loss goal signature things? I want one.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    While you are in the forums click on Settings (next to the Search button) and check the box to have it show up with your forum posts.
  • marcellomoo
    marcellomoo Posts: 107 Member
    Apps > Tickers to make one.

    Good luck :)
  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    Also, how do you get those fancy weight loss goal signature things? I want one.

    It's called a Ticker apparently.

    Keep up the good work mate!.
  • Yay! I did it!