It just hit me...

Hello, I'm new and I posted for the first time 2 days ago, but felt like posting again because I could use some advice and support.
I am so unhappy with the way I look, and it really hit me today as I looked in the mirror that this is the heaviest I've ever been. I wish I could re-do the past month, make smarter choices, and by now I'd be a few pounds lighter. I'm not really what most people call "heavy", but in my eyes, all I see are my flaws. I wish I could just snap my fingers and be at my goal weight, but I know it's going to take a lot of time, dedication, and hard work. It's difficult to me to look at others without comparing them to myself. It's been hard for me to get started (I'm not doing so well right now), and it's hard for me to stay motivated. I am so unhappy yet I can't bring myself to do anything to fix the situation, which is entirely my fault. Am I just lazy? How do you guys deal with these feelings? Any tips or advice would be much appreciated. Feeling down right now :(


  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    It's rough sometimes but I just go and workout. I feel better about myself and my appearance. I feel that my body is tighter and I know I'm making a difference.

    The worst thing is to sit on your *kitten* and feel sorry for yourself without doing anything because if you're anything like me you'll end up eating some sort of comfort/junk food.

    If you're having an extremely difficult time with it you may need to see a counselor but in my opinion that'd be for moderate to extreme cases.
  • oksanatkachuk
    oksanatkachuk Posts: 149 Member
    I think what u need a solid plan. Write it down and force urself to follow it. It's not about motivation , discipline more
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I think what u need a solid plan. Write it down and force urself to follow it. It's not about motivation , discipline more

    ^ This. The only reason I can do it is because I set very specific plans for myself. When I first started I even wrote how much I could eat for each meal and what type of food so I wouldn't mess up. Now I can wing it, but it does take a while for something to become a habit.

    Maybe doing a reward system or something would work too, once you have a plan out think of fun things you could do. Like if you meet your goal of exercising all week, you could go see a movie or something.
  • Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I've already planned out my meals for tomorrow and am telling myself that I will stick to it! Thank you for taking the time to read my post and offer your advice :) I like the sound of a reward system, too...I'll have to come up with some goals (in between my current weight and my goal weight). Maybe every 5 lbs lost I'll do something special.
  • beckystropicalsmoothie
    just do your best
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Hello, I'm new and I posted for the first time 2 days ago, but felt like posting again because I could use some advice and support.
    I am so unhappy with the way I look, and it really hit me today as I looked in the mirror that this is the heaviest I've ever been. I wish I could re-do the past month, make smarter choices, and by now I'd be a few pounds lighter. I'm not really what most people call "heavy", but in my eyes, all I see are my flaws. I wish I could just snap my fingers and be at my goal weight, but I know it's going to take a lot of time, dedication, and hard work. It's difficult to me to look at others without comparing them to myself. It's been hard for me to get started (I'm not doing so well right now), and it's hard for me to stay motivated. I am so unhappy yet I can't bring myself to do anything to fix the situation, which is entirely my fault. Am I just lazy? How do you guys deal with these feelings? Any tips or advice would be much appreciated. Feeling down right now :(
    The moment I accepted and loved myself completely as an obese 45 yr old including loving my body as the miracle it is....a switch flipped in my head. I began to speak to myself with love and tenderness and began to take care of my body. I stopped medicating with food. When I am bored, I am bored. When I am sad, I am sad. I don't eat. I don't run to food to fix my sadness or boredom with food pleasure. When you allow yourself to just feel your emotions an amazing thing happens....they pass, you dealt, you move on. And you feel so much better. Give it a try, good luck.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Every little bit of exercise is better than no exercise at all. If you ever might love your body, show it love by using it, challenging it (safely) and nourishing it.
  • VCopple
    VCopple Posts: 56 Member
    Another thing you can do is check with your employer. Most companies offer a wellness program where you can go on hikes or walks, or do other things with coworkers. Some even offer monetary bonuses for hitting a goal or for losing weight. (Heavy people mean higher insurance rates). Since most of us spend as much time at work as we do at home, it makes sense to build a support network at work. It also helps keep you accountable.

    If you have health insurance you can also look into seeing a dietitian. Mine gave me specific percentages and grams of what to eat every day, and those are the numbers I put into MFP. It turns out that I was actually putting myself into starvation mode by using MFP's auto calculator. My dietitian gave me an extra 200 calories, so now my goal is 1400 calories a day.

    Finally, remember that sustained weight loss and a healthy body is a marathon, not a quick fix. You did not gain the weight over night, and you're not going to lose it over night. It should come off gradually in order for you to be able to keep it off. :happy:

    We are here to support you!
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    OP, losing weight was something I had never tried before until 10 months ago. I had slowly gained weight over the years and never considered myself obese until the doctor's office chart said it right there in black and white: Obese 1. I about died.

    I saw a photo of our family at my daughter's college graduation and my fat arms made me sick. Here everyone looked happy on that wonderful day, and all I can think about is how my bare arms look like ham hocks.

    Then I had a slight back injury with the tiniest twist one day in the shower and realized I was so out of condition that this was out of hand. All those things were part of my wake up call. I couldn't keep going down this path. I know everyone is different but I'll give you a quick list of what I did to get started and to get where I am today 33 pounds lighter and 15 more to my goal weight.

    1. Replaced diet soda with iced unsweetened tea and ice water and vitamin waters. Took 4 weeks but I did finally broke my 25 year habit. (July-Aug 2013) Food cravings seemed to lessen without so many sweet tasting beverages.

    2. Invested in a $10/month Planet Fitness membership. I'm there usually 3 days a week so it's fitness on the cheap.

    3. Cleaned out the crap from my kitchen pantry. New things I keep around now: dried fruit, nuts and white chocolate to make my own trail mix...protein bars...protein (vanilla and chocolate)...PB2 peanut butter replacement...skinny cow ice cream sandwiches...lots of 50 calorie per slice cheese, lower sodium and low fat turkey slices (Costco)...lots of fresh veggies like romaine lettuce, peppers, broccoli...greek yogurt for sour cream replacement and smoothies...frozen fruit (I usually freeze my own when fruit's on special) for daily protein smoothies...tuna, chicken, salmon, lean hamburger for protein...ultra thin margherita pizzas in the freezer...yada, yada.

    4. New rule: no fast food. Stay away from temptation at all costs.

    5. Logged everything I ate and drank.

    6. Made several really good, supportive friends on MFP...they really make the difference!

    7. I eat from salad plates, smaller bowls and ramekins most of the time so I can heap them with food and feel like I'm getting a lot more :wink:

    8. I bought Contigo Shake and Go Tumblers at Costco (3 for $19.99). BPA-free acrylic tumblers. They are sooo pretty that it makes me WANT to drink tons of water all day. I take them to the gym and in the car. I'm lost without them.

    9. Bought myself some great looking gym wear and new shoes. I have only a few pieces but I feel good every time I put them on and know that I mean business when I'm dressed for a work out.

    10. Every 10 pounds lost I did something clothes, usually. Reward yourself for the hard work.

    Weight loss is a lifestyle change so it's going to take multiple things to reach your goal. I learned quick that losing weight is a lot more than picking up a case of Slimfast and going to bed hungry and grumpy. Find your way and prepare for the long haul. It's so rewarding and hopefully you'll never want to go back to your old ways!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Get a paper calendar and hang it where you'll see it every day. Each day that you exercise put a big red X on that day. Pretty soon you'll have a whole string of X's. Your motivation is to not break the string. It doesn't have to be hard exercise because some days your body needs a break from lifting or running but you can always supplement your rest days with a walk. The point is that you'll have something you can look at every single day that will remind you of how far you've come and what you need to do.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I've already planned out my meals for tomorrow and am telling myself that I will stick to it! Thank you for taking the time to read my post and offer your advice :) I like the sound of a reward system, too...I'll have to come up with some goals (in between my current weight and my goal weight). Maybe every 5 lbs lost I'll do something special.

    Totally agree with the rewards system! Make sure it's not a food reward - kind of defeats the purpose. I have something set up for every 10 pound loss (mani/pedi, hair appointment, facial, etc). One thing to remember is that you are awesome. Each time you make a healthy choice is a victory. You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • poodlenoodlemuffin
    poodlenoodlemuffin Posts: 23 Member
    Instead of telling yourself this is the heaviest you have ever been, try thinking of it as this is the heaviest WILL ever be.

    It will take time and effort. Some days you'll feel miserable and want to give up. Keep plugging on, take it one day at a time, and eventually you'll get to a point where all the exercise and sensible eating is just as much something you do without thinking as the bad habits are now.
  • salsxa
    salsxa Posts: 15 Member
    I got that "it hit me feeling" about 3 weeks ago and I felt horrible.
    Was at my heaviest and couldn't believe it took me so long to notice.

    I was down to a great happy weight and slowly it creeped up and I kept saying I will do something about it but of course I never did and hear I am 22 kilos (48pounds) over what I want to be.

    I finally decided to make a change, its a long and slow process but I just keep saying that the tortoise always wins the race!

    I plan all my meals, make a dedication to workout daily (starting is the hardest part but once I have started I love it) and know what my mini goals are as my biggest goal is huge and I can only handle it knowing there are small goals along the way :)
  • breesie11
    breesie11 Posts: 3,478 Member
    I was going through that struggle about a month ago. It turns into an ugly cycle in your head and its it HARD to get out of it. I finally made myself promise to just take it a day at a time and said that everyday, I was going to measure out everything I ate and log it., then I promised to stay within my calories, and now, I have a 31 day streak for logging my food. I have lost weight, but I don't weigh myself because the scale would derail me when I wouldn't see the results I wanted and I would start the cycle all over again. over the past month, I was able to get rid of a pair of pants because they were too big and I can fit into the next size down. Just start with logging everything you eat, and get as much exercise as you can, but you can alway add that in later. Once you start seeing and feeling the results, it will motivate you to keep going.
  • burnig
    burnig Posts: 2 Member
    I was doing the (what I call) hit the self destruct button for weeks until I decided enough was enough. I'm in my early sixties and want a long and healthy retirement. I've tried a number of diets which don't really work for me, I'm good to start with but after a few weeks I become bored with the routine/regime. A number of my co-workers had been to hypno therapy (now I'm not really a believer) and it had worked for some of them, I thought what have I go to lose other than a little cash...I gave it a try. I don't get what I call hypnotised but I do become really relaxed, and listen to the suggestions. The jury is still out on whether it's working or not, but what I have learned from the sessions is everything is my choice. I chose to become overweight I can choose to get to the right weight. Is this the switch other people refer to? It did feel like that.
    What I decided to do was build exercise INTO my daily routine, and cut down on unnecessary carbs (more later).
    I started parking my car as far away as I could in the office car park, when I wanted to use the toilet, I would use one at the opposite end of the building, if I needed to speak with someone I would walk rather than phone. Very small changes to start with, and it was hard at first, then it became a little easier. Next I parked my car away from the office car park, walked a little further etc. Now I park the car a mile away walk in walk about 2 miles at lunch and a mile back to the car, I still walk in the office, never use the lift (elevator) always the stairs. I'm prepared for the weather when I walk, I use apps on my iPhone, and very importantly listen to music while I walk, it's so motivating. In the past few weeks I've lost 11 pounds, feel 100% healthier and much much happier about myself, I'm more confident and much fitter, I'm still looking for a further 10-14lbs.
    Carbs, I was (or so I thought) eating a pretty healthy diet, but when I looked there were a lot of carbs in there. I've cut down on anything made with wheat or potatoes, cereals etc. I have found this has made me look at what vegetables I eat, and now I'm eating lots more, Google is a great place for inspiration on recipe ideas. A typical day would be, banana for breakfast, tuna salad, chicken with veg and maybe a little cheese in the evening. I only have wine on a friday night but still watch the intake. I don't spend ages thinking about what I'm eating either. I do weigh myself regularly (to start with) just to see the effects of what I have been eating are. However I take more notice of my belt to be honest, they are approaching the last hole, so something is working.
    The question for me is has the hypno therapy worked? I honestly don't know, maybe it's more to do with someone being honest with me and me at long last waking up to the threat of being overweight. I would say, it's up to you, you can do it, when you start it may well be tough, but with commitment it will get better over time, and honestly where I am now is a much much happier place than I was only 2 months ago...good luck:smile:
  • Thank you all so much for your words of advice! I have to say I am overwhelmed by the responses I am getting; I didn't expect so many people to take the time to write out advice. Reading all of your posts and words of encouragement have given me a more optimistic outlook, and I am motivated to start changing my life. It means more to me than you'll ever know to have this support. It's nice to know I'm not alone, and it's wonderful to hear from people who have actually been there, done that. I am sure I will go back to this topic again and again to remember all of your advice :) Here's a great big thank you!
  • FranStar93
    FranStar93 Posts: 7 Member
    Trust me at times i feel the same as you do. But you can always start NOW & make better healthier choices The best of luck to you babe and if u need motivation feel free to add me