Just Diagnosed with T2 Diabetes

Hello. My name is Chris. I am 5 11 and 257 pounds and was just diagnosed with T2 diabetes. I have a beautiful 9 year old daughter, an amazing girlfriend, and a job as a teacher I love. I have much to live for. I am interested in getting to know other people who are dealing with diabetes and working to reverse/manage their diabetes with lifestyle changes. Please friend me if you are looking for the same thing. :)


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    A horrible disease...My father-in-law's death because of it lit a fire under my wife and I to take charge of our health. Feel free to add me!
  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that. What was your A1C? Has your doctor referred you to a nutritionist?

    I am currently pre-diabetic. My initial A1C was 6.6% then after three months of diet and weight loss I was able to reduce it to 5.5%!
  • ImaHazelnut
    Hearing the words "You have diabetes" can be quite a shock, but it sounds like you are taking a positive approach. Wishing you all the best on your journey! :)
  • angcharmil
    angcharmil Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Hang in there , last year I got my sugars down from 28 to 6.2 , have had a lot of stress this year and Iam now doing it all again , I too work as a teacher ... would love to support you and bounce ideas of each other :smile: :
  • inneedofanap
    inneedofanap Posts: 63 Member
    Sorry you're dealing with this. I've been diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome that includes pre-diabetes. I'm having my A1C drawn Monday. Keeping my fingers crossed. Getting your weight down, as I'm sure you know, should be your best chance at keeping your disease in check. Good luck to you!
  • Nomoremrbigguy
    Nomoremrbigguy Posts: 16 Member
    Rachel, Wow - terrific! My initial A1C was 7%. I have only had one test. I haven't been referred to a nutritionist but I have been doing a lot of reading. What changes did you make in your diet?
  • Nomoremrbigguy
    Nomoremrbigguy Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you. :smile:, Ima
  • Nomoremrbigguy
    Nomoremrbigguy Posts: 16 Member
    Exer, I am still learning - when you say 28 to 6 do you mean A1C?
  • Nomoremrbigguy
    Nomoremrbigguy Posts: 16 Member
    Inneed, I wish you good health!
  • angcharmil
    angcharmil Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there, no that was my BSL but after 6 months of no processed food and walking everywhere my A1c was 6 lower than the recommended for diabetes . Good Luck
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Dude, been there. Watch Forks Over Knives if you would like to control it without meds. Friend me and I will help all I can.
  • GlucernaBrand
    Ask your doctor for a referral to a diabetes education program so that you can learn as much as possible about how to manage diabetes. Are you testing your blood sugar levels? That's an excellent way to learn how different foods, exercise, stress and sleep habits affect your blood sugar. You have a positive, I can do this attitude, and that's going to carry you far. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I don't have experience, but I just wanted to say good for you for looking to manage this through your lifestyle. Best of luck!
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 304 Member
    I have insulin resistance, diagnosed in March. I never did eat processed food or have a soda habit, but I did eat a lot of simple carbs. I have cut all simple carbs from my diet, anything white. Potatoes and rice, including brown rice, head right into sugar and spike fast. I feel so much better, I can't even begin to say how much. I've lost 33 of the 80 lbs I have to lose and this alone brought my blood pressure back to normal. I'll have blood work done again in Sept. to see how all of my other stats are.

    You can do this, it's not nearly as difficult as I thought. Add me if you want a bootcamp food buddy! I'll leave that up to you. :laugh:
  • handbagfan
    handbagfan Posts: 148 Member
    I don't have it, but my dad, Grandad and uncles all had it so I decided to start looking after myself as I'm over the big 50 (selfish huh?) Earlier this year my husband was diagnosed with it and we have been working hard to lose weight. Unfortunately he can't do very much exercise due to spinal issues and very bad Arthr. So I do know a little of what you're going through. You sound very positive and Yes you have a lot to look forward to. I also work in a school and although children and parents are kind / thoughtful its sooooo hard at term ends due to all the sweets, cakes and chocolates we get :smile: :tongue: Anyway just want to say I wish you good luck on your journey. :smile:
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. There's a Type II Diabetes support group on here that has been a fountain of strength for me. Let me FR you, then invite you into it.
  • TheRealNoodlette
    TheRealNoodlette Posts: 132 Member
    I have insulin resistance, diagnosed in March. I never did eat processed food or have a soda habit, but I did eat a lot of simple carbs. I have cut all simple carbs from my diet, anything white. Potatoes and rice, including brown rice, head right into sugar and spike fast. I feel so much better, I can't even begin to say how much. I've lost 33 of the 80 lbs I have to lose and this alone brought my blood pressure back to normal. I'll have blood work done again in Sept. to see how all of my other stats are.

    You can do this, it's not nearly as difficult as I thought. Add me if you want a bootcamp food buddy! I'll leave that up to you. :laugh:

    This is me too! I have cut out grains as well and eat mostly Paleo and it has made a huge difference in my life. I started my new lifestyle in March and I have lost 40 lbs since then. I joined this community a few days ago because I needed more support and it's been great!

    I have craved sweets for my entire life it seems, and I was trying to be "healthier" by eating things like dried fruit, but it really affected my bloodwork. I think the most important thing to do is to cut out sugar and simple carbohydrates first. There are lots of different methods of weight loss (nutritional ketosis, Weight Watchers, South Beach Diet), but for T2 and pre-diabetic types, it's really important to monitor our sugar intake. Watch Sugar: The Bitter Truth by Dr. Lustig:


    Good luck!
  • HeatherScottTN
    HeatherScottTN Posts: 65 Member
    You are right... You have LOTS of Great reasons to want to get healthier and Live Longer! You came to a Great place to start making yourself much more away of what you eat and how much. LOG Everything you eat. Put the app on your cell phone...mine has a great option when I"m looking up the food to scan the barcode on the item....speeds up the logging process and accuracy. I'm not a diabetes expert but there's lots to read online.

    I suggest you log your food so you become aware.

    Cut out all processed junk sugar (especially due to the diabetes)

    Cut out the bread, potatoes, corn, peas (especially due to the diabetes)

    buy as close to real whole food as possible

    Oh yea, just thought of this... check out the WHOLE 30 as a kick start consideration...

    Good Luck... well, actually, it's not luck.. it's work. Good Work to you! You CAN DO THIS! You have lots of reasons, take them serious. Invest in improving... it's a struggle. I just came back today... really want to make it happen this time. ya know!

    Let's do this... Health is our reward! One Choice at a time!
  • HeatherScottTN
    HeatherScottTN Posts: 65 Member
    Ok, so after I blah blah blah... I see you are logging your food already so good for you! CONGRATS on your weight loss already.... keep after it... the small choices, really do ADD up! You can do this....
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Rachel, Wow - terrific! My initial A1C was 7%. I have only had one test. I haven't been referred to a nutritionist but I have been doing a lot of reading. What changes did you make in your diet?

    I don't have diabetes but I have insulin resistance and hypoglycemia (I also take Metformin). Diet is similar for both diabetes and IR though.

    This is what my dietician told me:

    Keep processed foods at a minimum
    Avoid simple carbohydrates
    Complex carbohydrates only
    Never eat carbs alone- always pair with protein and fat
    Lots of veggies
    Berries have a lower carb/sugar content
    30 grams of carbs or less per meal
    15 grams of carbs or less per snack
    6 small meals a day or 3 larger meals with 2-3 snacks
    Eat every 3-4 hours
    Drink a lot of water- at least 11 cups a day
    No soda, juice, sugary coffee
    Minimal alcoholic beverages
    Protein, protein, and MORE PROTEIN

    By the way, I looked at your diary and your carb intake is WAYYY too high. As a male, your carb intake should be 180 grams a day or less in order to keep your blood sugar stable and prevent spikes. Also, start tracking protein in your food diary!!