Do you ever feel like you'll never lose the weight?

Idk, I know this is probably pretty common but it's so frustrating. I look in the mirror and just think I'll never have a toned athletic body no matter how much I work and eat right. I feel like it's from when I was a child and it's all the comments like 'it's just how you're built' and 'you're not fat just big boned' - it makes it feel like it's something you can never change!


  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Oh yes, all the time, especially when I'm in a yo-yo phase as I am now. But here's what I do: I don't care. (or I try at least). So what I say,, it's a new moment every moment, just keep forging ahead, fast or slow, forwards or sometimes backwards, and you'll make it. As Winston Churchil said: Never never never never never give up.
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    Yeah I feel like that. Even when I was smaller I still felt big, I have huge calves for some reason that refuse to go away. And a messed up back with lordosis so I'm funky shaped, but I figure I still have to try. It's been 2 weeks and I've lost nothing, but I might just be being too eager. :/ Just gotta calm down and work harder.
  • mrsKOrtiz
    mrsKOrtiz Posts: 949 Member
    I feel like that, all the time....
  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    My goal has always been a flat stomach. Even when I lose weight, that's the elusive 'it will never happen' area. I feel like this all the time. Sometimes you just have to trust the process and keep going. I love my body and I treat it well, flat stomach or not. That's how I know I'll get it someday.

    Losing weight in the beginning can be frustrating because you read that you should lose about a pound a week or so (generally), and you think "Well I have 50 pounds to lose, that's a whole freaking year". It makes you feel like you have to wait a whole year to be happy with yourself. However, the part you realize over time, and the part you have to appreciate, is how much better you feel Every Single Day. The progress, the clothes fitting better, the medical conditions fading, all of it. Even when you're not at goal, you'll find yourself loving what you're seeing and the progress you're making.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    I feel like that, all the time....

    Every day
  • mixedbag4444
    mixedbag4444 Posts: 189 Member
    My goal has always been a flat stomach. Even when I lose weight, that's the elusive 'it will never happen' area. I feel like this all the time. Sometimes you just have to trust the process and keep going. I love my body and I treat it well, flat stomach or not. That's how I know I'll get it someday.

    Losing weight in the beginning can be frustrating because you read that you should lose about a pound a week or so (generally), and you think "Well I have 50 pounds to lose, that's a whole freaking year". It makes you feel like you have to wait a whole year to be happy with yourself. However, the part you realize over time, and the part you have to appreciate, is how much better you feel Every Single Day. The progress, the clothes fitting better, the medical conditions fading, all of it. Even when you're not at goal, you'll find yourself loving what you're seeing and the progress you're making.

    Wow this was very inspirational! I should keep this in mind
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    I feel like that until I try something on that used to be tight and now it fits, or when I see old pictures of myself versus more recent pictures. It's then that I see how far I've come. Progress is made when you put in consistent effort.
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Yup. Though in my case it's "I'll never get back to how I was" as I was slim, fit and strong all my life until second child came along. As that was nearly seventeen years ago I can no longer blame pregnancy fat :noway:

    I have become the serial dieter that my Mother was and I hate it and can't believe it's me. But it is and all I can do now is crack on and keep at it. The laws of less in than goes out has to pay off at some point!

    As He1loKitty says, keep trying on clothes and feel that bit of looseness, be it in a sleeve, trouser leg, or waistband.

    You're on here, you're committed, therefore it will happen :drinker:
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,303 Member
    that is the same voice that is trying to get you to reach for the donut. don't listen. of course you will get there. the human body is amazing. It is just weight and we all can lose it…just lke we can gain. and we can also shape our bodies through exercise and lifting weights.:

    go to the success thread and look at all the people who have done it.:flowerforyou: