How often do you weigh yourself?



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I weigh myself every Sunday morning first thing after I wake up, (well, second thing technically, after using the restroom, heh) wearing the exact same thing every single time.

    In the last few months, I've added a Wednesday morning, (same routine as above) check-in, but don't allow myself to jump on the scale any other time, no matter how much I want to.

    The only deviation from that was for about 19 days during the holidays where I was still tracking every bite, but being a bit looser with my calories and not working out. During that time I weighed myself almost every morning. More for the sake of interest then anything. I was intrigued by the general daily ups and downs and how much my weight could actually fluctuate during but still ultimately come out the same in the end.
  • Great topic! I am obsessive about weighing myself, and want to every day..Unfortunately, I will get depressed when I don't see any weight loss or see weight increase due to bloating, menustrating, etc..And that sticks in my head the whole day..So, I finally had my boyfriend hide the damn thing. He said I can have it back in a week!
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    I weigh myself daily. But I weigh in on Tuesdays (recording my weight on MFP)
  • lucky48
    lucky48 Posts: 65 Member
    Great topic! I am obsessive about weighing myself, and want to every day..Unfortunately, I will get depressed when I don't see any weight loss or see weight increase due to bloating, menustrating, etc..And that sticks in my head the whole day..So, I finally had my boyfriend hide the damn thing. He said I can have it back in a week!

    I'm that same way. I'm very competitive and I will dwell on things. If I don't see any progress, I get frustrated and depressed and then that just drives me to insanity, where I do things in excess trying to make things happen. Yes, my personality can easily lead to an eating disorder so I have to be careful.
  • beano25
    beano25 Posts: 10
    I weigh in every Friday morning. My wife and I have our weekly "cheat meal" every Friday night, so that gives me all week to work it off. :)

    What a great idea !!!!
  • I Weigh in every morning before drinking or eating anything.
  • urmyeffinstar
    urmyeffinstar Posts: 57 Member
    Once a week, Friday mornings :) Sometimes, if I feel like I am having a bad week and I need some reassurance, I will weigh myself on a Wednesday or something.
  • I used to weigh daily but theirs too much fluctuation day to I do a weekly weigh in every Thursday morning as soon as I get up and after a wee visit to the loo. :happy:
  • fixpc
    fixpc Posts: 21
    every day at the same time 9:00am but post my numbers every 3 days
  • tinaloveshotpants
    tinaloveshotpants Posts: 17 Member
    like it lol
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    I weigh myself daily to keep in check but I dont agonize over the number as I know day to day we hold water etc. Although I way myself everyday I generally concentrate on my Sundays weight!

    Ditto, but I focus on Friday mornings number.
  • missindepndnt86
    missindepndnt86 Posts: 77 Member
    I weigh once a week. Monday morning when I first wake up, after I've gone to the bathroom and naked right before I jump in the shower. It seems to be the easiest way to get an accurate weight because each time I haven't eaten beforehand and I've emptied my body.

    Good luck!!
  • Wow!
    Thanks so much for the quick responses.
    Monday's in the morning it is!
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