Young mom of 2. Baby is one time to get ME back!

Momanjb Posts: 15 Member
I've had 2 pregnancies that resulted in large weight gains. Already lost 30lbs since feb. But want to kick it up a notch before we start expecting #3 s arrival. Hoping to really get back into the healthy lifestyle so I don't have to do this after every baby


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Way to go on the weight loss so far! I would love to help encourage you. Feel free to add me.
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    wow good for you!! I have a 9 month old baby, and I want to lose the baby weight before I start trying again (let's not be silly, I"m not particularly fertile to say the least so I will have a long while to wait!) but i don't want to start a pregnancy overweight.... I have 17lbs to lose before the 25 October... Not sure I going to get there, but I'm trying pretty damn hard!

    If you want, you can add me, I'm happy to join you along the journey
  • Momanjb
    Momanjb Posts: 15 Member
    Yea pregnancy sucks for me too. Took 18 months to conceive the 1yr old. We've been trying since he was 3 months old. Always wanted my kids close together but it doesn't always work that way!... I use to run everyday and loved being fit. Felt amazing and sexy, and met my husband. Both if us gained relationship weight and both of us gained baby weight. Now both of us are trying to lose together. My kids deserve a healthy active fun mom and my husband deserves a sexy healthy partner (although he loves me like crazy no matter how I look and supports me) but most of all I want that healthy feeling of being the only mom to keep up with my babies at the playground, and the confidence to pull of that snug shirt that clings to my non existent baby belly flab.