I am the woman in the freeweights section of the gym



  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    I have had a couple younger guys tell me I have great form on my squat, and let me say that is better than getting carded for alcohol!!

    Amen to that!

    I've worked with a trainer for a few months with basic/lighter weights, but just started out on NROWLFW and I love it. I work out very early so there are not many people in the gym - but I feel very confident walking in there and getting it done. I have to smile some days when it's just me (fat 40 yr old mom of 4) with the two 19 yr old college guys home for the summer.

    I do need to conquer the actual squat rack though - I have been using a barbell but now at 40/50 lbs I need to rack! So Friday, I conquer the rack!
  • hayleylouise9699
    hayleylouise9699 Posts: 146 Member
    I've been lifting weights since I was in my.last to year at secondary school with the support from my Dad and brother.

    I've not looked back since. I often hear women talking about how lifting weights makes you look butch. This isnt the case and I find it really frustrating.

    If your lacking confidence maybe train with a friend? Give it a week and your have the bug.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I'm new to the thread as well, and I greatly prefer heavy weight lifting over cardio, been doing it for a while now. I've been an athlete most of my life so I never considered weights a "men's" thing. If I can pick it up and put it down then it's my thing. Heavy lifting has done wonders for this lady.

    Just saw a girl the other day press nearly 800lbs. Go out there and do it, ladies.

    My heroine!! :heart:

    And ladies....the MENs weight room? :huh: Get in there and show them how its done :bigsmile:
  • PtheronJr
    PtheronJr Posts: 108 Member
    I kid you not. She was spotted by 4 men.

    I'm trying to do math on how many plates that is. SHEESH that thing must have been maxed out. Our leg press will only accommodate 12 plates on the sides, and 4 up top.

    It's a leg press, you can have like a 1/10th range of motion, where the weight is set up at an incline with a leverage that means you're only technically lifting around 70% of the weight, and it's at an optimal angle to move the weight with no stabilization required from your body.
    Quoting leg press numbers is freaking pointless.

    EDIT: Everyone, post your Smith machine bench press and assisted pull up reps.
  • pamd66
    pamd66 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree
  • Venividivici2014
    Venividivici2014 Posts: 15 Member
    I started lifting in January and was terrified of looking stupid in the weights room as I go to a body builders gym. However I got the owner to show me a few things and felt better with him around. I then got myself some wireless headphone s and took my phone so I could look things up on YouTube if I was struggling with how to do something. I looked up workout plans online to give me a guide.

    At first I wasn't taken seriously and it really bugged me with guys asking if I needed help re racking my weights... Arghhhhhh. Now the owner trains me once a week and I'm squatting at a personal best of 210lbs and on my way to achieving my goal of 10 pull ups! Woop. I FEEL GREAT! I've dropped nearly 10% body fat and am so much more confident.

    It no longer bothers me walking into the weight room as I see the same faces regularly and feel more 'accepted' . I stick my headphones on and ignore everyone as they do me.

    I'd encourage all women to give it a try as you will never regret it. Sure the first few weeks are super awkward as most men look at you like they have never seen a woman in the weights room before.. But that is their problem! Strong girls rock!
  • jimboodee2
    jimboodee2 Posts: 26 Member
    This is a great post thanks. I have recently put quite a bit of weight on but am on a good diet now and doing classes etc but really want to get into the weights again I used to do it when I was a lot younger and it feels good. But cos of my increase in weight I feel quite anxious about going into the weights section of the gym.. And thought maybe better to do once I have lost my 1st stone. I need to pluck up the courage and just go... I will have a read of the book also. Thanks again x
  • Jonesie1012
    Jonesie1012 Posts: 14 Member
    Such a great post! I used to feel comfortable in the freeweights section, but since I've gotten so out of shape lately, I'm self-conscious EVERYWHERE in the gym. Just have to suck it up, go on, and know each day I'm there, I'm getting better and stronger than the day before. I'm also the girl with her shirt soaked front & back, sweat running down every part of her body, and having to wipe up the puddles on every bench she sits on. The gym isn't the place to go looking "pretty," it's where you go to get healthy and confident so you feel attractive everywhere else.
  • aryaesque
    aryaesque Posts: 2 Member
    the worst thing is when you can't for the life of you find a gym with a freeweights section in your area. my gym has a tiny "freeweights" section that is basically just one bench with the bar on a rail and some dumbbells, so i do most of my training on the other machines.

    because the area is so tiny, it's also usually fully packed, and it's not that i don't dare to go work out next to the guys, it's just that i find it uncomfortable to be physically surrounded on all sides and having to wait to use the racks and... taking up space and time with my sets and making others wait for me.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I love the free weight section. They are really concerned with themselves. They are helpful too!! They have given me great lifting advice.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    At first I was a bit "cautious", but hey, I pay my membership just like them, I have no problem going up there! I'm in this for me! Seriously, most of the time the men are pretty helpful.
    Thanks for this post.
  • kjstaley70
    kjstaley70 Posts: 15 Member
    My gym has a very open area where machines are close to the free weight section. After working with a personal trainer for a length of time I feel quite comfortable walking over and taking up space with the free weights. I feel as if I push myself harder by using the free weights, which in turn has done a better job of defining muscle. I know it is not always comfortable to have to squeeze in when the men are taking up residence but I have found that no one man or woman minds making space for anyone who wants to work out!
  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    I joined a new gym at the end of May (that I LOVE!) and I've always seen the occasional woman in the free weight section with me so I never even put much thought into being a woman in there. Last night (I also went later than normal so the usual people weren't there) I realized I was the only one benching and using dumbbells, the only other female in the section was speaking to her boyfriend (by their mannerisms I assume their in a relationship). Once I realized I was the only female working out in that section I actually got a sense of pride about it. I love lifting, I love picking up weights from the week before and realizing they are too light this week and reach for the next set up. It's an amazing feeling and I don't care who else is working out in that section, as long as we aren't in each other's way, I don't think they care either :)
  • SammieJustMe
    Last week I was at the free weight section with my friend. And there were 3 guys making fun of the woman in the section. They made really rude comments and were laughing at everything we did. Not only to me and my friend, but also at other woman there.

    THIS was exactly the reason I didn't want to go there before.

    It's a good thing I train there at least 2 times a week and it never happend before. But if it would be the first time I probably never would go back.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Get it girls. I can squat more than my 220 lb boyfriend and he brags about that to people. Benching is another story, a sad story :sad: but I keep at it even though it feels impossible sometimes.
  • megacoco
    megacoco Posts: 32
    I remember being really intimidated at first. So I went during a quiet time at the gym to get used to it. Once you keep at it you realize most people don't really care what anyone else is doing at the gym so long as they're not hurting themselves. Sure you'll get the occasional jerk... all the more motivation to work harder and lift more than them :D
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I just "mean mug" all the men and I get anything I want LOL I don't have issues with the men at my gym. If I have an issue I will do like I do at work...and it isn't taking them to HR.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Get it girls. I can squat more than my 220 lb boyfriend and he brags about that to people. Benching is another story, a sad story :sad: but I keep at it even though it feels impossible sometimes.

    I can bench 40 lbs and that's it. I have am not good balancing the bar. I need to spend more time on the bench to get better. :grumble:
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I was really self conscious in the gym at first, although I knew what to do as I do it at home. Always the intimidation thing. But then I found a gym I am really comfortable in, all the people so nice it's makes all the difference. I am normally the only girl in the weight room but all the blokes are doin there own thing.

    Even yesterday one was talking about what I was doin, I said I was bulking at the mo and think he was quite shocked. I said I had been training off and on for ages but seriously want to build now. He said whatever your doin it's working. Ahh :)