Looking for friends and motivators!

Hey all,

I used to be in pretty good physical shape. I varsity wrestled all through high school and joined the army as soon as i graduated. Unfortunately numerous injuries and unexpected things happened in my home life which caused me to find sanctuary in alcohol and food.. sadly not the good kind. I had to take leave from the military and have not passed a physical fitness test in quite some time. I recently moved to escape the shame I felt showing up to my old unit looking the way I do. I am now looking for a new unit to transfer to but am at risk of being discharged due to my weight. I have decided to grab ahold of my life and mend loose ends to hopefully build a better future. I have signed up to a gym, and have use MFP once before and had great success with it. I feed off of the motivation of others and reciprocate it. I just wanted to introduce and share a bit about myself in hopes to find people who would like to be part of my daily transformation and who would like to bounce ideas and motivation off of.



  • Mikameii
    Mikameii Posts: 6 Member
    One, thank you for your service! And I think you've made a HUGE step on admitting the problem is food, and drinking. I'm in the same boat and never realized I ate when I was angry. But I did.
    I would be honored to help, and to be a fitness buddy! Exciting!
  • ObeseVeteran
    Of course! i added you back :) lets get this done together. my goal is no walk in the park though lol the first goal is 55lbs and then the finishing goal will be an additional 35. that will be the extremely hard part.
  • Fatty2Sexy14
    add me:)