Starting over...again...

Hi everyone!!!
I've been on MFP for a while and just haven't been able to keep up the momentum. I'll do ok for a few days here and there but really haven't been able to find that motivation again. I need to get serious so tomorrow I am hoping to try again and really would like some advice or even just encouragement to help me get it together and stop with the excuses and really do it this time! Thanks I really appreciate it...this is definitely something that needs to happen I don't understand why I can't just stick with it.



  • Wow I think you wrote my post. I have tried this several times over a couple of years and I can tell you it works when I stick to it. I am going to start over again tomorrow and try to stick with it this time. Feel free to send me a friend request if you want. I think the more people I am accountable to the more likely I will stick with it. Good luck!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Two years ago I was doing great. I lost fifty pounds. Then, I gave up. I just got burned out on my lifestyle of diet and exercise, and no one noticed anyway. I felt like I was doing all this work, and I wanted some external recognition. I suppose I need to keep the focus on my health. I am terrified of being diabetic. It runs in my family.

    I know what I need to just exhausts me. They say exercise is good for depression, now, if only I was not too depressed to even care.

    What really annoyed me today was reading about Tosca Reno...she lost all this weight, I bought her book, and was reading it to get motivated, until I got to the page where she was UNEMPLOYED when she lost weight. She had tons of time for the gym. Can I quit my two jobs this week to focus on my diet and exercise program? Give me a break.

    Just cynical and bitter.

    I am going to make a goal to go to the gym once this week. I think I can do that.
  • I got a restart this week. Despite the fact I hired a trainer two years ago and have worked with him three times a week with strenuous cardio and weights, cut out gluten after diagnosed with allergy and eat very healthfully.... I put on 12 pounds this past year!!!! Aargh!!!! I'm doing Ideal protein and I'm still in the fence as it is terrible and processed. I'm thinking my love of wine has helped pack on the pounds. So I am in the same boat with you guys. We can do this! I'm all about accountability if you want to work on keeping each other motivated.
  • Teach381
    Teach381 Posts: 22
    I am SOOO right there with you! I lost 65 pounds back in 2009....and now am back to my starting weight. I teach school, so I keep telling myself it will get easier once I'm on my regular schedule, and have more activity added back into my day. Sometimes it's helpful even just to come here for a few minutes and read just how many people are on this journey with us. :) The important thing is that you are thinking about it and making steps toward your goal. We'll get there :)
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    1 piece of advice - change your mindset before anything - "hoping to try again" - nha!
  • JamieK84
    JamieK84 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in exactly the same situation. I'll log and do well for a few days here and there, but I always lose motivation. I lost 50 lbs back in 2012 using MFP and have since gained it all back. It's so frustrating. I'm getting back into the groove tomorrow. My motivation is: 1) I'm turning 30 in December and don't want to enter my 30s being so overweight and unhealthy, and 2) I booked my very first cruise for May of next year, so I have about 9 months to get in shape - I don't want to waste my vacation worrying about how I look. Anyway, just wanted you to know I'm right there with you!
  • pamm7916
    pamm7916 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started over again too. Right now doing good and feeling motivated. Looking in the mirror will do that for me. I am so sick of this extra weight. I too am worried about diabetes 2, I am pre diabetic. Planning to stay motivated and lose this weight. We can do this!
  • You posted exactly what I was thinking. I am starting over for like the 100th time but this is the first time I am using MyFitnessPal soI hope to stick to it.
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    Hi there!

    My advice: don't try to be perfect. Its okay if you come and go as long as you always return. For some people a high level of commitment comes easy, for others it doesn't. By thinking in this way it sets you up to feel disappointed in yourself which is one of the most unhelpful feelings. I think weight loss and healthy habits are fuelled by positive reinforcement - not by guilt and shame.

    So, I think you should come and go as you please, but try your best, and always come back here by default. Ride the wave of motivation and do the best you can for as long as you can, if you slip up, thats great it means your human - like the rest of us!
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    Also I forgot to add - the great thing about MFP is that it gives you flexibility to eat how ever you want within a certain calorie limit. Thats not to say you should eat crap. BUT it means that you need to find food that you ENJOY eating, and also fit in your day. So don't force yourself into plain chicken breast, dry toast, and steamed broccoli if it doesn't appeal to you don't eat it!

    But remember its summer so seasonal, local fruits and veggies are ACTUALLY delicious right now so take advantage while you can!

    You can do it :flowerforyou:
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    1. I think you should look at why you weren't successful. My downfall is perfection or nothing. It doesn't work for me. I gave it up. I'm now doing much better and have learned tenacity is what pays off not perfection.

    2. Find ways to make it fit you NOW - not the you that you want to be. Keep the changes close to your norm so they aren't crazy uncomfortable and unsustainable. You can keep adding changes as you go. In fact I advise people to start right where they are. Log a couple of days without any changes first - then look for what you might improve a little. Start tweaking.

    3. Find activity you enjoy. If it's "work" or "exercise" to you - it's probably feeling negative. I've come to love jogging. Can't do it much, but it sure motivates me to go try because I'm loving it. There is no ONE exercise - just find a starting exercise that you can look forward to.

    4. First recommended tweak is to move a little bit at least and get under your calorie recommendation (which should not be a measly 1200 calories - even perfect people are hungry at that level).
  • svelt123
    svelt123 Posts: 173 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You can do it! Welcome back! It's okay this has happened to many of us. Just never quit! What is great is that you are still willing to continue to try. You know what to do.
  • wibblywobblymom
    wibblywobblymom Posts: 22 Member
    Wow thank you all so much for your responses of advice and encouragement it all means a lot to me. That's what I missed the most about this site is having people that know exactly what you're dealing with and can offer their support! Thank you all again so much!
  • mbabate
    mbabate Posts: 3
    I just completed my first week with MFP after gaining and losing the same weight for years. It's so frustrating. It really helps to read of others who are in the same boat. Good luck on your journey and let us know how you're doing.
  • sarahjanescobie
    sarahjanescobie Posts: 43 Member

    I was same, joined March 2014, even lost 17lb but just lost all motivation and gained it all back. Even Joined slimming world but its not for me. Now my motivation has came back 9lb is off and I'm still here ready to lose the other 61lb that's just hanging off me! I have started doing 20 mins on my cross trainer every day and will get to gym when hubby is on days off (I have 3 young kids so that's the only time I get to go)! We will get there, stay positive. I have set myself mini goals instead of focusing on the big number so right now im focusing on a 5lb loss by the end of August! I also put a pic of me as am just now inside my kitchen cupboard and a pic of what I want to look like, it seems to stop me from reaching for the biscuit tin!! Good luck to you and feel free to add me, I will support you as best as I can, I log everyday and my food diary is open to friends. :-)
  • wibblywobblymom
    wibblywobblymom Posts: 22 Member
    Kellyskittles: I also struggle with the whole "perfection or nothing" mentality which I know is my biggest issue . I feel like if I don't eat completely healthy food and exercise perfectly than I'm not making progress even though from my experience before I know even small steps make a difference. It's just getting my brain back in that mindset completely.

    Also I am a stay at home mom to my daughter and my boyfriends two girls which I know from working full time before means I have complete control over what I make and eat during the day, which is awesome however also sitting at home all the time can make temptation to overeat and be lazy hard to overcome so it has it's pros and cons...I got a membership to a gym and have only been once...I think my main thing right now is just maintaining the motivation to do this every day and not screw up.

    I also struggle with binge eating in the evenings after I've had a perfect day I'll sit down to relax and just end up letting it all go to hell because I convince myself it's ok I'll just try again yeah I know what my problems are I can write them all out to you plain as day here so I know what I'm doing wrong I just don't understand why I can't stick with it. I think I had my most success when I was active on this site so that's one thing I'm going to work on to make myself accountable for what I'm doing so I def am all for friends and motivators to do this together :)

    Again I really appreciate everyone's support! Today's my first day doing this so I'm gonna really try and do it today!
  • Decide what you want more! What you want now..or what you want most! I say that to myself all the time. Especially when i'm having a craving for something that would ruin my diet! The ice cream only tastes good for two minutes and the guilt lasts all day and then the next day when the scale didn't budge lol.