Haven't Exercised for Years, Please Advise?!

Hello Everyone,

Current Weight = 12 Stone 4 Pounds (172lbs / 78kgs), Goal Weight = 9 stone 7 pounds (133lbs / 60.3kgs).

I've lost my first 10 pounds (4.5kg) without exercising, but I've reached a weight loss plateau, and haven't lost anything for a month :sad: .

I didn't exercise for the first 10lbs of weight loss, I just had a total of 1,200 calories/day.

I know I need to start exercising, but I can't do anything outdoors. Anybody got any suggestions for indoor/home exercises please? After reading the posts here it seems strength training is important, whatever that is????

Also, should I increase my calorie intake once I start exercising?

Many thanks



  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    One may want to consider eating a bit more sometimes eating too little will cause a plateau. Everything everyone is saying is go for strong lifting over cardio. Me I'm adding in cardio first but I'm not cleared to lift either. Get a trainer who knows the correct forms etc. if you go with lifting as that can cause some serious damage very easily.
  • MillyWeeble
    Thanks for your reply Shabaity...I really want to avoid going to a gym, but thanks for your suggestions :smile:
  • skinnymini2552
    Start out by doing something you love (that's exercise but you wouldn't necessarily look at it that way). For example, I've always loved to dance but am NOT a fan of working out and/or the gym whatsoever. So what I've done is made it a habit to dance for at least an hour everyday. Another thing you could try is riding a bike or going up some flight of stairs (in your own home!) several times and/or making it a habit to do 25 squats in the shower. Lol I know the last one sounds weird but no worries, you shouldn't fall or get hurt and the exercise will actually make you want to decrease the water temperature (and of course cold showers are better for you internally as well as externally :)
  • JenniJen26
    YouTube is the BEST for online, at home, and FREE workout videos. Everything from yoga to simple strength and cardio is there. Whatever you do, set an appointment to exercise and don't miss it much the way you would do with your doctor and make sure it is something you enjoy so that you will start to look forward to it. Best of luck!
  • MillyWeeble
    Many thanks for your suggestions Skinnymini255 , and I think the squats idea is brilliant :laugh: These are things I can easily do at home, especially the dancing! Rather than a chore, you've made it sound like fun :smile:
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Thanks for your reply Shabaity...I really want to avoid going to a gym, but thanks for your suggestions :smile:

    Well avoiding the gym can always do body weight work outs I've used this one before http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/ The blog is hilarious I've determined I'm a dwarf. :laugh:
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    Start out by doing something you love (that's exercise but you wouldn't necessarily look at it that way). For example, I've always loved to dance but am NOT a fan of working out and/or the gym whatsoever. So what I've done is made it a habit to dance for at least an hour everyday. Another thing you could try is riding a bike or going up some flight of stairs (in your own home!) several times and/or making it a habit to do 25 squats in the shower. Lol I know the last one sounds weird but no worries, you shouldn't fall or get hurt and the exercise will actually make you want to decrease the water temperature (and of course cold showers are better for you internally as well as externally :)

    Yes! When i started I did semi planks off my kitchen counter, and sitting leg lifts. Stairs r awesome. Anything that makes u sweat!
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    Hi, Milly!

    My advice is that you start slowly. Don't start at 100 reps up and down stairs; it is difficult at this point. This results in discouragement.

    Better: start with a small number--perhaps 10 at first. Increase this amount slowly as your endurance allows.

    Stretch first, and remember the water.

    Also, there are workout videos (there might even be programs on TV to get started with).

    And don't discount the exercise from little things, like cleaning house.
  • faeglenn
    faeglenn Posts: 1 Member
    If you don't have money for a trainer and a gym and don't like exercising outdoors (hiking season is on right now, and walking in the country can be an awesome experience), you can always just follow along with some basic cardio routine videos on YouTube or elsewhere! I really like this collection, and they're always coming out with more stuff:


    Just start at your own pace and find something that works for you! I do the kickboxing videos they put out, but they have a lot of options to choose from. The point is to burn calories if you're going down in weight (weight loss happens when your calorie intake is less than your calories spent), so cardio is going to be your friend there (running, kickboxing, heart-pumping activities). But for all-over health, doing some strength training is a great option. There are also many videos for this, but I would just suggest starting out on something attainable that you can start doing every day. Start with squats (search YouTube for proper form), push ups (knees are okay, I won't judge!), dips (you can use a chair for this), and bicycle crunches or similar for abs.

    If you just start forming a habit of doing some basic strength training every day, it will be easier to start learning more about what different exercises do for different parts of your body! If you're getting in to strength training and cardio, you can keep your diet at a place that feels good to you but still results in a calorie deficit. You might feel super hungry after a hard workout day, and it's fine to eat a little more (your body needs fuel to keep doing body stuff), just make sure you are making healthy decisions and not overeating to the point of ruining your calorie goal for the day. My Fitness Pal's Exercise diary is pretty accurate when it comes to calorie burning, so you can always enter your exercises in for the day to see what you can eat.

    If you get more into strength training and want to start seeing some definition, make sure you are eating plenty of protein. You can continue working at a caloric deficit, but you need to make sure you are getting proper protein (eggs, fish, rice and beans, whatever) in order to keep your muscles going. I would also recommend eating lots of leafy greens, like, spinach and kale, which are crazy good for you.

    Anyway, I'll end my novel here. If you've got the funds, joining a gym and grabbing a trainer can sometimes make the difference when it comes to motivation, but it's not the only option out there. There is a great online community for getting started in exercising! I have been on http://www.reddit.com/r/loseit and they're super supportive.

    Good luck!
  • MillyWeeble
    I didn't even think of looking at YouTube JenniJen26, I thought you'd have to pay for everything...many thanks for the tip, I'm straight off for a look :happy:

    ...and what a great way to view your exercise, as you say, like setting an appointment with your Dr, works for me, thanks again!
  • judy11351
    judy11351 Posts: 33 Member
    I have read on this site of Leslie Sansone and her Walk Away The Pounds for Beginners videos. There are some free ones on you tube or you can buy them at Wal-mart or online.
  • MillyWeeble
    Wow! Many thanks for taking the time to provide so much information Faeglenn, it's very much appreciated :happy: ...and thanks for the links, I'm looking at 'fitness blender' and this is exactly what I was looking for! I'm ahead of the game, I've got a workout mat already :laugh:

    Many thanks to everyone who has replied: Shabaity, Eomuno, and Gidzmo too, brilliant stuff :happy:
  • MillyWeeble
    Cheers Judy11351, I've just googled the name and found some videos, thanks for the suggestion :smile:
  • VitaminAmy
    VitaminAmy Posts: 130 Member
    I love Fitness Blender and the Walk at Home videos on YouTube.
    If you have Amazon Prime, there are some workout videos to view for free on there too!
  • MillyWeeble
    Hi Vitaminamy, I'm just watching a 'Walk at Home' video. I've never heard of them before and it looks so doable!

    I'm definitely attempting this for the first (gentle) introduction into exercise, dare I say, I'm even looking forward to it now :noway: :happy:
  • d4rkkn16ht
    d4rkkn16ht Posts: 77 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Current Weight = 12 Stone 4 Pounds (172lbs / 78kgs), Goal Weight = 9 stone 7 pounds (133lbs / 60.3kgs).

    I've lost my first 10 pounds (4.5kg) without exercising, but I've reached a weight loss plateau, and haven't lost anything for a month :sad: .

    I didn't exercise for the first 10lbs of weight loss, I just had a total of 1,200 calories/day.

    I know I need to start exercising, but I can't do anything outdoors. Anybody got any suggestions for indoor/home exercises please? After reading the posts here it seems strength training is important, whatever that is????

    Also, should I increase my calorie intake once I start exercising?

    Many thanks

    Yoga/Pilates is good for indoor exercise. Try to find beginners videos if you've never tried yoga/pilates.
    If you have a stairway in your house it's a great tool for exercising.
    Try repetitions of going up & down the stairway then increase the repetitions each 2 days to add challenges.

    Sit-ups/push-ups/Jumping-jacks are also great for indoor.
    Sit-ups will tone your waist.
    Push-ups will tone your upper arms+chest muscles.
    Jumping jack will tone your lower+upper feet.
    All of these will also help you losing weight.
    Start by doing 3 repetitions of 5 push-ups/sit-ups/jumping-jacks then increase it each 2 days (or until you are ready) to add more challenges

    For more challenges try boxing/kick-boxing with/without sandbag.
    Find videos about it so it can help you doing your exercise.
    Boxing/kick-boxing can burn around 500 - 1000 calories in 50 minutes.
    It can also boost your confident & give you a little self defense knowledge.
  • FlanJamz
    FlanJamz Posts: 15
    If you want to do strength training but hate lifting weights, the Bar Method is good. They have DVDs you can buy and an online deal to stream classes (I haven't done it as I'm lucky to be near a studio, so I don't know how good the online streaming thing is.) Anyway, I HATE anything to do with weight lifting and I'm not a big yoga fan, so this works for me.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Try eating more. A lot of people here (myself included) have had success with the paradoxically effective "eat more to lose weight" method.

    MFP is quite notorious for setting calorie goals FAR too low, regardless of height and weight. For example, it told me to eat 1200, and my BMR (the bare amount of calories I need to LIVE) is 1280. And I am extremely tiny, only 5 feet. So unless you are smaller than me, or bedridden, it is almost a CERTAINTY that you are eating too little. (This can result in lean muscle loss, chronic fatigue, metabolism damage, and bingeing due to over-restriction.)

    Go to


    and enter your height/weight/activity level.

    Subtract 10-20% from the number it calculates for you, and that is the number of calories you should be eating a day in order to lose weight. With this method you do not eat back your exercise calories, as they are already figured into your daily goal.
  • MillyWeeble
    Thanks for the great advice D4rkknl16ht and FlanJamz :smile: I'll certainly look into what you've suggested in a few weeks time, or as soon as I've become warmed up to doing exercises.

    Further to your advice and link AllOutof_Bubb, I've decided to up my calorie intake. I must admit that at 1,200 calories/day I was getting serious hunger pangs, which made me want to binge, gladly I resisted, but I think they were too low...many thanks for the advice and links, much appreciated :happy: