Please help I'm sabotaging my weight loss

Hi all I need help - I embarked on a year long weight loss scheme and have lost about 15 kgs. Up until 3 weeks ago I was disciplined and had such self control. I ate roughly 1500-2000 calories per day and worked out daily,
However 3 weeks ago I started eating everything in sight, I can't stop my self, I get up in the middle of the night and eat toast. It's not because I'm hungry at all, or bored. Doing something else doesn't work

I have put on 7 kgs in 3 weeks and now am consuming 3000-4000 calories per day (on a good day, sometimes more) I have for the first time in my life developed a "sweet tooth" . I crave food to the point where it's becoming obsessive, i will become fixated with something and have to have it, and I've tried eating healthy stuff but I just end up eating more as in the end I'll eat it anyway
I still work out at the gym 7 days a week, and usually run about 5-9 km per day (as well as others)

I don't know what to do, I am literally ruining all my hard work.
Please give me som ticks or trips ppl have... Has any one else been in the same position? If so how do you stop ?


  • scb515
    scb515 Posts: 133 Member
    If you've suddenly doubled your intake, I'd be inclined to get checked out by your doctor as we're not talking a few extra hundred calories here. On a related note, are you on any medication at the moment? It may be that it's stopped being suitable for you and you need to change to a different brand/strength.

    Your diary is closed - have you changed the type of food you eat recently? Some things are just empty calories for me - I could binge on them and not feel full. Take a look at how your macros have moved.

    I don't really deny myself anything, but I do enforce portion control - I find prelogging can help with that.

    Best of luck in moving past this blip.
  • hi there, im eating what i usually eat, however im now eating cake, pizza, cookies, lollies and chocolate - i dont keep things like that in the house, however ive started making cakes and eating half the raw mixture
    its insane, the doctor put me on an anti-d over a month ago however i only took it for a week and came off it.

    the other night i was so full i was almost sick, however after an hour or so i got up out of bed and made a triple cheese deep fried wrap - i would never in my life eat something like that, however now i cant stop
    I think your right, i might book in to see my doctor - thanks heaps :smile:
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    The anti-d probably caused it -- those things make people crave crazy carbs.
    What else changed in your life in the last three or four weeks?

    Go outside and work on your sun tan--- I am serious. Some vitamin D will make you feel better and the sun will help you sleep.

    Do something different. Anything to break up the pattern.

    Good luck.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Your diary isn't open so I can't tell for sure. What kind of a diet were you on before you started binging? Were you restricting yourself and avoiding any particular food group like carbs, sugary products or junk food etc.? I often see that the more I try to eliminate something from my diet, the more I am inclined to just binge on that item a few weeks later.

    You can also look at your caloric intake. If you are restricting yourself too much in hopes to lose weight fast, that could result in your body craving for extra food. So if you only need to lose like 20-30 lbs and are trying to set your calories to losing 2 lbs. per week, your body will obviously tell you "no way". But you are more likely to succeed if you reduced it to 0.5 or 1 lb. per week.

    Last, and most importantly, hows your working out? I have a huge sweet tooth but I always seem to have less and less craving for sweet products when I working intensely. Somebody explained to me the science behind it but basically hard workouts = less sweet cravings.