Third times a charm, right?

Hello all I am April, this will be my third attempt at losing weight using MFP. I have evaluated why I had stopped before and i think I get overwhelmed because I work so hard to lose and then see that the road is never going to end so I am going to have mini goals to hopefully not get discouraged. I really need some support and if you have been in a similar situation would like to get your input. Or if you have any tips on how to keep on track. I think having a one-on-one buddy may help as well, but I dont know. Im looking forward to hearing any suggestions you may have, Thanks!


  • softmountains
    Hey, I really feel You on this one. I think small goals are alright , but you must keep the main goal in mind, or else you might get too comfortable and think, well, at least i've reached that, just think of your mini goals as different levels of the game, and finall goal like beating the game. I do not know your style of dieting, but it is a very good idea to include at least a tiniest amount of excersise. and if You need support or motivation or just a new friend here, you can always add me xD
  • catcalledjinx
    Hello April,

    Like most people I have been battling with my weight for the last almost 40 years. I have been particularly successful twice and for me it was all about counting the calories.

    This second time I based my methods on the 5:2 Diet and think it might work for you simply because you don't have to change what you eat or your lifestyle on a long-term basis. You take each day at a time. If you have a 'difficult' day, that's ok because you can have another go at it tomorrow or in a couple of days time. I am pasting a link for you to look at

    Assuming from your username that you might be a nurse so you may also appreciate the other longterm health benefits that appear to come with this diet: inhibiting diabetes and delaying onset of Alzheimers! Anyway, take a look and if you have any questions for me, I would be happy to hear from you.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    April, third time is a charm. Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • nurseapril86
    nurseapril86 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone, i have sent u all request and will look into the 5:2 diet.