why is water hard?

bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok all I don't get it.. Why is it hard for so many to drink water? I grew up with lactose intolerance and my mom wouldn't buy soda/kool aid etc b/c she didn't want my twin and I to spaz out on sugar, so I grew up drinking water, and lots of it. Plus I live in the desert.

I read once that if you are thirsty then you're already two glasses of water behind and your body is telling you to drink more.

Come on MFP pals, it's water, it's good for you and your body needs it.

Why don't you drink enough water?


  • Personally for me it's not that I dislike it or anything, in fact it is for the most part the only thing that I do drink. I haven't quite figured out why yet but even though I drink water all day long I still never get all the way to the recommended 8 glasses. If anyone has a solution please fill me in lol =)
  • Im not sure, but personally, I dont get thirsty all that often. I've been trying to keep a bottle/cup full next to me at all times so its always there. Yenno how sometimes you have a huge soft drink or milkshake or something, and you keep sippin on it cuz its in your hand, not cuz you really want it or are even thirsty? Well Im hoping the same principle will apply!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I have a friend who puts 4 rubber bands around her 16 oz water bottle and when all the bands are gone she's drank her quota. :)
  • Daisygurl7
    Daisygurl7 Posts: 129 Member
    I LOVE drinking water, it's good for you!! It's GREAT for your skin!! I find I drink even more water, when I have a huge 32 or 64 oz jug/cup with a long straw, you just drink it mindlessly. I try to drink at least 64oz a day.
  • FeistyKitty808
    FeistyKitty808 Posts: 53 Member
    Good question, but I think you answered it for yourself. The reason it is so hard is because it is so easy to drink the sugary stuff and caffine is addicting. Anyone that has ever gone through caffine withdraw can understand this. You were lucky, you didn't have a lot of choice in the matter so you're accustomed to drinking just water. I know for me, I had to train myself to reach automatically for water. Now, it is normal; it wasn't always that way. My advice for those that have trouble making the switch, water will grow on you, you just need to stick with it. Many of you have already made the switch from reg soda to diet soda and let's face it - you had to learn to like the taste of diet - it was not a natural switch. The same with water - give it time and it will happen. Suddenly soda and sweet drinks will not be as appealing.
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    I've always liked drinking water. It wasn't until recently that I started drinking more of it. I will occasionally drink it with a flavor pack but for the most part, I drink it plain. One thing I can't seem to do with water is drink it cold. For some reason it makes my stomach hurt and makes me feel nauseous.
  • One thing I can't seem to do with water is drink it cold. For some reason it makes my stomach hurt and makes me feel nauseous.

    I've found that too! Except not just cold water. ANY water...any idea why that is? All I drink is water and I heard somewhere that your body absorbs its more efficiently when its room temp, so thats how I drink it. Maybe when you chug it is when you get the nausea?
  • rlmarti4
    rlmarti4 Posts: 17 Member
    I have always HATED water. Recently I have been adding a squeeze of lemon for flavor and I like it a lot more.
    Also, a way I have found to meet my "quota" is to get a tall glass (16 oz.=2cups) full of water and drinking it before each meal and snack. It gets me full so I dont eat as much.
  • One thing I can't seem to do with water is drink it cold. For some reason it makes my stomach hurt and makes me feel nauseous.

    I've found that too! Except not just cold water. ANY water...any idea why that is? All I drink is water and I heard somewhere that your body absorbs its more efficiently when its room temp, so thats how I drink it. Maybe when you chug it is when you get the nausea?

    My boyfriend had the same issue. He found out he wasn't so nauseous when he drank the water from a different city's tap. I've loved water my whole life (grew up on almost well water), and when I visited his family's house, I could not stand the taste of their water, it made me even more thirsty, and I felt sick after drinking it. There may be something in your tap water that your body's reacting to.
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    the only way I do it is with Crystal Light, white grape or orange,

    love it, and before anyone crabs about the artifical yadda yadda, you can't tell me that being obese is so much better,

    I hope some day to be able to tweek my diet and free myself from additives, but for now it is helping,

    plain water makes me gag, and even fancy pants designer waters don't help,

    I am getting tons of water and the fat is melting
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    the only way I do it is with Crystal Light, white grape or orange,

    love it, and before anyone crabs about the artifical yadda yadda, you can't tell me that being obese is so much better,

    I hope some day to be able to tweek my diet and free myself from additives, but for now it is helping,

    plain water makes me gag, and even fancy pants designer waters don't help,

    I am getting tons of water and the fat is melting
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    I'm glad that I'm back in the area I grew up in. The tap water here has a distinctly chlorine smell, but I'm used to it from drinking it growing up. I lived out in the western part of the state for about 4 years, and I never got used to the tap water there. It had a lot more minerals in it, and it always had a weird flavor to me.

    Water isn't too hard for me here, though it helps that I keep a full Nalgene by my side all day. But if I was still out there? Even after putting it through a Brita filter, I had to talk myself into every glass.
  • Honestly: I HATE IT.

    It doesn't taste like anything (big fat duh, right??? LOL) and it's just boring.

    Plus, I'm a diet soda junkie, so I crave that.

    And (this sounds like an excuse, but it's true): the more I drink, the more I have to pee...and I already pee WAY too much!! :embarassed: :wink:
  • And (this sounds like an excuse, but it's true): the more I drink, the more I have to pee...and I already pee WAY too much!! :embarassed: :wink:

    Thats only at first, then after ur water intake flushes you out, you'll pee less cuz your body is actually gonna use the water. Its great for your skin and you'd be surprised how little you pee (how much your body retains) after the initial change. When your pee is practicallly clear (like water) thats when you know :]
  • I don't know - I drink 4-6 liters of water a day, and I go pretty much every hour most days, haha!
  • I have a friend who puts 4 rubber bands around her 16 oz water bottle and when all the bands are gone she's drank her quota. :)
    Good tip. Sometimes i lose track!
  • ladybug16
    ladybug16 Posts: 1 Member
    thats a great tip. Im gonna try it today. I dont dislike water, I just forget. Its not like I drink other things. I dont drink anything. hmmm thanks again.
  • To make sure I get in 64 oz, I have a 32 oz bottle that I drink from. I drink the first 32 before lunch, thirsty or not, and the 2nd 32 I make sure I finish by bedtime. And yes, I visit the restroom frequently.
  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    I think it definitely makes a difference that you were raised on water;) I like my diet soda too. I do drink water but it's usually sobe, skinny water, or with crystal light. At least it's "water." Plain water just doesn't appeal to me. I'm trying. I guess it's a lifestyle change just like counting calories and eating well and exercising. Maybe down the road I'll say I love water, but for right now I'll stick to my flavored waters and diet soda. *shrug*
  • ngolston
    ngolston Posts: 159 Member
    I always hated plain water unless I was working out/playing sports. Today I use one of those insulated tumblers that holds 24ozs, and I drink one in the a. m. before leaving the house, one or two more while I'm working out, and then throughout the day I'll fill it with water, add one splenda, and a splash of lime or lemon and that works for me :-)
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