Hi I am new...........

at this and would love some friend!!! :smile:


  • BlueEyedTwin333
    Anyone can feel free to add me! :) I always like new friends!
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    As do I :)
  • superjarrod1616
    superjarrod1616 Posts: 39 Member
    I am always on! Friend away
  • mrs_km
    mrs_km Posts: 46
    Welcome! :D. Just added you both.

    Same here, feel free to add me. Love new friends. x x x
    HEATHERB500 Posts: 78 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like. I just started a fitness goal a week thing with my fitness pals. It seems like it will be fun and I'm setting it up so you can try the goals no matter what fitness level you are. This week is add 15 mins of strength training to your normal work outs. If you are just starting or haven't figured out what type of workouts you are going to do you can start with just two strenth training workouts for 15 mins. Anyway add me and tell me a little about yourself and if you need any ideas to get going I'll be glad to help as much as I can. Good Luck with your goals!