Post-Reunion Wake-Up Call

azolaura Posts: 123 Member
Hello all! I have been overweight for a number of years, but this past weekend I attended my 30-year reunion for high school, and what a wake-up call. While (most) everyone had changed a bit, there were very few who had put on as much weight as I had. Perhaps there are more that have and they didn't attend because of it, but there I was center-stage, as I had planned the event, looking like a prime-grade heifer. I was so proud at how everything turned out for the event, but so disgusted with how I looked that I really couldn't enjoy myself as fully as I would have liked. I had started getting serious about this back in January with the hopes of looking good come reunion time, but alas, I fell off that darn old wagon once again. NOT THIS TIME!!!!!!

Not only is my self-esteem low, but I know my health is suffering. My joints ache, I have acid reflux, I have horrible planter fascitis, and have several pre-diabetic sysmptoms, although, thus far, thank goodness, I am not diabetic. However, if I continue on this road, it probably wont be long.

Time to take back my life.


  • cbusiness2010
    Welcome! You can do this, determination is 50% of this race, and it looks like you've got this down. I am further behind :-P
    You may want to re-post on the Lose weight thread to get responses and tips from people already active and on the same path. Also there is a thread for motivation/support if that's what you are looking for.
    I am on the opposite side, trying to gain weight and tone up, but you are welcome to add me as friend, we are all in this together!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Congrats on coming to My Fitness Pal -- I am a devoted calorie tracker and for me it's made a huge difference. I log every bite, every day, and exercise lightly to moderately. Before I started logging my food, it took me about 4 years to lose 45 lb. Since then I've lost 85 lb much more easily with this website.

    As for the reunion attendees, I am 99% sure you hit the nail on the head with "everyone had changed a bit, there were very few who had put on as much weight as I had. Perhaps there are more that have and they didn't attend because of it". Yep!! I attended my 10 year reunion and marveled over how some guys had put on weight but almost every single woman there was thinner or the same as they were in high school...but I know literally hundreds of other former classmates who have doubled in weight and didn't attend because of it. Very common thing! Our 20 year reunion is next summer so we'll see how that goes ;-)

    Good luck!
  • Mischabellaa
    Mischabellaa Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome back and you can do it :) Feel free to add me as friend.
  • Jonthomas79
    John, 34. In it to win it. I thought I'd try out some social support. I tend to be a bit of a loner when I want to be in beast mode because it keeps me on track and out of the bars and fast food joints.
  • azolaura
    azolaura Posts: 123 Member

    I totally get the loner thing, as I need the emotional support, but prefer to "act" on my own. That way, I can't let anyone else sway me off the path. ;)
  • azolaura
    azolaura Posts: 123 Member

    You have had some amazing success. Congratulations! And thank you for the cobfidence boost. I partially took on the duties at my reunion so I would fgo and not hide behind me weight. My getting back on here, AND putting my struggle out on Facebook, I have received some amazing emotional support that I can call on when the chips are down.

    Thank you!
  • AshleyArleneNP
    AshleyArleneNP Posts: 77 Member
    Hello and welcome! I am sorry to hear about your reunion but I am glad you are ready to take charge of yourself. Please start by never calling yourself a heifer again! You are worth more than that. Confidence and self-esteem is more than a number on the scale. Feel free to add me. I am active in my adventure for 6 months so far. I log daily :-)