Acclamating to new diet/lifestyle

So, today I started my "be anal about tracking food intake" and I'm already hungry shortly after eating lunch.

The problem is, I'm not sure if I think I'm hungry because I know I'm eating less or if I actually am hungry.

So.. how long does it take for the initial shock to go away and for it to become the "new normal"?


  • sheedy17
    sheedy17 Posts: 128
    eat lots of protein and drink lots of water

    I find if I drink a glass of water with my meal and then drink a glass right after , I am very full for most of the day

    Protein will be your friend
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    It could be either. Drink a glass of cold water and wait 15-30 minutes. If you still feel hungry, eat a small snack.

    I do better when I eat a high protein meal with some complex carbs and veggies. I also drink a bunch of water because I've found for me personally I will snack away all of my calories if I'm thirsty.

    Edit: How drastically did you cut down your intake of food? If you dropped your calorie intake by a large amount, you may want to work your way down. It can be hard going from 4k calories to 1800 a day. (These are just random numbers, not saying they are your numbers.) In a case like that, you would want to cut 250-500 calories a day, increasing it week by week, to get from 4k to 1800 so you slowly "wean yourself" off the amount of food you're used to eating. (Hope that makes sense.)
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    I found it took me about a week to get used to the new, lower calorie routine. I think my body almost went cold turkey with the lack of excess sugar- I woke up in the night a few times in the first week, feeling jittery. But once that first week was over I got used to it and now I can easily eat what MFP recommends and I feel full and energetic. I eat back most of my exercise calories, which helps.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    What did you have for breakfast and lunch? Are you eating less so you don't run out before the end of the day? How many calories are you allowing?
    Eat some protein and fats at every meal and drink water. It will help.
  • Wow, I didn't expect to get soo many responses so quickly!

    So, for breakfast I was out of eggs so I had a couple little packets of oatmeal which I admit wasn't enough. I've also not been drinking enough water so I'll work on that as well.

    Thanks so much for the great answers!
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    Add protein to your breakfast and drink a lot of water to keep your mind and your tummy full :)
  • mariluny
    mariluny Posts: 428 Member
    It depends a lot on what you ate today. I eat more often than i used to but smaller portion.
    Also, like xcalygrl said, it depends on how much quantity of food you cut out. Most people eat about 2k cals, or close enough, so losing about 1k overnight can be pretty hard. I would suggest, like she said, drop 250/500 cals per day for week (so from 2k to 1.7k for a week and 1.4k the next week and finally 1.2k)
    The hardest part is to distinguish cravings and hunger. Drink a lot of water, if within 20 minutes your are still **physically** feeling hungry you are probably hungry, yes. By physically I mean your stomach is grumbling, or you feel it working on air. Otherwise, try to distract yourself, go for a walk, do the dishes, call your mom, etc... and after 5 minutes you'll stop over thinking it.

    It took me about 2-3 weeks to be accustom to the quantity of food 1.2k was. What helped me was munching very low calorie food. I ate A LOT of side salad, spinach, celery, etc... at the beginning. You can eat so much of it without really sacrificing many calories. 6-8 celery stick are about 5 - 7 calories and although I don't feel full eating that, it trick my brain and take space in my stomach. Also, tell you if you go over by 20 calories because those 20 calories helped you feeling full or busy all day, it's worth it otherwise you would of make even worst and more caloric choices.

    Make sure your plate looks full. If you're having half a chicken breast, a handful of broccoli and 1/2 of cooked rice, you'll still feel like eating afterward if you use to eat double or more that amount of food before. Add a side salad, or double, triple the broccoli, cook the rice with a 50/50 ratio rice and veggies, etc... so when you eat, the quantity is still big. Satiety feeling comes both from the amount of calorie/protein/carbs/etc eaten and the actual place all this food will take in your stomach.
  • If you're having half a chicken breast, a handful of broccoli and 1/2 of cooked rice

    Thats a little freaky.. thats pretty much exactly what I had for lunch.. minus the broccoli (forgot to bring it today)!
  • slomo22
    slomo22 Posts: 125 Member
    So, today I started my "be anal about tracking food intake" and I'm already hungry shortly after eating lunch.

    The problem is, I'm not sure if I think I'm hungry because I know I'm eating less or if I actually am hungry.

    So.. how long does it take for the initial shock to go away and for it to become the "new normal"?
    You actually need to provide info about yourself and your meals if you want real advice. Did you eat an appler or a big mac for lunch? Are you 5' or 7' tall? Anyways, make sure that you're eating enought. 2-3 oatmeal packets is probably good. Eat a snack in between breakfast and lunch dinner. Give it maybe 2 weeks to feel less hungry.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    If it's really hard, you may have better success with a slow transition.
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    there will be no shock if your body is getting the correct amount of nutrients it needs. If you are still hungry after just eating lunch you probably aren't eating enough nutrient rich foods.
  • cdwatkins
    cdwatkins Posts: 8 Member
    It always seems if I eat something with too much sugar or even sometimes my diet coke I feel more hungry about 30 minutes after. However, just like everyone above said...the more water I drink the more the feeling passes. I'm the girl who eats just because and its taken a HUGE amount of self control to grab water instead of food. The water seems to trick your brain. Strange thing I now do...I take even larger sips/gulps in order to force myself to drink water. It's crazy but the easiest and best thing you can do is hydrate with water!!

    Also I have found eating eggs in the morning is better for me and lasts usually until lunch. I'm trying to not snack for a while. Egg Beaters are better for you cholesterol wise but the taste is different.