Scared about this Keto business

Hey guys, okay so were to begin, basically I am struggling with my new diet, its called "the banting diet" (you can read all about it here ) and basically just follows all the same "rules" as keto, so Today was my first day, i know, its still early days , and I'm not going to lie, I am actually freaking out about all this cream and butter I'm chowing here, surley this is going to make me fatter than I already am?:sad: , anyway, i have followed each recipe to the book exactly, can anyone give me some peace of mind please? does it work? will i get fat? what should i watch out for? any help woukd be AWESOME:smooched: , thank you new MFP fam! :drinker:

some of my info:
Age: 18
Sex: Female
height: 174cm
weight: 75kg (165 pounds?)
daily intake : 6025kj (1370 cals)
Active: I surf 3x a week and go to gym for about 1h every 3rd day or so
more info: I am insulin resistant (pre-diabetes) and have a history of family type 2 diabetes, sooo bad genes I guess.

thanks again!:smile:


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hey guys, okay so were to begin, basically I am struggling with my new diet, its called "the banting diet" (you can read all about it here ) and basically just follows all the same "rules" as keto, so Today was my first day, i know, its still early days , and I'm not going to lie, I am actually freaking out about all this cream and butter I'm chowing here, surley this is going to make me fatter than I already am?:sad: , anyway, i have followed each recipe to the book exactly, can anyone give me some peace of mind please? does it work? will i get fat? what should i watch out for? any help woukd be AWESOME:smooched: , thank you new MFP fam! :drinker:

    some of my info:
    Age: 18
    Sex: Female
    height: 174cm
    weight: 75kg (165 pounds?)
    daily intake : 6025kj (1370 cals)
    Active: I surf 3x a week and go to gym for about 1h every 3rd day or so
    more info: I am insulin resistant (pre-diabetes) and have a history of family type 2 diabetes, sooo bad genes I guess.

    thanks again!:smile:

    Fat loss is dictated by your calorie deficit, not how little or how many carbs you eat. No need to go keto to drop weight and/or fat
  • Don't worry, Keto is pretty common in body building circles. Even Guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger recommends low carb/ keto type diets to cut fat. I had great success getting my body fat down to 15-16% from 34.8% in 6 months.

    Here is the Keto group, you might have better luck finding help there.
  • lastfarewell
    lastfarewell Posts: 45 Member
    I have done keto very successfully with no ill effects. If you stick to the rules, you will lose weight.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I am actually freaking out about all this cream and butter I'm chowing here, surley this is going to make me fatter than I already am?
    some of my info:
    Age: 18
    Sex: Female
    height: 174cm
    weight: 75kg (165 pounds?)
    daily intake : 6025kj (1370 cals)

    The fat you are eating has presumably replaced the equivalent or more energy (kJ) from carbohydrates ? In itself it won't make you fat, the carbs were displacing fat in your diet towards storage in any case, so removing that helps.

    75kg gives a BMI of 24.8 so not got tons to lose, 1370 cals is roundabout what many keto eaters eat naturally (ad libitum). Give it three weeks, I lost over 60 lbs in total eating lots of fat like you are.
  • teddiebare
    teddiebare Posts: 46 Member
    If you are insulin resistant, carbs DO matter more than calories. I was diagnosed with PCOS in January, and changed to a Keto diet per my doctor's recommendation. I've lost 31 pounds since then, where I gained 17 last year - with the EXACT same calories, workouts, and protein. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself, and I'll never go back.

    Try it for 6-weeks and see what you think. If you aren't having good luck with it, then stop. Easy as that. The first two weeks you won't feel great from carb flu, but after that it's like a fog has been lifted from your mind. There are several keto-specific support boards both on here and on reddit. I'm getting my follow-up blood work in a couple weeks, and I cannot wait to see what it says.

    As others have said, you are replacing the carbs with fats - your body uses one or the other for the majority of your energy. Your brain takes a little bit to switch over to burning ketones, but your body is amazingly adaptive like that. I know it seems crazy that you are losing fat, but think of it as how you are getting your energy - instead of eating a bagel, you are eating bacon and eggs. It's all energy, but carbs have a much more dramatic effect on insulin.
  • zombiedawn
    zombiedawn Posts: 4 Member
    I had the same fears regarding fat when I started this way of eating. Truth is, after accepting it, I've lost 42 pounds, I sleep better, my moods are level and I feel like I have so much more control over my eating. I felt helpless when carbs were a part of my everyday. I look at it now as something of an eating disorder. I would binge on these things, nearly daily. Since keto, I have not had one single binge. I am happy. I am healthy. Good luck to you. There's tons of research out there to help you!
  • Keto is amazing for insulin resistance, which is why I'm on it too! Go check out
    That will definitely allay your fears, there are so many success stories!
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Keto diets are great and have many health benefits. Weight loss is just benefit (you will still need to be eating in a deficit though).

    As someone else has suggested, join the keto group, they'll have tons of info to help you!

    Good luck.