Looking for running friends

Hello everyone, my name is Joe and I am on week 1 of the Zombies, Run! 5k program. I am looking for friends that run for motivation and support. I would love to get to know some MFP people that are currently doing the C25K/Z5K programs or have finished them. I also like viewing food diaries to help improve mine.


  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    I completed the C25K training last year....feel kind of out of the running loop but this year got back into it. I casually run a couple times a week and participate in a bunch of 5Ks...feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    I'm not following the Zombies 5k program but I am running. Feel free to add. I'm on Nike+ too if you use that.
  • TNDamisi
    TNDamisi Posts: 45 Member
    I run (well, it's really more of a fast trot) too and it'd be nice to have some running friends. I'm training for a half marathon that's in a couple months so I could use all the encouragement I can get. I've never done a C25K program, but a number of my friends have and they swear by them.
  • redrose1026
    redrose1026 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm on week 3 of C25K - should hit week 4 in the next couple of days. I am new to running but I've been bitten by the runner's bug. My first 5k is not until Feb ( a rundisney disney world 5k) but I wanted plenty of time to train :)
  • johnmurphymfp
    johnmurphymfp Posts: 2,590 Member
    Add me, I've started back running after having a back issue back in Feb. Looking for new friends too.... so......
  • sakuya3834
    sakuya3834 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm doing C210K. My first 10K is in November.
  • novalightning
    ive been using MFP for a week now and looking at adding to the experience with some friends. Training for a marathon at the end of the year.

    New Zealand Runner
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Everyone tells me I will come to love running....I am not so sure hahahaha I keep doing it but I usually dont love it until I am done my run....I guess it is a love/hate relationship :)
  • corehawk
    corehawk Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone, I am going to add you all!
    I'm not following the Zombies 5k program but I am running. Feel free to add. I'm on Nike+ too if you use that.

    I am a Nike fan but not on Nike+ yet. What are the things you like about it most?
    Everyone tells me I will come to love running....I am not so sure hahahaha I keep doing it but I usually dont love it until I am done my run....I guess it is a love/hate relationship :)

    Definitely this for me too!
  • BerylX
    BerylX Posts: 108 Member
    I am currently in training for my third half marathon.
    I got in to running using the C25K programme and loved it.
    I always go back to it after a lengthy illness or surgury and have reccomended it to friends.

    Always looking for running friends, please feel free to add me!