Looking for MOTIVATED friends That USE MFP. Every day.

My name is brittany, I live in canada and I am 20 years old. I am roughly 295 pounds right now and it is my goal to be 199 by the end of the year and 160 by next year.

Im looking for someone who is extremely motivated like I am and who is willing to be accountability partners. Prefer someone with the same amount of weight to lose, or someone who has lost that weight (100+) and is willing to actually dedicate time and effort checking in every day. (I am willing to do the same for the other person)

Im looking for a friendship to develop here. I would like someone who is willing to communicate by facebook, email or over the phone or both. On MFP works too by the messages tab. Someone who is in it for the long run. Who wants to be with me side by side when we both accomplish our goals.

When the times are rough, we can help each other. When we feel weak we can call each other. That Failure and Giving up are not words in our minds or that we speak. Someone who isnt afraid to tough love me and slap me out of it. I am not afraid to do the same either.

If you're christian, thats a bonus. I'm christian and I do believe that Gods strength helps me get through this. But totally not necessary.

We can share thoughts and ideas and things that work. Shopping lists, meals, cooking ideas you name it. I'd like to take pictures of meals and of my polar fT4 watch when I complete my work outs.

I am doing first: Chalean extreme. followed by a hybrid with turbo fire and then just turbo fire. If you're someone who has these programs, even better. If not, thats fine too. Its mostly consistency i'm looking for.

If this might be you, please dont be shy and please message me. Add me as a friend. If you're looking for someone to push you and motivate you, and invest TIME and EFFORT on you, I will be that person. Because I believe YOU ARE WORTH IT.

Lets do this. Lets make the rest of this year and 2015 the last year we are over weight. Lets let go of all the past failures and commit, today, to a life changing moment where we see ourselves accomplishing our goals, and go for it.

Thanks for your time and hope to hear from you soon! <3



  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • Jimsmith109
    Jimsmith109 Posts: 38 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :-)
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    ardysedwardsmcgrath Posts: 120 Member
    sure add me.. I wood like to lose130lbs seems like soo much but im taking baby steps.. ive lost 12.4 since July 16 so been almost a month.. my goal for aug is 10 lbs.. I set 3 goals everywk.. I faithfully get on here everyday to do my food&excerise.. a friend told me of MFP&I Couldn't believe FREE? its soo much like weight watchers where they make u pay.. I like how it tells me by 5 wks ill weigh this.. its like cool!! drs orders is to do low sodium.. im also watchin my fat too.. im tryin to do more excerise.. good luck &im sorry I don't know how to add friends.. I for once wood luv to prove to myself,my daughters,coworkers, ppl that r neg.to me,that I can lose weight.. &that I ll do this.. its a permenant lifestyle to eat healthy.. :) &also another goal is to get 7-8hrs of sleep a nite.. its hard@times to eat right..
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
  • jacquesdiet
    jacquesdiet Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Brittney,

    I would love to be friends with you here on MFP......my name is Jacquelyn and I am 70 years young, I have always enjoyed working out and just got off the wagon in every way for the last couple,of years. I had a physical dine at my Dr's office and found out that I am a pre-Diabetic. Well, let me tell you that got me going on the right track very quickly!
    I, also, have Hypo-Thyroidism which makes it very hard to lose weight,too. But, this is like day #15 for me being back in e groove of getting to the Gym pretty much everyday.....

    I started out at 195.6 and I'm down to 189.2. I, already, feel so much better, mentally and physically! It is amazing how much exercise has helped me to feel like a normal human being once again! I do cardio and weight machines and dumb bells.

    I have a wonderful hobby that I enjoy doing and it is called "Reborning". I make babies without my hubby. Actually,they are very lifelike dolls. I sell them to women that enjoy doll collecting.....if you would like to view them my website is:
    www.unrealbabies.com. Let me know what you think of them. Each doll I hand paint using heat set oil paints and each layer that I paint gets baked in a special oven that's I use. Then the hair is baby goat hair and it is put in with a needle one hair at a time. I commission the hair out to women that actually enjoy that house of the reborning process. Too hard for me. I got a new knee almost two years ago and cannot sit in one spot for that many hours.

    I live in North Carolina and it is so beautiful here in the Appalachian Mountains, I'm originally from Michigan and moved to Saint Augustine, Florida in 1973 with my two daughters 4 and 18 months, I lived there for about 40 years. My hubby and I moved here to NC four years ago and we are enjoying having the change of Seasons every year.....

    Well, that's about it.

    Hoping to hear back from you soon.


    a/k/a Jacquelyn
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008

    That's rude why did you even post just don't say anything geeze
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member

    That's rude why did you even post just don't say anything geeze

  • egorre
    egorre Posts: 72 Member
    that's a pretty huge goal. I just started using mfp too. I logged everyday since I signed up 27 days ago. good luck!