Should I feel guilty?

Well, this is something I've wondered about. Like many people on here that start out by saying, I've always been the big guy. To me, that's not always been a bad thing. At my most fit weight, I was 275lbs, quite strong and playing full length rugby games no problem (80 mins of running). Since then I've had 2 knee surgeries and slowed down and I've watcched myself go from a muscular 275lbs to a non muscular 290lbs.

I've managed to get down to 267 this past week, and I'm ok with my weight loss having stalled a little as 2 weeks ago I had a crazy time with my birthday, lots of family dinners and so on.

This past week I've ate pretty darn healthy while getting in the gym for at least 30 mins of cardio and some weights (I messed up my rotators cuff, so I've limited the lifting for now). I generally track my exercise calories on the low end to make sure I'm not inflating things,

Well last night, I decided to have some cheat foods - IE chips/cookies. and ended up going overboard (All tracked). I ended up eating back all of my exercise calories and I feel guilty. That, combined with the fact that I know I've got a long MFing road to travel has been daunting. Throw in the fact that I go back to work in September and I can't help but feel like it'll be a crazy up hill battle then.

Does anyone else face immense guilt when you eat back your calories or go over?


  • razztea
    razztea Posts: 3
    Yesterday, I went over my calories. I worked out, but thought I had more calories left than I really did. I didn't check my count before chowing down on some Qdoba. Did I feel bad? Yes, for a while. But even going over, I still ate fewer calories yesterday than I burn during a regular day. It's still a net loss. The trick is to forgive yourself quickly. Making a mistake just leaves some room for tomorrow to be better.
  • marypresent
    marypresent Posts: 39 Member
    Great attitude and advice, razztea! I hope to remember that the next time that I feel like throwing in the towel.
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    If you're following the MFP calorie goal calculator, you're supposed to eat back some/all of your exercise calories. You were probably still at a calorie deficit, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

    On days that I overeat, I feel bad at first, but I know I'm not going to be perfect all the time and mistakes are inevitable. The most important thing is that I don't allow myself to carry the bad habits over to the next day.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    The site is designed so you eat back your calories. The deficit is already there so no reason to feel bad.
  • mattwhite63
    mattwhite63 Posts: 12 Member
    The site is designed so you eat back your calories. The deficit is already there so no reason to feel bad.

    I know, and I get it. I guess my goal is to drop 2lbs a week right now but I've got macro's set to 1.5 in order to ensure the other .5 comes from grinding at the gym.

    My other concern would be fat and sugar values. Clearly I went way over on my fats for the day, is it bad when you end up over on your daily fat/sugar, but under on your calories? I'd assume that would be negative from a health stand point.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    Yeah...Food guilt. Got it. Bad.

    I actually have it a little less now because I work deserts into my plan :) But I do feel bad when I go over. I'm trying to deal with it because my boyfriend wants to eat cheeseburgers and cheese stuffed manicotti on the weekend and I don't want to be a pain.