What will be your reward?

When you reach your goal what will be your reward? Maybe a takeaway, a new pair of jeans a trip to the hairdressers or perhaps a night out with your loved one?

For me it has to be a pair of tight leggings. Nothing exciting I know but I've never been able to wear them without looking like Max Wall.

They're all the fashion at the moment and I envy women who are able to look so sleek in them. I might even buy them now and keep reminding myself that I WILL GET THERE!!!


  • Nataliethin81
    Definitely a new pair of jeans and a lot more to add to my wardrobe!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I have a tatoo in mind for my final reward.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Being in shape will be enough reward for me. The consequence of that will be new clothes. :wink:
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Self Confidence and a higher self esteem will be my greatest rewards, as for material things I have already bought 2 bikini's that hang on my bathroom door as a constant reminder, there will also be a shopping trip involved as new clothes will be in order and at some point a trip somewhere warm where I can wear the new bikini's. :smile:
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    The confidence to stand on the beach or by the pool in a bikini will be MORE than enough reward :) But a new pair of jeans and a few cute sundresses might be a nice bonus :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I should be able to fit into all my old clothes. My big reward will be new shoes. Two pregnancies made my feet grow by about half a size, so I really don't have any good shoes anymore.
  • ralevin
    ralevin Posts: 131 Member
    one reward will be the necessity of a new wardrobe. I tend to wear clothes until they no longer look nice (in regard to holes, tatters, etc., not in regard to current fashion trends). With the exception of the 2 or 3 replacement shirts/pants per year, my wardrobe hasn't changed much in about 10 years. I still have many of the clothes that I bought for my freshman year of college (and I'm 29 now).

    Still trying to think of other rewards (whereas, as someone else pointed out, the new wardrobe is really a consequence, not a reward), so I'm looking forward to seeing what other people write.
  • misshenn78
    A night out!! That I will be wearing a new pair of cute jeans...(I have only 2 pairs that even fit me now! - so prob will have to buy a new pair!) And I will be wearing a shirt that doesn't hide all my curves...I will be showing them all off!!! :)
  • getNskinny2day
    I'll definitely be going on a shopping spree at Saks and Nordstrom, and i'll be planning a vacation to the beach. I might also like to work at a gym so I could help others with their weight-loss journeys.
  • cmrich0511
    I set up rewards for all my mini goals.. If I hit 180 by 01Feb, I'm going to get a pedicure :) If I hit 165 by 15March, my hubby is going to send me to the spa to have a body wrap (helps tighten skin & is a natural detox- you lose inches too!).

    Then my BIG goal is to hit 135 by 01July. This will be shortly before my husband comes home from his current deployment to Afghanistan, so that will warrant a new wardrobe, and a nice night out on the town. PLUS, my husband told me that his gift to me if I get to 135 and can maintain, that he would be willing to foot the bill for a tummy tuck & whatever else I needed to nip/tuck my loose skin. Although, I'm not sure about going through with it, but it was awesome for him to offer it up!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Finishing my triathlon in under 1:25 will be reward enough in itself. HOWEVER, since I will have earned some kind of goody, I'll probably take a day off, drive up to the casino with a couple of buddies and play in a poker tournament. It's been a while since I've been and I love playing.
  • ralevin
    ralevin Posts: 131 Member
    Finishing my triathlon in under 1:25 will be reward enough in itself. HOWEVER, since I will have earned some kind of goody, I'll probably take a day off, drive up to the casino with a couple of buddies and play in a poker tournament. It's been a while since I've been and I love playing.

    That is an AWESOME idea. I've been looking for more guy-oriented reward ideas, and that just might be the best I've heard yet.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    I've honestly thought about slipping into my wedding dress (from 7yrs ago!) and wearing it for a "trash the dress" photo session. Not really sure why that entered my mind a few weeks ago, but I think it could be kinda fun! Otherwise, feeling skinny, wearing a bikini and getting some new clothes will be all the reward I need. Oh and maybe a vacation to go with that bikini!!
  • dream_litotes
    When I get collarbones to show off again, I'm going to cut my hair even shorter than it is now. (I cut off 16" two years ago, and 8" before Christmas, but it's not enough, haha!)
  • Tara_Alesia
    Tara_Alesia Posts: 38 Member
    I'll get a new wardrobe! My thing has been "I'm not going to buy clothes until I can't wear the ones I own, anymore!" Even then, I'm going to Goodwill until I reach my goal weight. It'll be nice to slip into a smaller pair of jeans at some point!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Finishing my triathlon in under 1:25 will be reward enough in itself. HOWEVER, since I will have earned some kind of goody, I'll probably take a day off, drive up to the casino with a couple of buddies and play in a poker tournament. It's been a while since I've been and I love playing.

    That is an AWESOME idea. I've been looking for more guy-oriented reward ideas, and that just might be the best I've heard yet.

    Glad to help. :)
  • forgiven4life
    one reward will be the necessity of a new wardrobe. I tend to wear clothes until they no longer look nice (in regard to holes, tatters, etc., not in regard to current fashion trends). With the exception of the 2 or 3 replacement shirts/pants per year, my wardrobe hasn't changed much in about 10 years. I still have many of the clothes that I bought for my freshman year of college (and I'm 29 now).

    Still trying to think of other rewards (whereas, as someone else pointed out, the new wardrobe is really a consequence, not a reward), so I'm looking forward to seeing what other people write.

    Same here. I just hate shopping, but mostly because I've always been overweight and shopping is not fun for me. So I am looking forward to the point where I HAVE to replace all my clothes because I just can't fit into what is in my closet already.
  • brittk70
    brittk70 Posts: 17 Member
    Until I read this thread I hadn't really thought much about it....but thinking about it is actually kinda fun.
    So 15 weeks from now is my 41st birthday, May 7th, a Saturday and I think a little get-a-way with the hubs would be in order with a new outfit or two :)
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I have somee mini rewards set up for myself :-)
    I achieved my first goal last month..so I am half way thru a new tattoo right now (yeah!!)..

    Next up will be some new sparring gear!

    I can't wait until spring summer..the big momma of rewards-new wardrobe-NOTHING from last summer will fit..yeah!
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I have somee mini rewards set up for myself :-)
    I achieved my first goal last month..so I am half way thru a new tattoo right now (yeah!!)..

    Next up will be some new sparring gear!

    I can't wait until spring summer..the big momma of rewards-new wardrobe-NOTHING from last summer will fit..yeah!
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