August 30 day shred- motivation required !!



  • bossyfairy
    bossyfairy Posts: 111 Member
    Day 4 done! and 2 hours of gardening

    Im going to be super healthy in no time!! :happy:
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    todays shred is done! :) feeling good. no nausea today but my knees were hurting a bit more. i pushed through but im keeping a close eye on them. if i can stand without feeling like my legs are going to give out on my tomorrow, then im going to shred again! ^_^
    LULUREBEL Posts: 86 Member
    I was tired and didn't feel like shredding tonight but I pushed myself to do it. I felt like I really gave my all and it felt great! Level 1, Day 2 is done! My arms are sore from the push-ups but it's all good. Kudos to everyone getting their workout in!
  • sarahkemkat
    sarahkemkat Posts: 13 Member
    I would like to join for support :) I have never made it past day 4 so going to give it another go.

    Day 1, level 1 completed and it was tough going, lol after 10 minutes in I was watching the clock waiting for it to quickly end.

    I do hope I see some quick results.
  • I would love to join the group, I'm currently on day 14 (Day 4 of Level 2). Level two is killer on the shoulders, it's hard to motivate myself to do it everyday, but so far so good! I've tried 30 Day Shred before, but never gotten the whole way through. I'd like to make it through the whole way!
  • HealthySideofLife
    HealthySideofLife Posts: 80 Member
    Count me in! I'm somewhere on level 2 (I think I'm on day 5, but I might start over to L2D1 again since I haven't done 30ds in a week lol). Anyone can add me add a friend on here, well, if they need more motivation!
    LULUREBEL Posts: 86 Member
    Level 1, Day 3 is done! I struggled at first but then I got into it. My arms are still quite sore but I'm hanging with it. So glad to see everyone else progressing!
  • lisamalm
    lisamalm Posts: 9 Member
    I am on day 1, but I have to top up with 20 minutes of Pilates to get a proper work out for my entire body. I think I am going to ache tomorrow! A lot. :-D

    Will try for level 2 in a week or so. Good luck all of you!
  • angrodriguez92
    angrodriguez92 Posts: 193 Member
    I went to an hour long yoga class yesterday instead of doing the shred but I'm going to include it in my total days. I go to yoga every monday. So, today was day #5 for me and I have deff begun to feel a change in my endurance. I haven't been terribly out of shape for very long so with a little persistence I should be back where I want to be in no time.
  • minimotobabe
    minimotobabe Posts: 12 Member
    Started a week ago and have lost 3lb this week - not ready to move to level 2 yet but after 5 days it does get easier! I've got over 50 lbs to lose but feeling motivated! Not sure when I am supposed to move to level 2. I have watched it and it seems to be ok - i'm thinking 10 days level 1, 10 days level 2 and then remainder at level 3 - I will be away at a wedding in italy for 3 days so taking them as rest days !! tee hee

    Good luck everyone
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    i was going to shred but decided instead that today was a treadmill day. i walked for a half mile while playing a video game (pokemon y on 3ds) and decided to try a movie out on netflix. searched through on my phone and picked "starving games" well.. that didnt last. so then i went on youtube and found a music video and ran through it then i was finished lol

    fitbit stats: 4,898 steps, 2.12 miles, 45 minutes, 326 cals
  • DarinGettingFitNow
    DarinGettingFitNow Posts: 421 Member
    Okay, I didn't start due to migraine. I"m a few days late, but starting tomorrow....
  • lisamalm
    lisamalm Posts: 9 Member
    I think level 1 is going rather OK (apart from the fact that I've never been able to do a proper pushup in my life) , but level 2 looks absolutely terrifying. I am thinking of maybe, in the next couple of days, trying a few moves from level 2 after completing level 1. Any input on how to make the transition?

    I love the workout but find the stretch way to short. I recommend adding a longer pilates stretch. Good luck to all of you! :-)
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    9 down 21 to go Yay!!!!!
    LULUREBEL Posts: 86 Member
    Day 5 is done! I am seeing an improvement in my bicycle crunches. Who knew those could be so hard? I still struggle with the push-up and making it through all of the cardio without breaks.

    As for Level 2, I couldn't work out for like 3 days after my first attempt.. my legs and butt were so sore! Just don't give up... you can get through it and it will get easier.
  • Joanjett88
    Joanjett88 Posts: 87 Member
    Woot! Count me in! I'm on lvl 1 day 6, so far so good. Had to take a rest day and just do cardio after day two. I was soooo sore. I actually noticed an increase of 2-3 pounds a couple days after starting the shred, however I have also noticed some toning as well. I believe the weight increase was due to water retention. We shall see how it goes!
  • Hi ladies, I'm new to this forum but I wanted to share my weight loss & the fact that we are not alone lol. I haven't tried Jillians Workout but be sure to check out my facebook page and learn more about learning more about a easier, healthier way to lose the weight, get healthy and keep or gain the bottom lol! I work out with a trainer that offers great online workouts & meal plan which is how I have lost the weight, yet I'm toning at the same time. Let me know if you want to know more. Have a great week!
  • Just did day 5 of level 2 (15 days in total), I had to take a couple days off for work related stuff. I was worried that I would struggle because I took two days off, but I actually did really well! I was sweating buckets instead of pools ;) I feel like the squat thrusts are never going to get easy though!
    I also ordered Ripped in 30 Days from Amazon for when I'm finished with the shred. I've heard Ripped in 30 is better than the Shred because you get more strength moves a circuit so there's more variety.
  • My sister and I would like to join! we are on Level 1 day 3, its hard to get the motivation to get up and do it but we are going to try. I am so sore, but I feel good! I feel like I am stuck being 'skinny fat' and hopefully this will help me out!
  • lisamalm
    lisamalm Posts: 9 Member
    3rd day and today it was harder. My shoulders are a bit sore and sort of weakened. Will do another (tough) workout tomorrow to access different parts of my muscles and get back to shred 30 on Saturday. :-)