So Frustrated, Gluten Free Dairy Free Diet

I was wondering if anyone had any gluten and dairy allergies and if so what snacks they eat. My pie chart is showing literally 68% of my diet is carbs. I stay generally within the calorie range daily maybe a little over or under sometimes but I am not losing weight because more than half my diet is carbs. The issue is if you can't have gluten or dairy a lot of the foods are made with carbs in them. I eat very healthy but the other thing that the chart is showing is that I am very low on protein. Help Please... Thank you


  • OllyJ_79
    OllyJ_79 Posts: 126 Member
    The recommended amount of carbs in a normal diet is around 50%. Eating a higher percentage won't stop you losing weight, as long as you maintain a calorie deficit however.
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    Is there a specific reason you need to be low carb? Plenty of people lose on high carb diets (myself included).

    For the allergy/protein issue check out the paleo groups here since they're supposed to be dairy & grain free, I think. They may have some good ideas. Most of my protein sources are high carb since I eat mostly vegetarian, sorry I can't be of more help.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    ... am not losing weight because more than half my diet is carbs. ..

    More than likely, you're not losing weight because either (1) you're not in a caloric deficit or (2) you haven't given your body enough time to react to the deficit (for instance, maybe you're retaining water from new exercises. Don't know, would need more details.)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Egg is zero carb, dairy and gluten free with 65 fat : 35 protein.

    Have an omelette.
  • HillsRox
    HillsRox Posts: 3 Member
    Whilst I agree that low-carb isn't necessary for weight loss (caloric deficit is), I'm a HUGE snacker and have recently cut out gluten and dairy - for general health reasons, not necessarily due to allergies. Beyond the obvious raw veggies (LURVE me some carrot batons), I tend to snack on popped corn, dark berries (they have the lowest fructose) and zuccini or kale chips (super easy to make in the oven). Oh, and I practically live on fresh salsa, eaten with baby gem lettuce, instead of tortilla chips. Tortilla chips are usually gluten free, but certainly not low carb OR low calorie, so I save those for special treats. Anyway, hope that helps!
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Why aren't you eating more protein foods? It shouldn't be hard for someone who doesn't like gluten or dairy but who eats meat. Although i understand some or most lactose intolerant people can eat yoghurt. And some dairy products are very low in lactose such as cheese and cream and butter.

    But you can eat meat, fish, legumes, lentils, poultry and eggs for protein. Also nuts.

    I would not increase the number of snacks you eat but rather increase the size of your meals and with better quality carbs so that you don't get hungry between meals. Eg especially things like legumes and lentils. There are so many recipes made with these foods and they are cheap to buy and actually quite easy to cook if you get hold of a recipe book or two.

    You probably just need to experiment with more foods that are around and improve your cooking skills a bit more.

    Snack foods are generally poor quality nutrition or fat rich.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I was wondering if anyone had any gluten and dairy allergies and if so what snacks they eat. My pie chart is showing literally 68% of my diet is carbs. I stay generally within the calorie range daily maybe a little over or under sometimes but I am not losing weight because more than half my diet is carbs. The issue is if you can't have gluten or dairy a lot of the foods are made with carbs in them. I eat very healthy but the other thing that the chart is showing is that I am very low on protein. Help Please... Thank you

    I can't eat dairy, so I understand your troubles there. Even with a gluten allergy, it doesn't mean you have to eat all carbs, all of the time. Are you eating a lot of boxed/packaged gluten free junk food? If you are low in protein then work more into your diet: eggs, tofu, edamame, nuts, beef, chicken, etc. You can eat all meats, eggs, fruit and vegetables...right there lies a huge variety of foods.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Go paleo the diet is mostly grain free and dairy free... I've considered it but I like pasta and lasagna a little bit too much.
  • cuteypolice
    cuteypolice Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks so much for the feedback, just wanted to comment about the egg being dairy free. When I went to my gastroenterologist she told me a common thought is that eggs are dairy free but they are not. I never asked what in the eggs are not dairy free or how they are not dairy free but they do have egg substitute that I use.

    Do others count the caloric intake from their drinks? i.e. starbucks passion tea lemonade silly question i guess but I am thinking maybe that I should be counting something like that since I do drink them twice a day sometimes. Thanks
  • OllyJ_79
    OllyJ_79 Posts: 126 Member
    The rule of thumb should be simply that if it has a calorie value then you should be counting it towards your daily allowance. If you are not you aren't logging truthfully, and in the long run, this will be self defeating.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Thanks so much for the feedback, just wanted to comment about the egg being dairy free. When I went to my gastroenterologist she told me a common thought is that eggs are dairy free but they are not. I never asked what in the eggs are not dairy free or how they are not dairy free but they do have egg substitute that I use.

    Your gastroenterologist believes that eggs come from the mammary glands of mammals like cows, sheep or goats? :shock:

    Your gastroenterologist is wrong ...eggs are not dairy

    Are you allergic to eggs? That's different
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Thanks so much for the feedback, just wanted to comment about the egg being dairy free. When I went to my gastroenterologist she told me a common thought is that eggs are dairy free but they are not. I never asked what in the eggs are not dairy free or how they are not dairy free but they do have egg substitute that I use.

    Your gastroenterologist believes that eggs come from the mammary glands of mammals like cows, sheep or goats? :shock:

    Your gastroenterologist is wrong ...eggs are not dairy

    Are you allergic to eggs? That's different

    ^^That....if there's a particular reason not to eat eggs with your food sensitivities, then that's one thing. But eggs and dairy come from COMPLETELY different sources and share few properties.

    That said...couple of tips.

    First, if your gastro thinks eggs are made of dairy, get a second opinion about your allergies.

    Second, assuming that goes as planned, look into some paleo cookbooks and diet resources. It's not allergy related, but paleo eating is substantially grain and dairy free. It's actually even more restrictive than just eliminating gluten and dairy, so you might be able to find some good recipes and food ideas that will fit your needs.

    Third, meat (beef, pork, poultry, fish) is gluten and dairy free, as well as substantially carb-free, in its whole form. If you're not a vegetarian (I didn't see that you mentioned that you were), add more of those to your diet. If you do that while maintaining the same calorie goal, your carbs will naturally decrease. Just watch processed meats that may have gluten or dairy products added to them.

    Fourth, as long as you're at a calorie deficit, it doesn't matter much where your calories come from. Macronutrient balance will impact your health, body fat percentage, etc, but it shouldn't significantly impact your weight loss rate, all other things being equal. So, eating at 68% carbs may affect how you're feeling and your end-game body, but it shouldn't affect how much you're losing.

    Fifth, yes, log calories from whatever source they may come in, whether it be food or drink.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    If you have done it for a while you get used to it. I can't imagine anymore how it would be to have gluten on my plate or sugar. I absolutely don't miss breads, cakes, cookies or something, but there are enough pages online coming with the most fantastic alternatives you could eat! This one has awesome cakes etc for example!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Try eating more meat.
  • julieharrell1
    julieharrell1 Posts: 29 Member
    I am gluten free because of celiac disease. I ate paleo for a couple of years. It's gluten free and dairy free. I did not lose weight on that diet either, but it might work for you. I ate less that 1200 calories a day. My only carbs came from occasional fruit. I think my problem is a celiac thing. Half of us can't gain weight to save our lives, the other half can't lose weight to save our lives (my half).
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Thanks so much for the feedback, just wanted to comment about the egg being dairy free. When I went to my gastroenterologist she told me a common thought is that eggs are dairy free but they are not. I never asked what in the eggs are not dairy free or how they are not dairy free but they do have egg substitute that I use.

    Do others count the caloric intake from their drinks? i.e. starbucks passion tea lemonade silly question i guess but I am thinking maybe that I should be counting something like that since I do drink them twice a day sometimes. Thanks

    How are eggs not dairy free? Eggs are not a mammal's milk or made from it, hence not dairy. You might also be sensitive to eggs--some people are--and your doctor was oversimplifying or explained it in a weird way. Otherwise, she's just plain wrong. Might want a second opinion there.

    And yes, count your drinks. Not logging drinks, rather than "too many carbs," is probably why you're not losing weight.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Like most have mentioned on here, eat some meat! :)

    I eat mostly gluten free and dairy free so I get a lot of my protein from lean meat sources (ground turkey, chicken breasts, ground chicken, etc.) and eggs (mostly egg whites but omega-3 eggs on the weekends). Typically the only carbohydrates that I consume are from vegetables and fruit and I usually add in a bit of olive oil to my green beans each day to make sure I get some good healthy fats. I also supplement with a vegan protein shake (typically Genuine Health or a brand sold in Costco - I found Vega One too expensive and harder to digest at times).

    My nutritional pie chart is 35% C, 40% P, 25% F. Having a higher protein % helps me feel fuller longer.
    If you'd like to see my food diary, send me a friend request :)
    Good luck!
  • L0te
    L0te Posts: 14
    Meat for sure. Try some turkey slices, beef or chicken veggie stir fry, burgers/turkey burgers with a lettuce wrap instead of a bun.

    Edit: Oops, snacks. Turkey still, but I am gluten free and sometimes snack on pepperoni, ham, or peanut butter.
  • cuteypolice
    cuteypolice Posts: 32 Member
    I am gluten free because of celiac disease. I ate paleo for a couple of years. It's gluten free and dairy free. I did not lose weight on that diet either, but it might work for you. I ate less that 1200 calories a day. My only carbs came from occasional fruit. I think my problem is a celiac thing. Half of us can't gain weight to save our lives, the other half can't lose weight to save our lives (my half).

    It's so weird, I know I have a dairy intolerance ( allergy ) and it's severe. The gluten its a sensitivity. Since I have been on this diet I have gained weight not lost any and before I was on this diet I couldn't gain weight to save my life. I was eating chocolate everyday and never gained a pound.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    My wife has to go low carb and gluten free for medical reasons. Lunch meats are good (as long as you get the gluten free versions) or meats (sausages, hot dogs, etc..). You can do salads too or snack on veggies with some ranch.

    My question is, do you use a food scale and can you open your diary?