Just walked a mile, feel like im dying

I am doing kind of ok with the healthy eating but I have always had issues with working out. So ive been walking with the baby I take care of, about a mile, they live on a very hilly community. It starts out ok but I feel like Im dying by the end, well about half way through. I checked my heart rate when i was almost done, it was at 190, is that normal? It feels like my heart is going to bust out of my chest. Am I doing too much?


  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    What you are doing is perfect! Keep it up!!!

    When you are not used to the physical activity you will feel like your heart is going to burst out of your chest and your lungs burn a lot for sure. This is normal and is the state that you should feel when you have worked out hard. It will get easier each week and soon you will be surprised at how much more stamina you have, you may even walk a bit further!

    You are doing terrific.
  • katieandlilly
    katieandlilly Posts: 31 Member
    190 is a little high, however, if you do it every day, it will take less than a week before your heart strengthens and you can do the same activity with a lower heart rate.
  • djninesix
    Good luck and keep it up!!!
  • Fertilegrounds5
    That seems a little heavy. How bigs is the baby? It will get easier with time. How many times have you done this? It should be easier each time
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. At the worst, you'll find out there is something you need to address/work around, and at the best, you'll get an "all clear" from the doc and the associated peace of mind that will be handy when you push yourself in the future.

    Chances are you're fine, but I always double check with all of my clients before we start anything and sometimes things pop up that were totally unexpected. When that happens, we create a plan that'll accommodate the restrictions and forge ahead.

    Just cautious, friendly advice ...

  • mschristyf
    I know it's hard but when you start to feel like your dying just remember your goal. I am going through this as right now also. I have always been extremely fit until I became lazy while pregnant. Now 70lbs overweight it is hard to workout and I have been doing aerobics at my church 3x a week and about 15-30 min I just want to quit. Thats when i get reminded that if I focus on the "pain" I will never be in shape. It's going to hurt, we will feel like "death is right behind us" but if we keep focused on the goal it will change, and soon you will be able to run backwards up those hills!
  • airsangel
    airsangel Posts: 50 Member
    I have the same issue. When I started walking, my HR would go as high as 205...a week later I noticed that while doing the same exercise, my HR was only going as high as 187. It seems to be getting lower with every workout.

    Just stay with it - you are doing great!
  • sunbeam11
    190 seems a bit high to me. Maybe you're pushing it a little too hard just starting out? If you walk consistently, at least 4-5 times a week, you can eventually build up your endurance. You want to start out with a pace at which you can still comfortably talk while walking, not so out of breath.

    I agree, you should go see your doc and get a physical. You want to be sure you don't have some underlying health problem.

    I have a heart murmur and my doc says no very heavy lifting or long distance running. Even at my healthy weight in my 20's, I took up jogging, but I couldn't do 2 miles all the way through. I would have to stop and walk for a bit 2 or 3 times to let my heart and oxygen catch up. Now I just pace myself. My body will tell me when I've done too much.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Its because you aren't used to working out. Keep at it and soon that hill will seem like nothing. I started running on my elliptical at resistance 3 and now resistance 9 is a moderate workout for me. We build up our muscles and then what seems difficult becomes easy and enjoyable.

    Don't be discouraged! Keep pushing yourself! You're doing great!
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks everyone, I just wanted to make sure. I have been doing this workout on and off for a few months. The heat here is horrible so in the summer its unbearable and I give up very quickly. i guess I will keep at it until it gets easier. I know I need to lose weight, I havent talked to my doctor about how much I should be doing but I know that my heart is healthy. I also just know that I need to lose weight so I figured it must be ok for me. I hate that it hurts so much and sucks so much that I want to give up
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    How long are you walking? I know it's only a mile but if it's hilly then it can take longer. 190 is a little high but it's not over your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate is 220 - 23 (your age) or about 197. Anything over that number is trouble.. If you have any conditions (high blood pressure) then I would talk to your doctor before continuing. Otherwise I would find a different route or walk a slower pace for the first few weeks. It's best to use a starting off target heart rate around 50% of your maximum and gradually work your way up to 75% - 80%.

    Of course it's going to be tough in the beginning and you should definitely feel like you're getting a good workout. But you don't have to be miserable to lose weight.
  • sunbeam11
    Don't make it unpleasant on yourself just starting out. You don't want to get so discouraged that you quit. Just start out easy and build up. Consistency is the key. It will get better! :flowerforyou:
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I have the same issue. When I started walking, my HR would go as high as 205...a week later I noticed that while doing the same exercise, my HR was only going as high as 187. It seems to be getting lower with every workout.

    Just stay with it - you are doing great!

    205 is really really high. Your maximum heart rate is 188 so you were way over. Even at 187 you are nearly at 100% of your maximum. You should strive for a target heart rate of 150 and keep it up for 45 minutes or so.
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Well done on getting up and doing the walks :drinker: I started walking a few months ago and slowly built it up :wink: I think from memory my hightest HR was about 160 but pushing a buggy would probably increase it for you :heart:

    I started off with walks around the block and now I walk 4/5 miles everyday and LOVE it :bigsmile: Maybe cut the walks shorter and build up to the longer one if you feel worried about it :flowerforyou:
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    How long are you walking? I know it's only a mile but if it's hilly then it can take longer. 190 is a little high but it's not over your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate is 220 - 23 (your age) or about 197. Anything over that number is trouble.. If you have any conditions (high blood pressure) then I would talk to your doctor before continuing. Otherwise I would find a different route or walk a slower pace for the first few weeks. It's best to use a starting off target heart rate around 50% of your maximum and gradually work your way up to 75% - 80%.

    Of course it's going to be tough in the beginning and you should definitely feel like you're getting a good workout. But you don't have to be miserable to lose weight.

    thank you, and your right, I have noticed before that I tend to give up really quickly because im miserable, i actually dread it. That would make more sense to walk less and take my time. I guess I see these shows and with other people when they tell you to push yourself and I feel like if im not heavily breathing, im not doing enough. I guess starting tomorrow ill slow down. I guess its a start that i even got my butt up and went outside!
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Well done on getting up and doing the walks :drinker: I started walking a few months ago and slowly built it up :wink: I think from memory my hightest HR was about 160 but pushing a buggy would probably increase it for you :heart:

    I started off with walks around the block and now I walk 4/5 miles everyday and LOVE it :bigsmile: Maybe cut the walks shorter and build up to the longer one if you feel worried about it :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, I feel better knowing that if others can do it, then I can do it! i just wish i had someone to do it with, I never know if im doing enough or too little. Unfortunately, i do my walks when im at work, but i have myfitnesspal app so i can always jump on to all u pleasant people if i need help!
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    thank you, and your right, I have noticed before that I tend to give up really quickly because im miserable, i actually dread it. That would make more sense to walk less and take my time. I guess I see these shows and with other people when they tell you to push yourself and I feel like if im not heavily breathing, im not doing enough. I guess starting tomorrow ill slow down. I guess its a start that i even got my butt up and went outside!

    It's great that you are getting up and exercising! You can definitely do this. Keep your head up and don't look back!