When to weigh in?



  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    Weigh in after eating a prime rib and drinking a 12 pack of beer.
  • I weigh myself after morning ablutions and before breakfast every day. Sometimes it is the highlight of my day. I log my weight on MFP on Mondays and Fridays. Not to track the week. It is actually Friday to Monday that I am keeping an eye on. Weekends get away from routine and I have to be careful. Publishing my weigh ins on this regular schedule gives me incentive to stay focused on my goals and keep plugging away t the weight.
  • Since most people addressed your question about weighing in, I wanted to discuss the second part.

    Often, when people start a new workout program, they notice a slight weight gain in the first week (or up to 3 weeks). This is completely normal, but is understandably disheartening.

    It is most likely caused by increased production of the stress hormone cortisol, which leads to water retention. The production of cortisol is due to the intense workout regimen you are now doing that is foreign to your body (and thus, stressful). Its incredibly common when starting programs like Insanity, T25, P90X, etc. Don't worry, this will subside once your body gets used to working out, and you may see a large drop in weight once this happens.

    Unless you continue to see significant weight gain that lasts a period of longer than 3 weeks, I wouldn't worry. Patience is key!

    Good luck and keep on going!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    In the morning before breakfast after you've been to the toilet.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    As long as you're consistent, it doesn't matter what day. The more variables you remove, the better. This is harder for women, because your water weight will change with your period. But over a long period of time (months or more), even that doesn't matter.
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    I weigh daily (keeps me on target) before breakfast but only record on Friday mornings, because that's how I determine if I allow myself one "cheat meal" (if you can call it that...usually means a slice of pizza and a small bowl of ice cream but still within my calories) or not on Friday evenings.
  • I always do it first thing Friday morning after I pee. I am the best on my diet/exercise during the work week, so I see the best results on Friday morning. Then (usually) that helps motivate me to stay good on the weekends.
  • Since most people addressed your question about weighing in, I wanted to discuss the second part.

    Often, when people start a new workout program, they notice a slight weight gain in the first week (or up to 3 weeks). This is completely normal, but is understandably disheartening.

    It is most likely caused by increased production of the stress hormone cortisol, which leads to water retention. The production of cortisol is due to the intense workout regimen you are now doing that is foreign to your body (and thus, stressful). Its incredibly common when starting programs like Insanity, T25, P90X, etc. Don't worry, this will subside once your body gets used to working out, and you may see a large drop in weight once this happens.

    Unless you continue to see significant weight gain that lasts a period of longer than 3 weeks, I wouldn't worry. Patience is key!

    Good luck and keep on going!

    THANK YOU so much! This is actually the answer to my question. I didn't word it correctly I guess :)
  • I'm obsessed and weigh myself everyday. I work out 6 days a week. But I weigh as soon as I get up. I use the bathroom then weigh!
  • I weigh in on sunday morning completely empty, if I did a hardworkout the day and im sore, then I will skip my weigh in till a few more days. When you are sore your muscles hold on to water. So that could be the cause of the scale going up, but dont confuse that with anykind of fatgain!
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I know my body is holding on to water for recovery and things of that nature so is it best to have my weigh in like the morning after rest day where I have my rest day to kind of flush the excess water weight? I have about 80lbs to lose so I know that it will come off it's just alarming to jump on the scale after you've nailed your fitness and nutrition for 7 days in a row and see it went UP 3lbs!
    Yes if you're working out, that is the best time to weigh in. Day after a rest day if you're working out. After you go to the bathroom.
  • As a woman, you have to consider period bloating. I only weigh myself once a month and that is at the end of the week after my period. That is normally the time I am least bloated. The week before, during, and the first part of that immediate following week are times were you can still be retaining water.