OA, babies & self-worth :)

I'm severely obese, 32 years old and started attending OA meetings. I've only been to 2, but they seem to be helping. I'm going to keep going.

I'd like to connect w/ MFPers that are in the same boat as I am... or not. We're all here to support each other, right? Full disclosure, I recently deactivated my old account (had it for 2-3 years) because I need a fresh start. The name was something that wasn't helping me anymore, so I stopped logging in. Also, I lost 80 pounds last year, but gained it all back. I don't want to keep yo-yo'ing, so I need the help of OA.

I currently live in NJ, and work at an incredibly stressful job. My bf and I are currently paying off out CC and school debt, with the hopes of moving to PA for a much simpler, calmer life. That's a great motivator, but I'm still stuck in the hustle and bustle of the NJ/NYC work life that I can't make myself motivated to lose weight as well.

I want to lose weight, marry my bf, and have a TON of babies with him. :)


  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    I think we should be friends, or continue to be friends. <3 ya girlie!!
  • AshleyArleneNP
    AshleyArleneNP Posts: 77 Member
    I'm in the "get healthy for babies" boat too! You should add me. I am bout 6 months into my adventure and active daily. I am also trying new recipes though i'm not a great cook (my hubby is the cook). We should be friends, Jersey!