Did I hit a plateau? Lifting and dieting question

Hi all,

I'm 18, 6ft, 191.2lbs. I started cutting portions 4 weeks ago at 196lbs. My goal is 175. My BMR is 1900 and I've been I taking an average 1500-1600 everyday. First week I lost 1lb, second week 1.6, third week 1.8, but this week I've lost 0! I'm the exact same weight I was a week ago!! I've been going to the gym 4 days a week and lifting weights every time I go. I'm just starting to lift so it's not huge weight. I can bench press about 80 just to give you an idea. I take a protein shake right after the workout. Is it possible the lack of weight loss is muscle gained or have I hit a plateau somehow?

Thanks to everyone!


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    You're not gaining muscle at 1500 calories.

    Why are you eating below your BMR? Is 1500-1600 your "net" calories or total calories? How do you measure your food? Do you weigh it on a digital scale?

    Were it me, and I knew 100% I was accurate with my intake, I personally as a 18 yo male would eat more like 2000 every day (on average) and keep lifting.
  • Badsumbeech
    Badsumbeech Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for responding WBB55,

    FitnessPal has me calculated to intake 1960 calories a day and I normally have 200-300 left over. Some days 50-60 calories remaining. So really I'm intaking, on average, around 1600-1700 calories a day. I measure meats and fruits in oz on a digital scale for accuracy.

    I'm working with a trainer at the gym. You and he both have recommended that I don't totally focus on the weight loss and transform my body with weights being my goal is to lose only 15lbs. I wanted to straight lose weight until I was about 175lbs. Once I reached 175, I wanted to start lifting, but my trainer has me lifting already.
  • whyyesitsneke
    The thing is, it takes fat to create muscle. Thats why those who lift have incredible diets.

    Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has a ton about this (his cheat days are terrifying to me, haha, but I find him hilarious) sort of information, as do many bodybuilders.

    Perhaps ask your trainer about this; but I know personally when my brothers goal was to bulk up, they told him NOT to diet, and that he'd have to work the fat into muscle. You gain at first, but it's muscle, so your fat percentage goes down. Unless you're way overweight, which you don't seem to be, this is a GOOD thing.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    It takes calories.
  • Badsumbeech
    Badsumbeech Posts: 15 Member
    You're totally right Neke. That is exactly how you bulk up. I'm just not sure if I want to bulk up yet. I wanted to find the quickest way to looking better. That was losing weight. It seems like weights take longer to see results. I figured I could lose all the weight first, look better, and bulk up after I've lost the weight.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    The thing is, it takes fat to create muscle. Thats why those who lift have incredible diets.

    Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has a ton about this (his cheat days are terrifying to me, haha, but I find him hilarious) sort of information, as do many bodybuilders.

    Perhaps ask your trainer about this; but I know personally when my brothers goal was to bulk up, they told him NOT to diet, and that he'd have to work the fat into muscle. You gain at first, but it's muscle, so your fat percentage goes down. Unless you're way overweight, which you don't seem to be, this is a GOOD thing.
    How so? How does fat change into muscle? Are you implying one must get fat to grow muscle?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You don't have a lot to lose, and it sounds like muscle and/or strength is your goal along with fat loss? In which case I wouldn't eat below your BMR, but at least a few hundred cals above it. A small calorie deficit is best for fat loss - find your TDEE and take a 15-20% cut from that. Or set MFP to lose .5lb a week, and eat back exercise cals - should be about the same.

    I'm a 46 year old chick, I lift dumbells (30lbs is my heaviest set at the moment) and I lose on about 2000 cals a day - I would think you could eat more than me and do very well.

    Food is fuel, man, don't sell yourself short by cutting cals too low in hopes of losing faster. Mostly it just stalls things, or leads to problems over time.

    Fuel that body, eat well, keep with the workouts, drink water, take rest days, get good sleep, and repeat. And grab a tape measure if you haven't already, and start tracking your measurements along with weighing - you will often see great changes on the tape if you're lifting and eating well while the scale is busy messing with your head.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The thing is, it takes fat to create muscle. Thats why those who lift have incredible diets.

    Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has a ton about this (his cheat days are terrifying to me, haha, but I find him hilarious) sort of information, as do many bodybuilders.

    Perhaps ask your trainer about this; but I know personally when my brothers goal was to bulk up, they told him NOT to diet, and that he'd have to work the fat into muscle. You gain at first, but it's muscle, so your fat percentage goes down. Unless you're way overweight, which you don't seem to be, this is a GOOD thing.

    This is just all so wrong.

    You need a surplus of calories and a progressive load lifting program to gain muscle.

    You don't turn fat into muscle...you don't work fat into muscle either...you eat at a surplus lift weights and build muscle from that.

    And yes you do gain but it's not all muscle depends on your bulk and nutrition...you could gain 50% muscle 50% fat or god forbid 75% fat and 25% muscle...or higher...
  • Badsumbeech
    Badsumbeech Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks Eric and Amy.

    It sounds like the consensus is that I need to up my caloric intake. That's good news! I can eat more. I've been working on my nutrition. I'm trying to stick to 50%, 20%, 30%.

    Would you both recommend that I continue lifting and gaining muscle instead of just getting on a tight diet and losing a steady 1.5-2lbs a week? It's sounds like that's what you're talking about doing Amy.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thanks Eric and Amy.

    It sounds like the consensus is that I need to up my caloric intake. That's good news! I can eat more. I've been working on my nutrition. I'm trying to stick to 50%, 20%, 30%.

    Would you both recommend that I continue lifting and gaining muscle instead of just getting on a tight diet and losing a steady 1.5-2lbs a week? It's sounds like that's what you're talking about doing Amy.

    With 16lbs to lose try 1/2lb a week and up your protien past 20% if you are lifting...lots go for a 40/30/30 split.

    Yes continue lifting and if new to lifting you will gain some muscle but not a lot...but at your age...you could after you lose the "fat" really stack it on if you ate right and continued lifting with a progressive load lifting program.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    Starting a new lifting program will cause a water weight gain in the first 2-3 weeks (that could look like a plateau if you are cutting cals). Give it a few weeks, it will go away. Keep lifting!! Whatever you decide on food, its *always* better to lift sooner than later.

    I am 43 year old female, 5'5 and 130lbs, and still losing at 1800-1900 cals.
  • Badsumbeech
    Badsumbeech Posts: 15 Member
    Sounds great everyone.

    Thank you both Stef and Ayla. And thanks to everyone else too! You've all given me a much better direction. I appreciate it.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    advocare is awesome for getting through plateaus! I recommend the 24 day challenge that they offer. It's amazing! I did the 24 day challenge and lost 8lbs and 7 inches without even exercising. It got me past my plateau real fast! I loved it so much I decided to continue taking Advocare products. Best decision I've ever made. I'm now a distributor and love helping people get healthy! Please email me if you have any questions, I'll be happy to help you! Tiffyrh07@gmail.com
