
hello, i used this site once before and had great results. I am still going strong on my weight loss, but want to really step it up. i feel like keeping a food diary will help better help my goals. When i first started my journey i was over 440 pounds, a few years later, with its ups and downs, i just hit under the 300 mark. it would be nice to have some pals to help encourage me, i do not have a good support system at home, this is due to me being young, and my friends always seem to want to party or go places to eat. getting to know people that have the same goals and aspirations as me would be very encouraging. :)


  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    Count me in and feel free to add me!! I've been off and on a bit in the past month or two but that's been due to a medical issue I had and now I'm getting back on track as well!! I'm looking at 100+ pounds to lose and am always looking to enlarge my support on here!!
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    I'll send you an FR. I restarted MFP about a month ago after several months' break.
  • ghaleonhd
    very cool, thank you ladies for the support lets encourage one another. :)