Pregnancy and light jogging

I'm receiving conflicting advice on this so am interested as to whether someone here can point me towards some good articles. We are pregnant with our third. I've lost 14/15kg and maintained goal weight for the last 18 months and have a healthy BMI, I'm a stay at home mum but am quite busy during the day. I've never been regular at exercising, no gym membership etc. I was planning on joining a social running group last week but we've just found out about the pregnancy. It is more of a pace where the women can still talk or walk if necessary so shouldn't be anything strenuous. Is it safe for me to do this? Baby and me come first so I won't do anything where the majority think it is a bad idea. I had thought, if it isn't a good idea then I'd add a few good walks to my weekly routine. Determined to be healthy and in better shape this pregnancy. Thank you.


  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    Best person to ask is your doctor, but, anything I have ever heard is that pregnant women shouldn't start 'new' exercise e.g if you have been running before then running when pregnant is fine if not you shouldn't (don't know the reasons why, I assume it's due to stress on the body). However, it sounds like you are quite early on so....? Perhaps just go for walks now?

    Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

    Again top advice is speak to your doctor/health professional as some of it will depend on your general health and what your body is personally capable of it, how it reacts to being pregnant etc...
  • Daphsea
    Daphsea Posts: 1 Member
    I have been jogging about 15 miles a week for the past year. I am about 7/8 weeks pregnant now and specifically asked my OB's nurse if I could continue this. She said that as long as I am used to this level of activity, I can continue it. But, she did advise me not to start a new exercise program.

    Hope this helps.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Ask a doctor.

    I know a lady who would run darn near up to her delivery date on pretty much all her children.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm receiving conflicting advice on this so am interested as to whether someone here can point me towards some good articles. We are pregnant with our third. I've lost 14/15kg and maintained goal weight for the last 18 months and have a healthy BMI, I'm a stay at home mum but am quite busy during the day. I've never been regular at exercising, no gym membership etc. I was planning on joining a social running group last week but we've just found out about the pregnancy. It is more of a pace where the women can still talk or walk if necessary so shouldn't be anything strenuous. Is it safe for me to do this? Baby and me come first so I won't do anything where the majority think it is a bad idea. I had thought, if it isn't a good idea then I'd add a few good walks to my weekly routine. Determined to be healthy and in better shape this pregnancy. Thank you.

    Congrats on that mind frame and following that, I'd highly suggest working with your doctor and possibly a state licensed dietitian rather than relying on the info from the internet. If you were getting conflicted info before (assuming from doctors), then you'll get even more of that from strangers on the internet.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    There have been very few studies about women and exercise in pregnancy. You just have to feel your way through it. Try starting out slower than you think you can go and see how you feel. Your body will let you know. It will protect the baby. Otherwise, change it to a fast walk instead of a jog.