*kitten* kids say... to fluffy adults

Lanie2012 Posts: 46 Member
So starting back at trying to get healthy and lose a few old lbs, kids are usually the first and least forgiving in their critique. Although my kids tell me I look beautiful, sometimes I think they're possessed by Jillian Michaels, haha

Can you please share your examples of stuff your kids have said that may be less than flattering?

Example: this morning my daughter told me I had 'back boobs'.... *facepalm*... oy, it's time for mama to get rid of those.

I so look forward to your replies :) Please tell me I'm not the only one whose kids are so comfortable in our relationship that they truly will be no holds barred.


  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I tend to stay away from children as much as possible.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I had a friends daughter tell me this once, "my mama says you're fat and I shouldn't be like you, but she is mean and you're cuddly". (btw, it was the friends wife who said that not the actual friend).
  • haha i find my little cousins act the same way. i think because kids are so honest because they haven't learned to fibb or keep comments to themselves, I would much rather ask them for an opinion sometimes. But, can't take the negative too serious if it hurts you, since they don't know exactly how they make you feel. i have to remember they're not bad, but i take it as constructive criticism honestly lol. I try to think of it as "i would rather hear the truth and cry instead of hear a lie and smile."
  • puggglet
    puggglet Posts: 102
    My son asked me if I.was.getting lines on my face because I want a pug puppy
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I tend to stay away from children as much as possible.
    That's got to be incredibly inconvenient!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My son outright said to me the other day "well, at least you're not fat like daddy".

    On one hand, yay compliment. On the other hand, my husband was NOT a happy man.
  • _JPunky
    _JPunky Posts: 508 Member
    My daughter told me after my ex lost a lot of weight after the divorce, "Daddy's not fat like you are anymore!"
  • Lanie2012
    Lanie2012 Posts: 46 Member
    I really love my kids critiques. The *kitten* they say cracks me up for days. And I think if I was really hurt, I could tell them. But I would rather show them that it's okay to love yourself at any size, regardless if you have "back boobs", haha
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    My kids regularly say my butt is soooooo smushy!!
  • Lanie2012
    Lanie2012 Posts: 46 Member
    My kids regularly say my butt is soooooo smushy!!

    Hahaha... my kids sing Baby Got Back, I take it as a compliment, whatev's. haha
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    my neice, when she was 3, asked me why I have 2 chins. I couldn't lie - I told her it was because I was fat and fat people have 2 chins.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Yes. I was in town for my husband's grandmother's funeral, staying with some family friends with young children. Her youngest, about 6, wanted to help me get ready. I went to get my dress out of the closet, hanging on a hanger. She looks at it. Looks back at me. And says, "are you really that fat?"

  • Son #2: "Mom, Mom look! That man looks like he has a baby in his belly like you!"

    Son #1: *laughs* "Boys don't get babies in their bellies!"

    Son #2: "Then what did he put in his belly?"
  • It's always a great confidence boost to overhear comments on my man boobs, i do have a nice rack.

    Me shopping at bulk barn, buying a bunch of different candy for goodie-bags at my nieces birthday "No wonder he's so fat"

    Last but not least, the loud giggling as soon as i turn a corner out of sight.

    Looking forward to leaving that behind.
  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    This kind of fits in...

    I take my 6yo out for a date on Friday nights and we went to Red Robin. I ate the kitchen...As we walked out, I said.."Wow, that was a lot of food. I am stuffed." she replies: "Geesh mom, you didnt have to eat it all. Do what I do. Eat until I'm full then quit."

    Uh,.....yep. You're right!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    A friend's son asked me once why I was fat and I said because I ate too much food. I was cringing but he seemed totally satisfied with that answer. A few years later (when I was still very heavy and hadn't lost any weight) he asked me why another friend, "Janet" (another 30-something woman) had something wrong with her belly but I didn't. He was really worried about whether she was going to have a baby and concerned about her belly popping. I tried to downplay it so I don't think Janet heard him. I really didn't know what he meant at first, but I'm fairly sure he was talking about her belly being very round and she had a really tight shirt on. I was just as fat as Janet but a little differently proportioned and wearing a looser top. And the kid's own mom was pretty big too so I don't know what the big deal was for awhile with him obsessing over that.

    I've had a little girl in Target tell her mom "Look at her butt it's really big Mommy!!" But she said it in such a weird way, like full of awe and really nice -- lol. There was nothing at all malicious in this little girl's tone and her mom was a gorgeous hippie type Amazon who smiled apologetically at me but also kind of laughed and made it seem actually pretty normal and comfortable. It's odd because the mom acting embarrassed would have made me feel a lot worse.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    While walking down a hospital hallway, my son (maybe 4 at the time) said in his loudest voice "OH MY GOD, MOM. THAT LADY'S BUTT IS HYOOOOOGE."

    I dragged him down another hallway asap.

    Oh, and they used to tell me I was fat all the time.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    When he wakes up, I'll see if he dares repeat it!:angry:

    kidding....they just say I've gotten bigger.
  • Lanie2012
    Lanie2012 Posts: 46 Member
    LMAO! Kids are so hilarious! Oh my goodness, I'm at work trying not to LOL but you guys are really giving me the giggles. I'm glad my kids aren't the only ones who love me till it hurts, haha
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Jeepers community guidelines on this website (for adults) explicitly prohibit using asterisks to circumvent profanity filters.