Muscles sore after elliptical

So I haven't worked out really in years. I have an elliptical that I use to use daily, 15-30 minutes a day, then I stopped when I got pregnant. Baby is now a year old and I tried the elliptical again. My legs were sore after two minutes and a couple times felt like they were going to buckle. How long should they be sore? How will this affect my workout over the next couple days? Any advice as to goals with getting back to being able to do it longer? Only other exercise equipment I have access to is a stationary bike, and my workout has to fit in with watching five kids.


  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I usually find with most workouts on gym equipment, but especially the elliptical, that I get super tired & my legs are killing me right away, but if I keep pushing through I can usually hit a sweet spot several minutes into the workout where it still sucks but I no longer feel like I'm going to die. I hope that makes sense. But my advice otherwise would be to just make small goals & work back up to what you were doing. Maybe do 5 minutes a day for a few days, then work up to 10, then 15, etc. etc. And you could switch it up between the bike, the elliptical, and maybe even going on walks if you get a few hours a week kid free!
  • angel4nature
    angel4nature Posts: 9 Member
    You have to build up slowly. Make your goal just 5 min a day or twice day one week then the next week 8 min then the next 10. That is how I am doing mine without equipment. Another option walk the kids to the park, it is only 15 min from you.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    You'll be fine after the first week or so.