Need Breakfast Ideas

shabaity Posts: 792 Member
Ok I've been doing a breakfast shake in the mornings like the taste. Its boost very vanilla high protein normally supplemented with some fruit fresh blueberries, bananas, or canned pineapple. I like the macros but its not very filling. I'm not a morning person I walk into walls regularly at 6am and I have to be out the door at 7:15. Does anyone have recipes for something that could fill me up and last till noonish, as I'm in class and I can't exactly get up to get a snack, and that is microwaveable? I'm an excellent cook so cooking ahead would be amazing. I just don't want to risk the stove that early in the am. As it stands I'm at microwave egg and cheese sammies or sticking with the shake.


  • jennxx7
    jennxx7 Posts: 10 Member
    You could do overnight oats -- before you go to bed, combine the following in a tupperware:
    - 1/2 c. rolled oats (also called old-fashioned on the container)
    - 1/2 c. greek yogurt (or regular yogurt, but greek will keep you full for longer)
    - 1/4 to 1/2 c. milk (dairy or non-dairy both work, play around with the amt. til you get the consistency you like)
    - 1/2 mashed banana, a splash of vanilla extract, or honey and cinnamon (all optional and combinable, just for flavor)

    Then put the lid on the tupperware and refridgerate overnight. When you wake up, top with whatever you want (berries, a little bit of slivered almonds, even some peanut butter) and then enjoy!

    Depending on what you put in it for toppings -- especially the PB route -- it can get high calorie, but it will keep you full forever.

    Fannetastic Food's Microwave Banana Oatmeal is also good if you'd rather have something hot. (Just google that whole phrase and the link should pop right up).

    Hope this helps!!
  • ScienceMom66
    I generally have a Visalus shake for breakfast on my way to work (not a morning person, so I have to multi-task!), and it holds me until lunch at 12:30. We don't get breaks at work, so there's no snacking for me either. I'm diabetic, so the low carb / high protein shake works best for me. You can also make steel-cut oats overnight in the crock pot that turn out awesome! My son requests them at least once a week. There are a number of recipes out there -- just find one that looks good and go for it! I have modified my favorite over time so that it fits our tastes. I use the Apple Cinnamon or Chocolate Banana recipe from The Chocolate banana is best if you don't cook the banana with the oatmeal, but add it later. My son likes it with a scoop of PB too. :smile:
  • katieca123
    katieca123 Posts: 70 Member
    Try eating a serving of greek yogurt at breakfast. 1 cup has 130 calories and 20+ grams of protein, and there's a lot of things you can do to make it taste good. There's a really long thread on here with loads of ideas on how to spice it up, so you wouldn't exactly be eating the same thing every morning.
  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member
    english muffin with melted cheese on it or peanut butter on it or light butter with strawberry preserves
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    You could do overnight oats -- before you go to bed, combine the following in a tupperware:
    - 1/2 c. rolled oats (also called old-fashioned on the container)
    - 1/2 c. greek yogurt (or regular yogurt, but greek will keep you full for longer)
    - 1/4 to 1/2 c. milk (dairy or non-dairy both work, play around with the amt. til you get the consistency you like)
    - 1/2 mashed banana, a splash of vanilla extract, or honey and cinnamon (all optional and combinable, just for flavor)

    Then put the lid on the tupperware and refridgerate overnight. When you wake up, top with whatever you want (berries, a little bit of slivered almonds, even some peanut butter) and then enjoy!

    Depending on what you put in it for toppings -- especially the PB route -- it can get high calorie, but it will keep you full forever.

    Fannetastic Food's Microwave Banana Oatmeal is also good if you'd rather have something hot. (Just google that whole phrase and the link should pop right up).

    Hope this helps!!
  • skinnymini2552
    Yesssss!! I have this every morning (w/different toppings of course). It's amazing and wicked easy to make :D
  • SmaugHugs
    SmaugHugs Posts: 60 Member
    I am someone who needs a few hours to wake up in the morning... but life doesn't work that way. I need fooood first thing in the morning and I need it to fill me up. If it doesn't, I'm done. Smoothies for me are snacks, lunches or dinners... never breakfast.

    Do you have a crockpot? I use mine to make apple cinnamon oatmeal over night, scoop it in to a container and eat it at the bus transit centre. Bonus is that my apartment smells amazing in the morning.

    Breakfast sandwiches and been a week day must around my home lately. Every Sunday I prepare for the week by baking, cooking and freezing portions. It is my boyfriend and myself, he is bulking, I am losing. I take 10 sourdough english muffins, 1/4 cup shredded cheese,10 eggs, 5 slices of a ham roast that get cut in half so each sandwich has a good portion of ham. I use my egg molds all lined up on the griddle, let the ham cook up and assemble on a sheet of wax paper. Let them cool off. Wrap them in cling wrap, store in a big freezer bag and we grab them every morning and heat them up at work. It has been a huuuuge help and they are filling.

    Next week I am going to attempt a spinach, sundried tomato and egg white breakfast wrap like they have at a certain coffee shop... basically, when you go somewhere with a to go option for breakfast, look it over and think ''Can I make this at home? Can I freeze this? Can I reheat this?Will this fill me up?'' Since doing this, I have been discovering just how awesome meal prep is.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Thanks these are all great ideas. I'm iffy on the oatmeal ones though never liked plain oatmeal to the point of I successfully stubborned my way out of eating it as a child. But it may be time to invest in a small good will crockpot. Will try the oats and greek yogurt. Again thank you all so much these 8 am classes are gonna be bad enough without the prospect of being hungry before noon.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I do 2 kinds of granola, cereal, flax seed meal, soynuts, pumpkin seeds, protein powder, Greek yogurt and milk most days. When I do change it up, I post pictures at:

    You might find a good idea or two there. If nothing else, you can look at some of my food porn.

  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    If you need something that's more filling, I'd recommend some oatmeal. I use 1/2 cup Oat Bran, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1 cup water, and after microwaving it and stirring it, sprinkle some cinnamon on top. Not hard to make, doesn't take long, and it fills you up until lunchtime no problem. Best part is it only has about 300-350 calories. I have that with some orange juice in the mornings on weekends and it's awesome!
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    What else do you add to your smoothies? When I add cottage cheese (I use this instead of yogurt and have come to like it), protein powder, and fruits. This usually ties me over until noon but not always.

    Oatmeal is a good option for staying full longer. You could also make an omelet for yourself and then reheat it in the microwave. Yesterday for breakfast I had an egg white omelet kind of Western Style (used a half slice of cheese, slice of turkey deli meat, and onions/peppers) and a blueberry protein muffin that I made. It was my first time making these muffins and they turned out pretty decent considering I took a bunch of recipes and tweaked it to what I wanted. I can send you the recipe if you think this is something you would want to try.