I don't know what to do anymore!



  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm 5'2 and weigh 159lbs. I want to lose at least 32-36lbs in the next 21weeks but my body will not lose weight. I've been eating 1200 calories everyday maybe a tiny bit more and i work out at least 30min 5times a week. I haven't lost ANYTHING! I don't want to up my calories because then i wont lose the amount of weight i need to. And i change my exercise from jillian michaels to leslie sansone every other day. I dont know what to do anymore. I really want to lose this weight and i dont know what to eat to get my calories in without going over or eating to much. I drink PLENTY of water. Someone help me please!!!

    I am not familiar with Jillian or Leslie's workouts, but I do a routine of workouts myself that have greatly helped me in loosing weight and keeping it off. From the things I have learned, this is what you may want to consider:

    1. Sometimes we don't eat enough and our bodies think that we are in "starvation" mode and slow down the metabolism. Which means we burn less calories.
    2. Weights are excellent for burning more calories and fat than cardio. If you add weights to your weekly workouts, you can build lean body mass and more cals and fat.
    3. Write everything you eat down so you can keep track of everything you are eating
    4. Don't eat anything white, like white flour, white rice, white potatoes, etc.. Replace with 100% whole wheat products or whole grain, brown rice. Eat veggies, salads and lean meats and proteins and fish.
    5. Drink plenty of water (which I am always trying to do) and exercise 5-6 days a week.
    6. Buddy up with someone to keep you accountable and motivated
    7. Take supplements like multi-vitamins, protein bars, whey protein (but whey protein only if you want to build some muscle).

    I hope this tips help you out!

    Good luck!

  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    HI! I am a shortie too.. 5'1" and currently 145 lbs. I have only lost 2 lbs since I began and seem to have hit a stump. Thanks for posting the question because these suggestions might help me also. GOOD LUCK AND DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • wibblewobblekaz
    wibblewobblekaz Posts: 25 Member
    Remember when you work out your building muscle, muscle weighs more than fat, so even tho you are not seeing a different yet, you will in time, muscles weighs more than fat and once you build muscle, you will butn fat quicker, whenever I have returned to the gym my scales have gone up before going down, stick with it, and thing long term, you can do it but don't give up x
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Trying two things may be helpful: 1. Try tweaking your calories up by about 100 and monitor what happens. Also, either lengthen your cardiio time to 45 ming - 1 hr, or increase the intensity (measured by your HRM) so you can get a true feel for calories lost.

    I'd hesitate on lowering your calorie intake any more than it alread is.

    I'm assuming that you are actually tracking calories and monitoring your HR, correct?

    Let me know how your progressing!

  • I'm 5'2 and weigh 159lbs. I want to lose at least 32-36lbs in the next 21weeks but my body will not lose weight. I've been eating 1200 calories everyday maybe a tiny bit more and i work out at least 30min 5times a week. I haven't lost ANYTHING! I don't want to up my calories because then i wont lose the amount of weight i need to. And i change my exercise from jillian michaels to leslie sansone every other day. I dont know what to do anymore. I really want to lose this weight and i dont know what to eat to get my calories in without going over or eating to much. I drink PLENTY of water. Someone help me please!!!

    I am at your exact weight and height! I have the same goal but in 24 weeks.. (vacation time) I find I have trouble eating 1200 calories.. Tonight I had to eat some yogurt to get it up to 1200. Although I am over weight my problem is getting enough calories.. Since being on MFP I am doing real good at staying between 1200 /1300 calories a day. I'm drinking my water.. I am exercising daily with the exception of today because I worked 9.5 hours and I am tired. (lame excuse) ANYWAYS, I am having the same problem.. my first week I lost one lb.. this week nothing. It's hard to see with all my effort nothing has changed. The scale is my biggest motivator! I wish you lots of luck, patience may be the key.. I understand your frustration.. maybe we can somehow help one another. WE can & WILL do this!
  • These are all fantastic ideas !!! I was plateaud for almost a year. Until I joined MFP !! These people on here are great.. I totally agree with the " CALORIE SHIFTING" Someone on here suggested that to me , because I never ate enough, and I worked out 1.5 hrs 5 days a week and was not losing a pound EVER !!! But now I have taken such wonderful advice from people, I have lost 4lbs with Calorie shifting in the last week and eating more food that is good for you. Good Luck.. Dont be scared to try and eat more calories, " It might just pay off " Just make sure you dont eat crap for your extra calories. Make it count. You can do it !!!!
  • Zig-zagging your calories really does help. You should try to stay at the 1200 calories 5 days. Choose two days to go up an extra 200. You may also try giving up meats other than fish and seafood. We became pescetarian nearly a year ago. We started losing weight and fat without trying. Good Luck! Never give up! The reward is worth it.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Change the way your eating and what your eating..Do a system SHOCKER.. Once you've done that change the type of exercise your doing.. Need to shake up your system and see if that works. If you still don't see a change you might want to have your thyroid/horomones check. They could be out of whack and causing nothing to work for you...
  • I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, because I didn't have time to read every response.... BUT..... make sure in your calorie counting that you aren't missing something, or counting too few, or leaving off something you think doesn't have any substantial calories. If I have something fried, my tendency is to not remember the oil.... a tablespoon of any oil out there is going to be 120 calories. So just make sure you re evaluate everything you eat. If this is not the problem, then there are some other suggestions on here as well. DON'T give up!
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    It is really important that you are feeding your body correctly. If you are eating 1200 calories but the food is not good, healthy food then your workouts are done in vain. Try eating 200 calorie meals 6 times a day that consist of a protein, a complex carb, and some sort of vegetable. Limit oils and fats to one small amount (about 1tbsp) a day. Usually when my workouts get to a point of plateau I check my meals. This is the fastest way I saw results after I had my 1st kid.
    Another thing is to change your workouts. Alternate cardio with resistance training. Your muscles may be getting used to what you are doing and you may need to push yourself now. It will take 6-8 weeks before you will see major results and 12 weeks to reset your metabolism. Just hang in there and don't be afraid of the weights. The more muscle you build the higher metabolism and the more fat you will burn. Finally remember women are different from men...you won't bulk up unless you really push it and also we tend to choose more cardio related workouts, which overtime our bodies get used to.
    Keep at it and good luck!
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