New..Need Friends...Going it alone right now...

Hi everyone...

Ive been looking at this site for a few weeks now - long before I actually registered and finally decided to jump in!

I finally decided to do something about my health. I am morbidly obese - 345lbs and 39 years old this year. But more than just weight loss I really want to be healthy. I cant remember the last time I really felt physically good. Im never energetic, everything seems like a chore and I know it's because Im lugging around so much weight.

At any I am. Trying hard but I am doing this alone. None of my family members is joining me or supporting me so that makes it tough especially when they buy take-out food or McDonald's for dinner. Ive been avoiding dinner with them lately - I go urban hiking instead, this way I get in my hour exercise and then can come home to a clean kitchen and make my healthy dinner and lunch for the next day.

I signed up for the XWeighted National Challenge...any other Canadians signed up for that on this site??? When I filled out my info it said my target weight loss for the 6 months is 78lbs. That seems like a lot but it works out to 3lbs per week.

So...that's me in a nutshell....hoping some folks will add me as a friend...I can use all the support I can get.


  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    You've come to the right place, and congratulations on taking the first steps too a new you! Any help or support I can give I'm always happy to do so!
  • orange_avocado
    Friend request sent! I love writing on people's posts and hearing from people, so I'll definitely be that bee buzzing around telling you to keep it up! :happy:
  • jjjohns
    jjjohns Posts: 27
    Good for you!! Keep it up!!
  • olivejuice82
    Its that first step thats the hardest I can relate. I just started on here too and so far I'm loving it.
  • healthyme2be
    Hello and welcome! I've been here for about a month now, and found that this place has the best support team ever. Glad you joined your one step ahead of where u were a month ago so congrats!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 579 Member
    I'll send you a friend request. You just need to log all your food everyday and close it out for the day. It automatically sends all your friends something that we can comment on to keep you going. You can do the same thing for exercising. Good for you for signing up. You've made the right decision.

  • hope39
    hope39 Posts: 19
    First of all welcome :smile: I too am morbidly obese . When you said " I cant remember the last time I really felt physically good. Im never energetic, everything seems like a chore and I know it's because Im lugging around so much weight". I felt like you were talking about me. I just started last week. The first thing I noticed is that I was extremely tired the first few days. I was told it would pass. That my body was just adjusting to the change of food intake. And it was true! I have way more energy now. So stick with MFP and you will feel better real soon. I am so excited you decided to join :smile:
  • kimmychan1967
    i'm new too! will gladly be your friend and anyone else who wants to friend me too!
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    I'm relatively new here too and find everyone to be positive and too! Congratulations on the first step! Take each day as it comes and focus on the small victories...healthy choices, exercise, drinking enough water. In time, you will accomplish your major goals.

    Feel free to add me as a friend....happy to help if I can. Good luck!!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Welcome to MFP one from one Canadain to another, what part of Canada are you from? This is a wonderful site with amazing people that can offer you advice and suggestions on anything that you could ever want to know.

    I have sent you a friend request so that I can be there to motivate you through your journey.
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    I live in a house where I am constantly temtped by all the things I shouldn't be eating and people with habits I'm trying to break too... But with this tracker, I feel like I'm accountable not only to myself or a number on the scale... But I still have to wake up everyday and make the decision to continue tracking.
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    Im in Toronto. Love it. Hate it :)


    I was truly overwhelmed by the number of friend requests I had. When you get no support at home, you think that nobody really understands what you're going through. It's nice to have a place to come to where people understand the frustrations and the highs and lows of this journey.
  • erinjoy002
    erinjoy002 Posts: 55 Member
    We could all use a little support. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to friend me :)
  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    awesome step and in deciding to join... this is a great site... as far as your family goes... i think once they see how good you are looking they will come around... and great choice in going for a hike while they eat unhealthy.. your taking all the right steps
  • rachy_09
    rachy_09 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi im new to the site, just joined today and im like you all alone and trying to avoid eating the greasy stuff my family makes good luck and any support from anyone would be greatly appreciated. :)
  • mountainwoman98
    mountainwoman98 Posts: 182 Member
    You can add me if you like. :smile:
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step! I need some support too, so add me if you like! Good luck!
  • vryclever
    I am new to the site. I came across the app on my phone first. I love it because its freeeee! I could use some friends to chat with and help stay motivated. Everyone seems so friendly! This is what its all about, having the support of one another to accomplish our goals! Stick with it and it will pay off.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Everyone needs support ... even if it comes from strangers! Welcome friend:)
  • fullofhope
    fullofhope Posts: 78 Member
    I just came across this site yesterday on my phone app market. I was looking for something that I could use for a weight loss group that I belong to. We encourage our members to do weekly food charts so we are accountable for what we put in our mouth. It is amazing how doing this will make you think twice about eating something that you know is not healthy for you. I think that you are in good hands here, you will have the support of all of us! I'm excited to really delve into this site to see what it has to offer! :glasses: Remember: you're future's so bright you'll have to wear shades!