how did you get fat?



  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I was really glad to see this thread here because it is so different to a similar thread I started on a different forum. I did ask very directly, which was probably a bit naive of me, and also I had no experience of being really fat myself, so probably just sounded voyeuristic.

    Some people got upset on that thread, so it is refreshing to see the responses here of all of you who are on mfp because you have decided it is time to make that change. I am recommending mfp to everyone and I hope everyone on this thread reaches their goals :)
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    I was always just a bit bigger than everyone else growing up. Then after college I lost some, but as soon as I met my husband to be, I put it back on through snacking and lack of exercise. It also doesn't help that my husband and I can eat the same exact thing, he will gain nothing, and I will gain like 5 pounds! It is frustrating but it has also helped me to identify what I can and cannot eat. It has also been helpful in recognizing portion sizes.

    Thanks for starting this thread. It has been really interesting to see how we all got where we are today. Good luck everyone :smile:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    the first thing that made me gain weight was having my son, after that i didnt lose all the weight i should have done and knowing i wanted more kids i didnt see the point in doing anything about it til i was done. i had my daughter 18 months ago and after that a series of events led me to comfort eat therefore making me gain between 10 - 20lbs im not sure what weight i was after i had my daughter but i could fit in 12 - 14 uk size, now i am a little larger im not a 16 but im also not a 14 and they dont do a uk size 15,
    the thing thats really made me wanna lose the weight is that i dont wanna get to size 16 and the only things that will fit me at the moment is my pregnancy clothes really made me feel ashamed of myself
  • smilestb99
    Well, the truth is, I am not sure how it all started, because I was way too little to remember. I do know, that by Kindergarten I was already overweight and was one of the chubby kids. I got made fun of all the time in elementry school and grew up with parents who fought all the time. I always hid food and I can't remember when it started or why it did, but my guess is that I hid it because I didn't want my dad to see me eating it. The weird thing is, is that my dad and I were really close, but he didn't know the right way to help me when it came to my weight. He always put me on a diet since I was a little kid, and I could always feel the way he would look at me if I was eating something bad. I know now that he was trying to help me in his own way, because he didn't want me to face what I am dealing with now, or have dealt with for years. Anyway, I have always been an emotional eater. I get upset or stressed out or someone hurts me and I've always turned to food as my comfort. The reality is, when I joined this site, it was the first time I had shared 'some' of my story, and it was another kind of 'weight' that had been lifted. I am finally at a point in my life where I have come to terms with the fact that it doesn't matter why it all started- it just needs to stop. I have been fascinated with Nutrition since I took it in college about 9 years ago, and I've read many books and learned a lot from my naturopathic doctor. I am now taking courses online to get my personal training certification and have been going to a personal trainer every once in a while, so when I get to where I need to be, I can help others like myself. I am taking charge of my life, rather than let my emotions rule me.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I had lived most of my adult like between 130-135. With my second child (2 years ago) I gained almost 60 lbs. I went down to 147 lbs and then was so discouraged my by saggy skin that I thought I'd look a little better with some "meat" to fill out the skin. I was wrong. I got up to 160 lbs and realized that saggy skin and even more fat rolls was not good at all. Now I'm on my journey back down to 130 and below. I know my skin will be really saggy then, so I'm planning on having a tummy tuck in Dec. 2011 or June. 2012.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    My story is short and not so sweet ... I nibbled my way to an extra 75 lbs and throughout sat on my butt to insure that weight came on. Overeating and laziness, whodathunkit !!
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    I don’t remember when it started, but I was young. I got to the point that I was ashamed of my eating, so I started to sneak food and hid it. I would get soda or sweets at school from vending machines. This continued until about 7th grade; this is when my mom decided she need to make a life change and lose some weight for herself, which coincided with me hitting puberty. Between eating healthier at home, see my mom make a change, and my metabolism speeding up, I lost 20lbs that school year. I finally became “normal” and weighed 108 by 8th grade.
    I gained about 10lbs between 8th grade and graduating high school, which was me just developing. Going to college was a big down turn for me. I reverted back to my old ways of eating junk, but I didn’t see a drastic weight change so I didn’t care. In my 4 years of college I gained 15 lbs, and 6 months after graduating, I moved in with my boyfriend and gained some comfort weight. I got up to 140lbs.
    About a year ago, I went through a rough patch with my boyfriend. I said screw him, and started just caring about myself. I started counting calories, and I lost about 10lbs. I then joined my coworker’s weight lose blog and started to use MFP; I lost another 6 lbs. I was down to 129lbs and feeling great. Then my boyfriend and I worked things out and, the weight started to come back on. In about 8 months I put all the weight I had lost back on plus some. After the holidays I hit 150lbs. The highest I have ever been!
    I have been on a weight rollercoaster my entire life, and I’m finally making a complete life change (that will last). I’m still young and in good health, and I want to keep it that way!
    CW 140
    GW 116
  • kfuller27
    kfuller27 Posts: 50 Member
    I've always been a bigger girl. I don't think I really started packing it on until probably middle school. I think a lot of it had to do with my parents divorce.. it was a very difficult time in my life and I had a ton of responsibility thrown at me at a young age. I coped by eating. Then, when I was 18 and in my freshman year of college, I had had enough and lost 100 lbs by eating healthy and working out. I ended up not finishing school, had a very bad break up, and that put me back into my old habits. I gained that 100lb back plus some over the next couple of years. When I was 22, I had gastric bypass and lost about 180 lbs. THEN... I got pregnant, gained about 60lbs and from then until now... I've gained another 50lbs or so. When I started my most recent weight loss journey, I was only 67lbs away from my heaviest weight and when I had gastric bypass. It was a big wake up call... I don't think I realized I was as big as I was until I started seeing myself in pictures around Christmas time. I know what it feels like to be skinny and I want to feel that way again. It's been a rough road for me.. but I am more determined than ever this time to make it happen and stick to it!!
  • jjjohns
    jjjohns Posts: 27
    General laziness, love of food, and having 2 kids.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Medication. In 2005 I had West Nile Encephalitis with seizures. The first anti-seizure med I was allergic to. So they had to put me on Depokote, which is notorious for making people gain weight by slowing your metabolism and making you constantly famished. I gained 70 pounds the first 3 months I was on it (well under hospital supervision even!). Total I gained about 120 on the med. I figured (hoped) that once I went off it my metabolism would come back and I'd gradually lose the weight. Never really happened. Six years later, I joined MFP and I've lost 24 of the pounds so far.
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    2 pregnancies
  • BlutAura
    No idea how I got into it, always been overweight as long as I can remember.... but I do know how to get out of it.
  • darney
    darney Posts: 9
    Like most people replied, pregnancy, but I've always been a little overweight until right before I got pregnant. Pregnancy added 80 lbs to my 130lb body that way finally fit. I've now lost 40 since birth but I still have so much longer to go.
  • allroundthesun
    Originally, it was a combination of taking Depo-Provera and a soda addiction (to the tune of 5-6 cans a day), both of which started when I was 19 and moved out to go to university. I weighed 125 lbs. then, which is really higher than I'm comfortable with anyway; I was very thin until I was about 12 and then I guess the problem was too much soda as well, because I was pretty active, but my mother kept me from drinking as much of it as I did when I moved out, so I was only 10 lbs. above my ideal weight at home. By the time I was 22 I weighed 160 lbs. I lost 46 of those lbs. between March-August of 2007 and kept them off until October of 2010 but I went through a rough time from October-February and was very, very sedentary during that period, and that's what caused it this time around.
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    When I got married, I had NO idea how to cook. We ordered in every single day, and I got what tasted good. Broiled chicken, ribs pizza etc. I dont even want to know how many calories I was eating per day.

    I wish I actually thought about calories then. I call a redo!
  • Brett_Alan
    I lied to myself about how much I ate and drank and total unactive life style