Anyone wanna race me to a beach body?

edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
For those of you who are looking to lose and have a competitive streak, who wants to race? I don't think it's wise to do too many lbs at once. It would just be drawn out for too long. But, how about little 5lb competitions?

We would have to work out some rules lol cos I know if I don't eat at all I'll drop it in a week but gain most of it back and feel to week to workout BUT maybe if there was a minimum thousand calories you had to eat (but OF whatever you thought would work)? Just post if you're interested. Personally I feel it would be very inspiring and effective.


  • i'm in.
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    That could be fun! =)
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I want in too! :tongue:
  • I'd love to race you but being twice your age I think you would win hands down. I think the possibility of a beach body is out of my reach. I have sooooooooooo much to lose.
  • I'd love to race you but being twice your age I think you would win hands down. I think the possibility of a beach body is out of my reach. I have sooooooooooo much to lose.

    It's never too late! It's only 5lbs at a time anyway, you should join :)

    So how about this for rules?

    1. you must eat MINIMUM 1000 calories TOTAL (not net) but they can be from any sort of food you choose according to any diet you choose
    2. you can exercise as much as you like
    3. race begins tomorrow
    4. you must drink lots of water (8+ glasses) today and weigh yourself tomorrow morning AFTER voiding your bladder and wearing only light clothing
    5. no pills, not even over-the-counter, including laxatives and appetite suppresants BUT you're welcome to eat lots of fibre and drink coffee if you so choose
    6. you must log food and exercise

    lemme know what you think.

    OR we could also make it so that whoever loses the most weight within a give time frame (say, a month) wins instead of whoever loses a set amount fastest
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I'd love to race you but being twice your age I think you would win hands down. I think the possibility of a beach body is out of my reach. I have sooooooooooo much to lose.

    It's never too late! It's only 5lbs at a time anyway, you should join :)

    So how about this for rules?

    1. you must eat MINIMUM 1000 calories TOTAL (not net) but they can be from any sort of food you choose according to any diet you choose
    2. you can exercise as much as you like
    3. race begins tomorrow
    4. you must drink lots of water (8+ glasses) today and weigh yourself tomorrow morning AFTER voiding your bladder and wearing only light clothing
    5. no pills, not even over-the-counter, including laxatives and appetite suppresants BUT you're welcome to eat lots of fibre and drink coffee if you so choose
    6. you must log food and exercise

    lemme know what you think.

    OR we could also make it so that whoever loses the most weight within a give time frame (say, a month) wins instead of whoever loses a set amount fastest

    I have trouble with drinking all that water. Lol, but I will try. What about Vitamins?
  • I don't think vitamins would be a problem, they don't effect weight loss much, right? I usually take d and iron.

    The water's just so that you don't go into it with a bunch of water weight, if you don't normally retain water it won't really change things.
  • Ok. I think those are good rules. WE need to stay healthy and realistic! Im in. I check in several times daily.
  • How long do threads stay up? It would be convenient if we could post our results here and then when we lose a bundle we can post it on the success stories board. I am actually pretty excited about this :D.
  • Count me in - a little competition always makes things more interesting and keeps you focused. I have little confidence in my ability to lose the weight but let me give it a go. U never know what will happen with a little help from your friends. :happy:
  • Rules seem fair to me. Except I'm not weighing in tomorrow. I have a rule about weighing in-Sunday mornings only, right after waking and peeing and NAKED. :)

    I like the competition, but it will also be fun to have some motivating "friends" who WANT to get fit. MyFitnessPal is only a tiny portion of my fit lifestyle :)
  • ok then IT'S ON!!! lol
  • You can do this! It is never too late! 1 pound at a time. This is a marathon, not a sprint!
  • Im in!!! I just joined today so I am brand new to this site I already love it......I logged all my food and water for the day just have to exercise and log that in. I need to lose 21 lbs so this challenge is motivating for me...Thanks. I'm 46 and they say the older you get the harder it is to lose weight. I'm ready for that Beach Body!!!! Im also single so maybe this will help me find a nice guy.
  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    Im in aswell, haha im excited. Everyone can add me if they like :)
  • JulieWulie81
    JulieWulie81 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in! Just joined the website today and am excited for the challenge. Are we posting stats (weight loss, calories, ??) daily here on this thread? I think this will really help me stay motivated! Thanks for starting this thread! Feel free to friend me!
  • ngeela
    ngeela Posts: 4
    I'm in, and I am also a member on team beachbody...i am doing the INSANITY workout. I just started last week. My goal is 25lbs. Also anyone can add me as a friend I just dont know how to do that yet LOL.
  • fixpc
    fixpc Posts: 21
    are men invited??
  • ngeela
    ngeela Posts: 4
    And just for clarification the rules are that we have to drink 8glasses of water 2nite weigh in tomorrow and do we need to input our current weight as of tomorrow morning? and do we also have a deadline for the timeframe? 1month or 5lbs or whichever comes first or what was decided?
  • are men invited??

    of course!
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