Ideal Weight For a 5'2 (1.58m) Female?

Hi, my height is 5'2 and I currently weigh 7.13st (99lbs). I was just wondering what the ideal weight for someone of my height is? If anyone else is 5'2 please let me know how much you weigh, or what your goal is!

PS. I am near the end of my weight loss journey so please don't think I'm aiming to be underweight, I understand I'm not overweight anymore! I used to weigh 11.9st (167lbs).


  • HBMairi
    HBMairi Posts: 84 Member
    Im 5ft 3 and 9 stone.I dont know what the ideal weight is, but im pretty happy with where I am at the moment.
  • rawremzilly
    Heya, I'm also 5'2 and my wii fit told me earlier the ideal weight for someone our size is about 8st 8lb (roughly, but a BMI of 22 is considered perfect)
  • RWilliams_Fit
    RWilliams_Fit Posts: 81 Member
    That depends on your goals...

    weight is all relative. Muscular builds will look sexy and have less fat but muscle weighs more than fat...BMI doesnt calculate muscle, which is ridiculous.

    I have 15% body fat but weigh 138lbs...also 5'2 ...which according to BMI i am over silly.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    There's a range - but really, focus on health and body fat. I met a woman at the gym who is shorter than me and about 14lbs heavier. She'd probably be off the charts BMI wise. But she is muscular. My male trainer is learning a new squat technique from her as she definitely knows what she is doing. She recently won a strong woman competition. Not sure if it was just for squatting or overall, but that's pretty sweet!

    Take progress pictures and bust out the measuring tape. Weight is part of it, but not the be all/end all.
  • catfraser93
    I'm 5ft and currently 8stone 7lbs trying to get down to 8 stone. I feel that for me this would be a healthy weight, guess it depends on your build etc. I do think I could lose more and not look silly, but I am only human and do still enjoy days off doing nothing and meals out so I think 8 stone is reasonable :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    You are already considered underweight. Please stop trying to lose, and think about building muscle if you are still unhappy with how you look.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    well, I am 5'1". My goal weight is actually around 120-125lbs, maybe as low as 115lbs but for me personally, anything lower than that would be way too thin for me.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You are underweight!!!
    At 5'2", I weigh 124. I might eventually get down to 120, but that's it for me.
    It's just as unhealthy to be underweight as to be obese.