SAHM 1/17 to 1/23



  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks, Stacey! Not sure how much I'll be on today. I'm getting ready now, then I gotta get my lil man up and ready, go pay some bills, run some errands, grab a quick lunch (probably subway), then go pick up hubby, pick up my daughter from school early, take her to the dr's, and hopefully, come home and relax, but we'll see.

    Happy hump day everyone!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    exercise done
    1/2 way to water

    where are you with your daily or weekly goals??
    chk in

    ps--thanks for the encouragement re: cookies. i was over on cals yesterday but NOT b/c of loads of cookies. that is something.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Stacey~You made me :laugh: with the rice comment. The joke with my siblings is that I can burn water. :laugh: I don't think I do that bad now but still do occasionally burn the ground turkey. :grumble: That is when I am preoccupied with something else and not paying that close of attention to the dinner. Laundry counts as exercise doesn't it? When I do laundry it is an all day affair and I am exhausted at the end of the day. Way to go on the exercise and the water.

    Krislshoe~Way to go on the running! I know what you mean about it getting boring. I have a stationary bike and I hardly use it because it is dead boring! I would rather be out riding my bike. As for the abs I know what you mean about having weak abs. I have been pregnant a total of 8 times (7 live births one miscarriage). My abs were shot when I first started I couldn't even do the roll up I had to have one of my kids sit on my feet in order to do it (laying on the floor on back and sitting up with out lifting legs or bending knees). Now however I can do it. For me the key was just doing the best I could and the were strengthened.

    I worked out again this morning for 45 min. My weekly calorie burn goal is 1140 well today I met AND surpassed it I have burned so far 1611 in 3 days! I still have 2 more days to go!!! :love:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Hi folks! Mind if I play along? I'm a SAHM of two. Our daughter (C) is 4 and a half, and our son (Z) is going to be 3 next week. I didn't do too badly with weight until Z was about 14 months old -- my period returned then, and I started developing severe PMDD, so I was eating emotionally. Then when it didn't get better by the time he was 23 months old (yes, I lived with it for that long :ohwell:) I saw my midwife and got on the pill, weaning him at the same time. The added hormones made me gain, and then it didn't help that even though he stopped nursing, I didn't stop eating. :laugh: So now I'm here. Yay!

    How do you guys find time to work out with the kids around all the time? Z naps in the afternoon, but C doesn't anymore, and I have a really hard time getting into any kind of workout routine. We dance in the living room from time to time, but I'd like to do more that's just for me.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hi Fouchou! Welcome to the group :)

    Kris ~ Have you tried the Zumba DVD yet? I want to get one, but I want one that is like the classes I take at the gym, high energy and newer music :) I hate the dreadmill!! I feel ya on that one, I need to go out and run again soon. I miss the road :( I'll start training for my next half in March though, so at least I have something to look forward to! :)

    Barb ~ Love the new picture! And I'm sorry to hear about the little one :(

    Nicole ~ Chalene Johnson is a Beach Body lady, she does TurboFire Turbo Jam, Chalean extreme (weights, I think) Super motivating and her workouts are always fun! And eeeww! On the tick! I didn't even realize they were out in the winter!

    Stacey ~ I so want an XBOX 360 with the kinnect! I hear the Zumba game for that is sooo much fun!

    Katie ~ Way to go on the workouts and calorie burns!! Awesome work! :)

    Weekly goals...I didn't set any this week!! oops! I did start my weights program though and that's going well :) Not much else happening...just keeping busy!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hi folks! Mind if I play along? I'm a SAHM of two. Our daughter (C) is 4 and a half, and our son (Z) is going to be 3 next week. I didn't do too badly with weight until Z was about 14 months old -- my period returned then, and I started developing severe PMDD, so I was eating emotionally. Then when it didn't get better by the time he was 23 months old (yes, I lived with it for that long :ohwell:) I saw my midwife and got on the pill, weaning him at the same time. The added hormones made me gain, and then it didn't help that even though he stopped nursing, I didn't stop eating. :laugh: So now I'm here. Yay!

    How do you guys find time to work out with the kids around all the time? Z naps in the afternoon, but C doesn't anymore, and I have a really hard time getting into any kind of workout routine. We dance in the living room from time to time, but I'd like to do more that's just for me.

    Welcome to the group! We just joined a gym with free child care last week, so that's how I get my workout in now...but before, I would either do a DVD while they played around me, wait for the youngest to go down for a nap and either let my 4 year old watch a cartoon or hop on Sprout on-line, or I waited until the went to bed. You just gotta make the time, I wish there was an easier way :(
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    Welcome to the group! We just joined a gym with free child care last week, so that's how I get my workout in now...but before, I would either do a DVD while they played around me, wait for the youngest to go down for a nap and either let my 4 year old watch a cartoon or hop on Sprout on-line, or I waited until the went to bed. You just gotta make the time, I wish there was an easier way :(

    Thanks! We just moved to a teeny town, and there is a gym, but they don't have childcare yet. They're working on it. Z will be in preschool next year and C will be in kindergarten so I'll have two mornings a week ALLLLL to myself! I can work out then. Maybe I'll just fudge it in the meantime.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Weekly goals...I didn't set any this week!! oops! I did start my weights program though and that's going well :) Not much else happening...just keeping busy!

    What kind of weights program? At the gym, or at home?

    @ KatieM7 -- that's awesome! Way to exceed those goals! I hope to be at that point someday soon. :)
  • mcurtis01
    mcurtis01 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello, I am a SAHM of three yooung boys and just joined MFP. I was wondering how MFP has impacted you? I am hoping it will keep me accountable, it has appeared I have hit a plateau after losing 18 lbs, so I am hoping keeping track of everything with help me push past this rut and hopefully get some great new ideas and support.
  • I freaked out when I stepped on the scale this morning & the weight was up instead of the same or even down so I decided I had to step up the workout today. I decided that even though it hasn't been two full weeks yet I was moving up to the next dvd so today I did the Slim in 6 - Ramp it Up, which goes from 30 mins to 50 mins. Wow I am feeling it already & I only finished about 30 minutes ago, usually it takes till later in the day or the next morning before I'm feeling what I worked. I am going to check my measurements this weekend after doing the first 2 weeks & see if there is any change yet, just curious not really expecting anything yet.
    Well boys just woke up already guess I better get off here. Sounds like everyone is doing really great, keep it up! Sorry not enough time to comment on everyone personally right now. :smile:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Hello, I am a SAHM of three yooung boys and just joined MFP. I was wondering how MFP has impacted you? I am hoping it will keep me accountable, it has appeared I have hit a plateau after losing 18 lbs, so I am hoping keeping track of everything with help me push past this rut and hopefully get some great new ideas and support.

    Hi! I've only been with MFP for about two weeks, so I haven't seen drastic weight loss yet (I think my 8 lbs in my ticker isn't quite right -- I think my starting weight was off, but I'm keeping it :laugh:), but already I'm noticing a change in the way I think about food. I used to eat a lot more than I even realized, and it wasn't the healthiest stuff. Now that I'm tracking calories though, I'm finding ways to keep my energy up and my stomach full on fewer calories, and I'm already feeling better for it. I think it's going to be a good place to be. And I'm also realizing how much "just one more" piece of chocolate is really costing me -- I could have something actually filling for the same amount of calories, and it makes me feel better than that sugar rush. So I think MFP is going to be a good thing for me in the long run.

    Christi, good for you for using that scale as a motivator instead of letting it get you down. :) I hope you have a great day!
  • Hello Everyone,

    Great job to all you ladies who are keeping your goals this week! Stacey and Katie you have inspired me to try to get 5 workouts in this week. 3 down, 2 to go (but i had to count shoveling lol).

    I'm doing good with my goal to get more water in this week and eat less chocolate! Still some, but less :laugh:

    ajweekley- it's always hard to find time to work out. I've been consistently working out for a year but the time is never consistent or scheduled. I try to go to the gym at 5:30am but really, that just stinks and in the winter I have a really hard time dragging myself out of bed. My kids are homeschooled and are here all the time (ages 9,7,5). I don't like working out in the house or with them watching but gotta do what you gotta do sometimes...:wink: Good luck making that time!

    I'm excited I found time to get back on here today!! Missed all you ladies and your encouragement!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Can I join too? I am a mom of two very energetic boys and a girl who is no angel either. My boys are finally both in school full time and I just have my daughter at home. She is pretty good at letting me workout on my treadmill.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome newcomers!

    ajweekley~I just do it with the kids around. I put my baby in his bouncer and then the others play. Sometimes I will have one of them exercise with me and then they will stop. My kids are pretty good about staying out of my way, they don't want to get whacked in the head. :laugh: When they do start to get in my "workout zone" then I tell them they need to move because I don't want to hit them. For me I just have to make the time and do it otherwise it just won't happen. Also when I go somewhere else to workout I will work it around my hubby being home so that I don't have to find someone to watch them.

    Christi~body weight fluctuates so much. I wouldn't stress it too much but it was good for you to go do some exercise to burn some more calories.

    Melissa~Shoveling is back breaking work you did superb! I can't even drag myself out of bed at 7am in the summer let alone 5:30am! That is some inspiration.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hi Fouchou! Welcome to the group :)

    Kris ~ Have you tried the Zumba DVD yet? I want to get one, but I want one that is like the classes I take at the gym, high energy and newer music :) I hate the dreadmill!! I feel ya on that one, I need to go out and run again soon. I miss the road :( I'll start training for my next half in March though, so at least I have something to look forward to! :)

    Barb ~ Love the new picture! And I'm sorry to hear about the little one :(

    Nicole ~ Chalene Johnson is a Beach Body lady, she does TurboFire Turbo Jam, Chalean extreme (weights, I think) Super motivating and her workouts are always fun! And eeeww! On the tick! I didn't even realize they were out in the winter!

    Stacey ~ I so want an XBOX 360 with the kinnect! I hear the Zumba game for that is sooo much fun!

    Katie ~ Way to go on the workouts and calorie burns!! Awesome work! :)

    Weekly goals...I didn't set any this week!! oops! I did start my weights program though and that's going well :) Not much else happening...just keeping busy!

    Thanks, Katie!

    It's part of my Vday surprise for hubby....

    Today was a very busy day, but I have stayed on my daily goals! Yay me! LoL Just need to finishing inputting my exercises and even without my exercises I'm still under my calorie goal, woo hoo!!

    Weekly goals, I'm doing pretty good, still strong with the 30 day shred.

    Welcome all newcomers to the group! :flowerforyou:
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Rough day today. Little one is teething, her first, and it looks like she's working on multiple. I can see a bottom eyetooth and one of the bottom middle ones poking through, plus it's red and bumpy where the other eyetooth would be. She refused bottles when my husband was with her the other night and won't take any of her favorite teethers :( I was exhausted this afternoon, but managed to get in half my workout while she napped! I'm hoping she'll sleep better tonight and I can catch up just a little.

    In my last week on here I've realized I wasn't eating near enough before joining. Now that MFP is giving me a calorie goal I'm losing for the first time in 8 months!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    whoa--lots of new girls here! welcome! this is a VERY supportive, understanding and encouraging group.

    congrats to all those who kept up with their exercise. and aj, that one more piece kind of thinking is GREAT--that you see how damaging one more.

    melissa, i had chcolate today--1 tblsp of chips. but when i went to reach into the bag again, i stopped myself. using exactly aj's thinking. telling myself it was so hard to do that workout and here i'm gonna undo it?!

    katiem--laundry and exercise? go girl!

    nicole--recovered from that icky tick? how else are you doing? you've been so quiet lately (hugs)

    christi--i like your determination. good to have you around!

    ok--off to bed.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Rough day today. Little one is teething, her first, and it looks like she's working on multiple. I can see a bottom eyetooth and one of the bottom middle ones poking through, plus it's red and bumpy where the other eyetooth would be. She refused bottles when my husband was with her the other night and won't take any of her favorite teethers :( I was exhausted this afternoon, but managed to get in half my workout while she napped! I'm hoping she'll sleep better tonight and I can catch up just a little.

    In my last week on here I've realized I wasn't eating near enough before joining. Now that MFP is giving me a calorie goal I'm losing for the first time in 8 months!

    My little guy is finally getting his first tooth, I just felt the sharp corner yesterday while at my daughter's dr appt....he's been having symptoms of teething since he was 5 months and he's almost 9 months (in 10 more days) and he's just now popping one, so I know what you are going through. I haven't been in this situation since my daughter was little, I forgot what the teething stage is like!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Good morning Ladies......chilly morning hear in central PA......went over on my calories last night.....blecckkk!!!! why is it on my rest days I always get munchy......maybe i shouldnt take any rest

    Katie.....havent tried the Zumba dvd yet...hoping to this weekend...ill let ya know how I like it.....hoping to run a half marathon this year too......have only done a 5k race and would love the challenge of a half...

    barb and wildcat......the teething stage is hard...I remember those guyswere so fussy at that time..

    Going to try to get a run in this evening.....hopefully outside....if not will do the zumba dvd or p90x kempo dvd.......but I WILL work out somehow tonite...have a great day all.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome all newcomers!

    KatieM- I would give yourself a week to take off the paper and glue and repaint for one room.

    Stacey- I am here, thanks for checking in on me!:flowerforyou:

    Krislshoe-I am always hungrier on my rest days...the days I run, I am actually not that hungry...and that's when I have the extra calories!

    I haven't been able to get on the computer much, semester finals for DS and when hubby and DD get home, they fight for the comp...I jump on for a couple of minutes here and there. But!!!! good news!!!!! I finished sewing hubbies pj's last night, and started on DS's pj's. Of course they were supposed to be done at Christmas, but at least they are getting done now!:tongue: When I am done with them I can start on my cross stitch again for my mom...another Christmas present, hopefully I will get it done for next Christmas!:laugh:

    As for the tick issue....up until yesterday, the tick bite still hurt and was still a little red, this morning it is just itchy. EEEEWWWW:sick: Ticks never full go away here in the winter because it doesn't get super cold for them to go dormant. In the summer when there is no rain, you don't see them as much....Looking forward to that!
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