Ate double my calorie limit for the day

Now I remember why I give up on MFP so often. The first sign of I can't do this and I give up.

Today I started what was supposed to be a new change of eating habits and working on weight loss, but by the end of the day (THANKS DINNER) I ended up eating double my calorie limit. And I was doing so well!!

Part of it was I couldn't say no to food family brought home for me, but now I'm thinking, if I can't say no to that, what makes me think I'll be able to say no when I'm in school and want to order take out (my fingers magically go to the ordering websites).

I'm so discouraged. My weight loss is never going to happen!


  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    It happened. But it doesn't define you or your journey. Tomorrow is a FRESH start. Start over and try to do better. Before you know it you'll be staying in your goals and rocking your weight loss plan.

    Out of curiosity, how much are you looking to lose and what is your current calorie goal set to?
  • AndyPGonzalez
    AndyPGonzalez Posts: 29 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 70 lbs. Not sure how realistic of a goal it is. i'm hoping to complete it by May 2015 when I graduate. MyFitnessPal gives me a 1490 calorie limit, which honestly, given what I ate before the one meal that set me off, is actually pretty decent and not too restrictive.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Focus on progress in small steps. Work on getting within ur budget you may want to start a little higher especially if ur trying to loose 2lbs a week to maybe a pound or a pound and a half as you get comfortable with that range then try 2 a week. For me I was never able to loose 2 a week it's always been an average of 1, I might get 1.5 every now and then.

    What I have found is that by making small changes it didn't put unrealistic expectations on Myself that would set me up for failure. Instead I was able to implement small changes feel good about accomplishing them.

    Even I eat 1600-1850 calories usually and loose a pound a week with an active lifestyle I never thought I would have.
  • back2twentyfive
    back2twentyfive Posts: 36 Member
    Some suggestions:

    Plan ahead: what will you do the next time friends or family or just you want to overdo it? Don't know if it will work for you, but it helps me to think negatively, for example, "no, I don't really want my arteries clogged" or "no, I don't want to become diabetic" or "no, if I eat all this, it won't actually make me happy."

    One day is not a big deal, just start again the next day. But if it's a habit, get yourself ready for it, so you can come out ahead.

    I bring foods to work to eat when I get hungry or tempted -- green peppers, tomatoes, a bunch of mixed lettuce & red cabbage, Greek yoghurt. I started with low fat beef jerky.

    Portion control: If I don't want to say no, it helps me to have one of x, not a handful.

    I think it's a matter of building better habits, over time. Wishing you all the best!

    Out of sight: if you don't want to eat it, get rid of it or put it out of sight.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I say, keep logging. But in the end, it's really about wanting it badly enough... Meanwhile, ask your family not to bring food over, plan your days and try to stick to the plan... About college and ordering out, well, I don't know what your living arrangements will be, but I've found that I can make about anything I crave for half the calories.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Is that number of calories based on MFP suggestions? Are you set to 2 lbs loss/week? Try dialing it back to 1.5 lb/loss per week. It's better to do this slowly and actually do this, rather than go too full speed and burn out on day 1.
  • Dylanmacintyre
    Dylanmacintyre Posts: 2 Member
    Don't let it get you down! I've doubled my calories before too. The great thing about our bodies is that they don't work off of a day by day basis. It's ok to mess up on a day and do better the next. And like everyone else said, dial back the amount you want to loose a little so that you can ease yourself into the process. Its easier to take it slow and then build up to the eating habit you want then just jumping into eating 1500 calories a day from what you use to eat. KEEP GOING :)
  • nesto610
    nesto610 Posts: 107
    One or two bad days does not make a difference if in the long term you stick to your plan.

    I go off the rails from time to time (I think you need to so as not to go insane) and as can be seen from my ticker I am down 61 lbs and near my goal. Hell, I ate a full rack of ribs, fries, cole slaw, fried calamari with a Thai sweet chili sauce along with quite a few beers on Monday night. I figure all of that was a minimum of 3,000 calories and that was just for dinner! But seriously, how can you turn down a full rack of ribs with fries and slaw for for only $10.99? Oh how I love Millers Ale House......
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    Maybe you should have a talk with your family so they won't bring home food for you, although I am sure it was well intentioned! I agree that planning is key! Every morning before I cook I sit down and log what I think I most likely will eat that day. Then I stick as close to it as possible. Sometimes I change my mind, but editing your food is easy to do! Good luck!
  • garnerish
    garnerish Posts: 67 Member
    Keep going!

    There's some days in my diary where I'm way over and some days where only lunch is logged because my dinner was so ridiculous I was ashamed of it.

    A lot of those days actually.

    The point is, you keep going. If you fail today, don't fail tomorrow.

    Not to sound too cliche, but every day is a fresh start.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    For me, planning is key. I plan for tomorrow tonight. Takes me about 4 minutes (but mainly because I eat a lot of the same food each day).

    Planning also means I know when I'll really need to gain some exercise calories because of what I have planned.
  • Jordan_Gregers
    Jordan_Gregers Posts: 35 Member
    If I had a dollar for every day that I went over (like WAY over) I would be able to treat myself to a pretty tidy steak dinner, with frites and a whole bottle of wine for good measure. I've lost 50 lbs and been able to keep it off. It happens, the fact that you can see yourself going over now, and want to put the brakes on is what really matters.
  • 123stefania
    123stefania Posts: 167 Member
    Its not a easy journey....dont get discouraged so fast. I had day like that and I had excellent day. Now, I'm on a plateau but I am working on ......Go just continue logging!!!! and coming to MFP!!!