Getting sick after a couple of weeks at the gym

May sound like a dumb question but for years I have tried going to the gym and time and time again I get SICK after 2-3 weeks (sometimes longer) of going regularly.... this happened again recently although I have been getting sick on and off for 3 months.... that's another topic

anyway, my question is this.... is it possible that I am getting sick because I am NOT EATING ENOUGH calories when I start doing intense workouts? Cause generally I don't even think of eating more... I just want to lose weight and I don't seem to be hungrier anyway..........?!!!???!!!?!!


  • Nojoke81
    Nojoke81 Posts: 131
    Be easy on yourself.

    Low calorie and High intensity is the way I go about it but that's not for everyone and some people do have violent reactions.

    Listen to your body and start off easy and work up to a more advanced level.

    You should probably consume more calories ( enough that you still lose weight, just at a slower pace ) and work a bit easier at the gym.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    yes... I suppose that's possible...What kind of sick are we talking about here? Like, a cold? It might be a germ issue. Tons of people are using the gym equipment everyday so its easy to spread viruses. Wash your hands after using equipment, spray it down after use as well to prevent spreading germs.
  • cottonta1l
    cottonta1l Posts: 33 Member
    Are you taking rest days? How much are you eating and how much are you burning in your workouts?
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    What sort of activities do you do?

    I find that I get nauseous if I eat before cardio or even a heavy (for me) weight lifting session.

    What kind of "sick" are you?

    Is it:
    Constipation or Diarrhea
    Head Cold/Allergies

    It could also simply be anxiety about being in the gym!
  • Diva_79
    Diva_79 Posts: 66
    Be easy on yourself.

    Low calorie and High intensity is the way I go about it but that's not for everyone and some people do have violent reactions.

    Listen to your body and start off easy and work up to a more advanced level.

    You should probably consume more calories ( enough that you still lose weight, just at a slower pace ) and work a bit easier at the gym.

    thank you.... gentle advice :)
  • Diva_79
    Diva_79 Posts: 66
    Are you taking rest days? How much are you eating and how much are you burning in your workouts?

    I haven't exercised or logged for a couple of weeks due to sickness, however, when I was exercising and logging my diary entries and example of a typical day would be numerous sets of weight exercises (within reason - say 3 sets shoulders, 3 sets triceps, 3 sets biceps, 3 sets back, 3 sets chest), then half hour interval training on the treadmill (burning about 200 calories + the calories burned doing weights - MFP doesn't give values for those). Then on that same day I would eat about 1350 calories.....
    I would either take 2 rest days in the week or I would have one day at the gym the next day rest and alternate like that.....

    Does that make sense?

    I just noticed that I haven't logged anything in MFP for about 1 month. hmmm
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    So my guess would be the combination of your body going through changes, which makes it freak out a bit, and lowers your immune system, and then going to the gym you're exposed to a world of new people and the germs that go with them.

    I used to work for a gym and new people would get sick fairly often as they adjusted to being around different germs and their bodies adjusted to changes.
  • Diva_79
    Diva_79 Posts: 66
    yes... I suppose that's possible...What kind of sick are we talking about here? Like, a cold? It might be a germ issue. Tons of people are using the gym equipment everyday so its easy to spread viruses. Wash your hands after using equipment, spray it down after use as well to prevent spreading germs.

    Oh my god I never even THOUGHT about that YUK!

    Yes, colds... always a cold. Or tummy bugs... YUK! GERMS!!! hahaha
    From now on i will spray those machines YUK YUK YUK!!!!!!!!!!
  • Diva_79
    Diva_79 Posts: 66
    So my guess would be the combination of your body going through changes, which makes it freak out a bit, and lowers your immune system, and then going to the gym you're exposed to a world of new people and the germs that go with them.

    I used to work for a gym and new people would get sick fairly often as they adjusted to being around different germs and their bodies adjusted to changes.

    OMG GERMS!!!!! why didn't I EVER think about that YUK!
  • WithWhatsLeft
    WithWhatsLeft Posts: 196 Member
    So my guess would be the combination of your body going through changes, which makes it freak out a bit, and lowers your immune system, and then going to the gym you're exposed to a world of new people and the germs that go with them.

    I used to work for a gym and new people would get sick fairly often as they adjusted to being around different germs and their bodies adjusted to changes.

    OMG GERMS!!!!! why didn't I EVER think about that YUK!

    LOL get some weight lifting gloves. Don't touch your face during your workout. When you are done, make pealing off those gloves and washing your hands thoroughly (hot water, soap, 30 seconds just like your mom taught you) priority #1.

    Took me 2 colds to figure that one out!

    My current set of gloves is 6 months old and they look naaaasty.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    So my guess would be the combination of your body going through changes, which makes it freak out a bit, and lowers your immune system, and then going to the gym you're exposed to a world of new people and the germs that go with them.

    I used to work for a gym and new people would get sick fairly often as they adjusted to being around different germs and their bodies adjusted to changes.

    OMG GERMS!!!!! why didn't I EVER think about that YUK!

    Errm I know this might sound like a dumb question but are you a total neat freak who can't stand the idea of touching germs on anything?

    Because that might be why you always get sick. If you constantly get ill from doing something so prosaic as touching some sweaty gym equipment then basically. Your immune system is weak as hell. Probably because you won't ever touch anything you perceive as dirty.

    Your immune system needs exercise of its own. Trust me you don't want to hit old age with your immune system in this state. I'm not saying people should roll around in germs. But being paranoid of them WILL land you in trouble.
  • Diva_79
    Diva_79 Posts: 66
    So my guess would be the combination of your body going through changes, which makes it freak out a bit, and lowers your immune system, and then going to the gym you're exposed to a world of new people and the germs that go with them.

    I used to work for a gym and new people would get sick fairly often as they adjusted to being around different germs and their bodies adjusted to changes.

    Great IDEA! I think I'll wear a facemask too.... lol just kidding
    I do have a pair of gym gloves... I'll wear them from now on! Thanks ;)

    OMG GERMS!!!!! why didn't I EVER think about that YUK!

    LOL get some weight lifting gloves. Don't touch your face during your workout. When you are done, make pealing off those gloves and washing your hands thoroughly (hot water, soap, 30 seconds just like your mom taught you) priority #1.

    Took me 2 colds to figure that one out!

    My current set of gloves is 6 months old and they look naaaasty.
  • Diva_79
    Diva_79 Posts: 66
    So my guess would be the combination of your body going through changes, which makes it freak out a bit, and lowers your immune system, and then going to the gym you're exposed to a world of new people and the germs that go with them.

    I used to work for a gym and new people would get sick fairly often as they adjusted to being around different germs and their bodies adjusted to changes.

    OMG GERMS!!!!! why didn't I EVER think about that YUK!

    Errm I know this might sound like a dumb question but are you a total neat freak who can't stand the idea of touching germs on anything?

    Because that might be why you always get sick. If you constantly get ill from doing something so prosaic as touching some sweaty gym equipment then basically. Your immune system is weak as hell. Probably because you won't ever touch anything you perceive as dirty.

    Your immune system needs exercise of its own. Trust me you don't want to hit old age with your immune system in this state. I'm not saying people should roll around in germs. But being paranoid of them WILL land you in trouble.

    Good point,... I'm not really a germaphobe (is that how you spell it?) but I do believe my immune system is shot... (long story). Do you have any ideas on how I can strengthen it / fix it?
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I make sure to never touch my face with my hands when I'm at the gym, and as soon as I'm done I wash my hands or use some hand sanitizer. My gym is kept super clean - the owner is a total germophobe. But someone I know goes to a very busy chain gym that I don't think is maintained as well, and is constantly getting sick.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Germs.. I notice especially in the winter time I would get sick a lot. Makes sense lots of ppl sweating breathing possibly coughing all over all the equipment. I started carrying santizing wipes with me to wipe down the equipment before I used it. Those towels they give you to clean the equipment are used over and over..Im sure they are harboring some nasty germs.. I do think eventually your immune system gets used to it. Try not to touch your face while working out. Bring a towel to wipe the sweat..Wash your hands really well before and after using cardio equpiment. You probably still get sick just hopefully not as much. I dont get sick nearly as often..
  • tfoxsail
    tfoxsail Posts: 16
    I'll add this in...sleep. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep (most recommend 7-8 hours minimum), especially if your immune system may be 'shot'.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Basically eat right with a good nutritious diet and don't be afraid to get dirty. There's no need to be filthy. But going eewww at the prospect of touching the invisible residue of other peoples sweat is probably going too far. Sure no one wants to use a machine that looks like someone just pulled it out of a lake of sweat. But as long as it looks ok it probably is. If your immune system is weak due to inexperience cos you are a bit of a neat freak then you will stop getting ill after a while. Thing is loads of diseases cycle round all the time. But because you've protected yourself you are getting a lifetime share all at once. The other possibility is that you have a medical condition or lack of nutrition that has weakened your immune system. which is treatable by a doctor a diet respectively.

    Vitamin D also plays a big role so don't be afraid of long walks/runs out in the sunshine. If you can go somewhere with a lot of nature that will probably help with the dirt exposure too.
  • McCluskey1128
    McCluskey1128 Posts: 88 Member
    The exact same thing happened to me when I was eating 1200kcal and going to the gym like a lunatic some times twice per day.

    Eat more.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    If you are talking colds and flu type "sick", try wiping the equipment down *before* and after you use it.

    Gym equipment can be as bad as kindergarten toys for spreading common viruses.
  • abigail659
    abigail659 Posts: 63 Member
    My husband would always get sick after getting on the Workout wagon. It never failed (and he is in no way a germaphobe). We were told he needed to beef up on vitamins to help keep his imune system in line. Sounds like a good idea but not sure if it's 100% true.