weight training advice - haven't worked out since May

I'm looking for some weight training advice (understanding that no one here is a doctor - but maybe a trainer?)

Here is the back story. I had a good run - I started working out in October of 2013 - mostly lifting weights and working on body recomp. Then, in May of this year I got whooping cough. It was miserable, I was down and out for weeks, and I'm actually still coughing a bit but it is manageable. I'm hoping that in the next few months the coughing will be done. However, at the end of June, I was still coughing so hard that I actually broke one of my ribs (who knew that was even possible)?

I would like to get back to the gym and back to weight lifting. It has been about 4 weeks since I broke the rib. I can still feel it and I know there will definitely be no ab work as there is a sharp pain when I move in a sit-up motion. However, there have to be lifts I can do! I started walking and have progressed to walking hills but I'm antsy to get back to the weights.

Does anyone have any experience on what might be ok to do while at the tail end of healing a broken rib? My workout before consisted of: Bench Press, Upright Row, Squat, Deadlift, Shoulder Press, Tricep Dip and then every other workout some sort of ab work.

I'm thinking that I might be able to do lunges, bulgarian split squat (maybe with weights), bicep curls - what else? any ideas? Any thoughts would be appreciated!


  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Why is this even a question?

    Go to a doctor, get looked at to make sure its healing properly and get meds to get rid of whooping cough, and listen to them.
    If you've done that, let it heal.
    Letting your body mend itself and heal is far more important than losing weight and exercising. Because you'll just keep reinjuring yourself by not fully healing the first and itll just take longer and longer.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Why is this even a question?

    Go to a doctor, get looked at to make sure its healing properly and get meds to get rid of whooping cough, and listen to them.
    If you've done that, let it heal.
    Letting your body mend itself and heal is far more important than losing weight and exercising. Because you'll just keep reinjuring yourself by not fully healing the first and itll just take longer and longer.

    Agreed. I'd be willing to work around broken fingers/toes/limbs/etc, but a rib? No way. Lifting uses your core a LOT, and I don't think you'd like it very much if your rib snapped loose under the pressure and punctured a lung or something.
  • stephcalcott
    stephcalcott Posts: 84 Member
    Trust me - I'm not stupid. I've been to the doctor more times than I can count. I've taken all the meds for whooping cough - unfortunately, the cough lingers. I've spoken with the CDC (they are contacted when someone is diagnosed with WC) and they said to expect the cough to last about 3-4 months. Other than being annoying, I feel fine there.

    I've also had my rib x rayed to confirm the break. They said to wait 4 weeks or so to resume workouts and let my body tell me when I'm ready to go back. That's what I've done. I'm just looking for small things I can do with weights until I feel that it's completely healed. I'm not trying to go crazy or be tough - I'm just tired of doing nothing.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I suppose you could try some body weight stuff, but if you can't do a sit-up I think you'll find that you'll get pain with most "lifting" type exercises due to core involvement. I think your best bet would be to cardio along for a couple weeks until your rib is finished healing, and then try to start adding stuff back in.