Getting frustrated



  • kelleyish
    kelleyish Posts: 8 Member
    I think taking it slow and not demonizing certain foods is a healthy attitude for sure. That being said, looking through your diary, I would recommend trying to incorporate a few more fruits and vegetables and whole unprocessed foods into your diet. Try to edge out the granola bars and bagels. You don't have to go full low carb, but let the bread and grains be a smaller portion of your overall diet. Maybe instead of chocolate pudding and cool whip for a late night dessert, try strawberries or peaches with real whipped cream instead. Instead of the bagel for breakfast have some eggs, or maybe try some plain oatmeal and mix in your own toppings, like natural peanut butter and honey.

    Good luck!!
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    Try reading this:

    The info in that link rang so true to me, and it really helped put into context what was going on with my loss - which SOUNDS like the same thing you're experiencing.

    Very helpful link, thanks for sharing!
    And how's that worked out for you? Anyhow, I get it. You want permission to quit. Fine. You have mine. No skin off my back. Or keep at it. Take it slow. This past Monday made it exactly 3 weeks. 6 pounds (even if some are water) isn't bad for 3 weeks. Give it at least a couple months before you declare the entire thing a failure and go on a "woe is me" binge.

    LOL, ok. Sure. That's what I said. :laugh:
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    I think taking it slow and not demonizing certain foods is a healthy attitude for sure. That being said, looking through your diary, I would recommend trying to incorporate a few more fruits and vegetables and whole unprocessed foods into your diet. Try to edge out the granola bars and bagels. You don't have to go full low carb, but let the bread and grains be a smaller portion of your overall diet. Maybe instead of chocolate pudding and cool whip for a late night dessert, try strawberries or peaches with real whipped cream instead. Instead of the bagel for breakfast have some eggs, or maybe try some plain oatmeal and mix in your own toppings, like natural peanut butter and honey.

    Good luck!!

    I definitely will be doing that in the future. I have found that if I try to jump in excluding foods or focusing too much on macros, etc., I get myself burned out quickly, so this time I wanted to start slow with calories, and then maybe start setting smaller goals for myself, like more water, certain number of veggies/fruits per day, etc. and then I'll be focusing more on the quality of the food and the macros. I do think I'll probably see a bit of difference from that, you're right. Thanks!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Starting with one thing and then adding in other goals is a smart way to go about it. I'm approaching maintenance and STILL do this. I focus on my weakest areas knowing that's where I need the most effort.
  • I think you are doing great! Keep it up! I have a Facebook page for like-minded people like us who are all on their own personal challenge. Would you like me to add yu to the group? We are losing weight 10 pounds at a time on Project 10.
  • piajay
    piajay Posts: 3
    From my experience, quick pounds lost are quick pounds gained. So the fact that you're losing a steady 3 lbs in 2 weeks, though it may not be what you're used to, sounds like a good rate, especially given your new healthy lifestyle/workout techniques. Don't be concerned so soon. Stay motivated; you're doing a lot of good for yourself. I'm sure with time, you'll be more proud of yourself than anything else.
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    I think you are doing great! Keep it up! I have a Facebook page for like-minded people like us who are all on their own personal challenge. Would you like me to add yu to the group? We are losing weight 10 pounds at a time on Project 10.

    Thanks, but I get spammed enough on Facebook by Visalus people.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Thank you, everyone! I guess I needed a little dose of reality, I appreciate it! I'm not giving up, I feel very different this time around, maybe because I'm not being so psycho with "good foods" and "bad foods," but just eating whatever and making sure I'm under my calorie goal.

    I'll try to look at the bigger picture and not focus on the short-term stuff.

    Slow and steady wins this lifelong race! This will be sustainable while quick fixes won't and then you'll be off the wagon again. Congrats on making this a commitment to doing it right! :drinker:
  • piajay
    piajay Posts: 3
    Help me! May I join?:smile:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I guess I'm just frustrated because I usually lose very quickly.

    And how has that worked out for you in the past?
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    I guess I'm just frustrated because I usually lose very quickly.

    And how has that worked out for you in the past?

    I know, and I even said later in the thread....that's exactly why I'm back, because it didn't work, obviously. I guess it's just hard when it came off so quickly in the past to see it come off slowly now, even if it's better for me. I just have to get my head around that, that's all.