I want to be honest...I mean REALLY HONEST

As I was driving to work this morning I was thinking about battling weight gain, weight loss, and then weight gain again. As the years tick by, it's becoming more and more difficult to get motivated about what I know I NEED to do, but now it's become a matter of life and death...not just fitting into those skinny jeans I was once so proud of. I don't want my journey to better health to be about vanity, but quality of life!

This is my first post here. Hopefully I will find some friends who share the same goals I do...and even others who will be willing to share their success. I would like to start being honest with myself and others. I mean brutally honest. The good, bad, and ugly. I hope this is the forum I can do this with and I'm posting this first to test the waters.

About 4 years ago I was at my heaviest weighing 262 and had been single (lonely) for 4 years. I decided to cut out (most) carbs. I was able to lose 40lbs in about a year with this plan and then stopped. A year later I wasn't gaining, but I wasn't losing either, still weighing 220. The company I work for had a "Biggest Loser" challenge for 3 months. This is the first time I started using My Fitness Pal. I also incorporated exercising into my daily routine. I was able to lose an additional 40 lbs in 3 months. Before I type any more, I will end with this...I kept the weight off for about a year and have since gained it back. I'm getting older and my blood pressure is getting higher. I need help to regain and maintain a healthier me.


  • cjacobs81
    cjacobs81 Posts: 22 Member
    I've been down that path...I was able to lose 50 pounds and I gained it all back. In the beginning it was definitely depressing for me because I couldn't believe all that hard work I put in just went to waste because I gained the weight back but now that I got back on my journey completely I realized if I could do it before I can do it again and this time I do not plan to stop until I reach my goal.

    Good Luck to you and I'm here to offer any support/motivation you need. Just remember you did it before now let's do it again!
  • jms1739
    jms1739 Posts: 80 Member
    Feel free to add me.

    I restarted my journey back in March and started up here again less then a month ago. Now that I am older, it is not so much about trying to look good or fit into the bikini, but to be healthy and not hit 50 and have health issues.

    Welcome back and take a day at a time, a meal at a time.
  • justmextine
    justmextine Posts: 7 Member
    Same boat here... lost 40 lbs through exercise and adjusting what I ate. I've done the shuffle a time or two between different fads and even through MFP. Weighed myself yesterday after noticing my clothes were getting tight and BAM, heaviest weight I have ever been. I could have either chose to continue the path or stop and make a U-turn. As much as I would love to wake up skinny, I know I didn't wake up overnight being obese.

    Because we've been here before, we know making the commitment is the first step. Taking the actions and being consistent is the hard part. Developing a routine and support to make things easier is why I am back to MFP. The science behind the weight loss is simple.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Welcome. I've recently started to lose the weight I gained after a successful loss following the birth of my kids. I had a year of overeating and was approaching my 40th birthday. I said to myself- I can either give up and have a lifetime of bad health and poorly fitting clothes, or I can start to turn things around. So far, so good with MFP.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    For what it might be worth to you, I don't look to motivation much myself. Instead, I focus on persistence. I have found that dogged persistence overcomes everything. "Persistence can turn failure into extraordinary success." - Matt Biondi
  • Steve_Rance
    I don't think you need help to regain a healthier you - you've done it before so you know you can do it again. Crack on :wink:

    Something obviously goes wrong though for it all to keep coming back?