Weight loss on Atkins induction

Hello.. I'm just looking for anyone that's on Atkins to share their weight loss amounts during the initial 2 week induction phase and also height/weight and how much you have to lose.. Also looking for friends on Atkins for support.. Thanks :)


  • ChubbyOctopus
    ChubbyOctopus Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm trying it again (did it 10 years ago and lost 3 stone), now I'd like to lose 1.5 stone (I am 11 stone 10lbs just now). Have been doing induction but I think I've been doing it wrong - my protein is too high and fat too low... Any advice appreciated! I think the portions of meat I have been eating are too big, and didn't realise I should avoid lower fat meat like chicken breast and beef should be at least 20% fat (but I can only find 10% fat in organic). The first 4 days in induction I lost 6lbs but it seems to be creeping back. Need to be really careful to follow the rules from tomorrow!
  • ChubbyOctopus
    ChubbyOctopus Posts: 4 Member
    Oh, my height is 5'8" and bmi of 24.6 which isn't too bad as I have quite a lot of muscle, but I would like to get it to about 20. What about you?
  • curryandlove
    curryandlove Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I just started my induction today and I'm looking forward to seeing good results. Feel free to add me and we can support each other through this! :)
    Also wow, 6 pounds in 4 days sounds awesome and crazy at the same time! I hope I get those kind of results.
  • derik999
    derik999 Posts: 73
    When you go super low carb you are going to lose some water weight initially, so that may be part of it.
  • I am starting 7/17! 164 lbs, 5ft tall BMI 31! Shhhh don't say I told ya! It's bad! I was 130 4 months ago and quit my job, which was extremely physical. I am looking for buddies as well. I set my app to carbs of 5% but my calories still gives me negative results. Do you guys just not worry about that part is is there a different app for fitness pal Atkins diets? Either way! I a. Not really recording right now, I am just watching what i eat, meal planning, exercise planning & purging my fridge for next week! Looking forward to it!
  • nlp308
    nlp308 Posts: 6 Member
    I am about to finish my second week of induction. I lost 8 pounds my first week with carb reduction and increased exercise. As the second week is ending I'm finding I'm having more cravings than the first week- I'm not sure if that's normal for the second week or not, but I'm trying to power through it. Good luck!
  • Hi, I'm finishing my first month of a LCHF/keto diet which is basically prolonged Atkins induction. During the first month I dropped over 2% of body fat :)

    @nip308 yes, it's completely normal. I experienced more carb cravings during the second week than I did during the first. Also there were a few days during the second week when I was hungry ALL the time, so much to the point where I was getting desperate thinking this diet would make me balloon up into an obese person. Just push through it! I'm now almost never hungry, have to remind myself to eat most times :D
  • bex_445
    bex_445 Posts: 4
    Hi, I've just started on Monday. Never lost the baby weight I gained and if anything have put more on and she's now 17months so I have no excuse! My BMI is 32 :-( Never been this big before. I don't eat any meat but I do eat fish and have been eating some quorn so its a bit of a challenge. Not too sure if I have to count quorn/meat substitutes as carbs. Quorn mince contains more fibre than carbs so does that mean i can classify it as 0 carbs?
    Sorry, I was just supposed to be saying hello!
    Good luck everyone.
  • KimJoyCook
    KimJoyCook Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on Day 11 of Induction. I'll be honest, I cheated most of the 1st week (like every night I would have 1/4 cup of ice cream). But this past Saturday, I did more reading and realized I was completely sabotaging the plan and throwing myself OUT of ketosis every time I put that ice cream in my mouth. My blood sugar went out of whack.

    Since I dialed my diet in, I'm seeing results. I log everything I eat. That helps me to see where I'm having some "issues" and where I need to tweak my nutrition. I did Atkins about 10 years ago and lost 60 pounds. I kept it off for about 2 years, then I decided I could eat whatever I wanted to again.... OOPS!! Bad move! I gained a bunch of weight and have struggled for the last few years trying to get it off. I decided to go back to what I KNOW works and that's Atkins. I'm down 6 pounds this week.

    One thing I need to figure out is eating after my work outs. WOW... I am absolutely RAVENOUS. So much so that it scares me that I might make a really stupid choice because I'm so hungry. I'm really trying to make SURE I have stuff in my fridge ready to grab and eat quickly as soon as I get home. (Boiled eggs, left over meat from dinner the night before, string cheese, celery with cream cheese or peanut butter)

    I travel a bit with my job... so I'm always looking for on-the-go snacks to tide me over until I can eat an actual meal. Like on a plane or driving long distances in a car.

    Feel free to add me here & on Atkins (KimJoyCook). I'm not doing much on Atkins site... I find the MyFitnessPal database for the meal tracker more accurate (although I have to try several entries before you hit the right one) and user friendly. I mostly read the blogs and message board posts over there.
  • rlsy76
    rlsy76 Posts: 3
    Hello All! I am on day 4 of induction, down about 2lbs so far... Feeling much better today, no headaches (yay) and cravings are going away. I am trying to stay away from the bars ect. during induction, I feel like they stall me out. I am currently 150 and would like to get down to 115-120. I am 5'2" and had a baby about 19 months ago, so looking to lose the weight I gained from pregnancy and from staying home now : /
    I am new to fitness pal, is there a group of low carbers I can join? I find that I am more motivated if I have buddies to keep me going.

  • toby1016
    toby1016 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I started atkins 7/29 and have lost 7lbs so far. It's my first time on the diet. I have about 60lb to loose and I'm 5'3. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • 912floridagirl
    912floridagirl Posts: 1 Member
    Just started Atkins yesterday looking for support and meal ideas.
  • motherwesser
    motherwesser Posts: 35 Member
    I am just starting Atkins myself. My dad has been very successful with it over the last 10 years and I am doing it now to help me get to my next fitness level.
  • thinpip
    thinpip Posts: 33
    Hi . I am 5'8. Starting weigh 12st7. Target 10 st 4.
    I lost 7 lb in first week. I am currently away on holiday with no scales, so I don't know if I am still losing but I am still sticking to less than 35g carbs. Add me if you like.
  • Hello:

    Today is also my day 4 on induction. I am really excited about this, as I really want to lose about 70lbs. I downloaded the Atkins carb tracker on my phone and use it to track every single thing. I also bough Ketosis Urine tests.

    However, I am scared that I am doing it wrong and having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I really can have bacon and blue cheese.

    I am averaging around 20-20.8 net carbs a day. My carbs have been around 6%, Fat around 60% and protein around 28-25% daily. My calories have hovered around 1200-1500 (however did have a huge day of 2500 when I ate red meat hamburgers for dinner with a little bit of mayo, pickle and mustard. I won't do that again b/c I felt really sick)

    I am just hoping to find some support on this site and someone to actually advise me if I am doing it correctly as well. I am the heaviest I have ever been and really need a change.

    Thank you in advance for all your help and good luck to everyone on this journey!!!
  • Hi, been on atkins for 8 months and I've lost 5 stone :) got another 2-3 stone to lose. Have had my fitness pal for a while, but only recently started using it properly!
  • Hello:

    Today is also my day 4 on induction. I am really excited about this, as I really want to lose about 70lbs. I downloaded the Atkins carb tracker on my phone and use it to track every single thing. I also bough Ketosis Urine tests.

    However, I am scared that I am doing it wrong and having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I really can have bacon and blue cheese.

    I am averaging around 20-20.8 net carbs a day. My carbs have been around 6%, Fat around 60% and protein around 28-25% daily. My calories have hovered around 1200-1500 (however did have a huge day of 2500 when I ate red meat hamburgers for dinner with a little bit of mayo, pickle and mustard. I won't do that again b/c I felt really sick)

    I am just hoping to find some support on this site and someone to actually advise me if I am doing it correctly as well. I am the heaviest I have ever been and really need a change.

    Thank you in advance for all your help and good luck to everyone on this journey!!!

    Yes you're doing it wrong, carbs don't matter, calories do for weight loss. You can eat those fatty protein foods if you stay within your calorie range. Ketosis sticks just measure excess ketones as you probably know. It just means you're using fat as replacement of glucose. Low carbers think they burn more fat. What they fail to realize is they're eating more fat as well. They're burning the fat they're eating, not body fat. The only way to burn body fat is to be in a calorie deficit.

    I am not saying don't do low carb, I am saying. it's about calories not carbs. If you enjoy low carb eating, stick with it. Got to find something you enjoy.

    I agree with some of your comments emsainz22, about ketosticks, but some of the information on your post is actually incorrect. When people go into ketosis, they no longer consume sugar. The brain needs sugar to function. Our livers are capable of turning fat into sugar, therefore when somebody eats a low carb high fat diet, the fat eaten is converted by the liver into sugar to fuel the brain. The energy needed by the rest of the body is taken from fat stores around the body, meaning a lot of body fat burning. It is a bizarre concept to get your head round, one that at first I couldn't understand, but there is plenty of information online which explains this which I can link you to if you wish?

    Also you say the only way to lose fat is to be in a calorie deficit, I've been on the atkins diet for 8 months now, after being advised to by my doctor, and although I have been controlling my carb intake, I have never reduced my calorie intake and I have still lost 5 stone. On average, I consume around 2500 calories a day. Yes, if I reduced this, I would probably lose weight quicker, but being in a calorie deficit is definitely not the only way to lose body fat.
  • KimJoyCook
    KimJoyCook Posts: 6 Member
    Day 4 of Induction, here. I've done Atkins successfully a couple of times... the only failure in previous times was ME. Hopping off of the program and eating high carb, high sugar empty calories packed the weight right back on. I didn't follow the plan of Induction --> Ongoning Weight Loss --> Lifetime Maintenance. It's a PROCESS.

    I'm committed and feeling better and better every day after dumping the crap I've been putting into my body.

    May I make a suggestion? It's HIGHLY recommended that you read the Atkins book (I have A New Atkins for a New You) that gives you the why behind the what. It's an easy read, but backed up by science (not so much that it blows your head off, either). There are recipes, success stories, and suggestions to help with side effects while your body switches into Ketosis (burning FAT instead of CARBS for fuel).

    Don't let the Low Carb haters get to you. Ignore & move on! You'll learn about what foods make you feel better and what doesn't. I've already pin-pointed some problem foods for me that I've now eliminated from my diet completely. Not worth the discomfort!

    Nutritional fats are good for the body... it's the processed fat that isn't. Atkins teaches you what QUALITY carbs are.
  • Michifan
    Michifan Posts: 95 Member
    I'm not following any Atkins regimen, but I am on a ultra low carb / high protein diet at a very low calorie level.

    First I have known for some time that I am protein biased (my body craves protein, not carbs). I don't have much of a sweet tooth and if I had to choose between an extra portion of steak or dessert, I would almost always choose the steak.

    I've been doing my diet for about 2.5 weeks and haven't gone above 50g of carbs yet (mainly its between 30-40g).

    Since my own tastes and make-up is preventing me from having some of the cravings people here report (I'd probably have them if I went to a low protein diet) - I can at least tell you what I've been satisfied eating - lots and lots and lots of green vegetables. I eat about a pound of salad for lunch (14g of carbs) about 1TB of vinaigrette and 4oz of lean protein. When I'm looking for something to gnaw on I'll eat a whole Cucumber - and for dinner I pound more than a few servings of steamed broccoli or asparagus.

    If I feel the need for grains, I will air-pop a 1/4 cup of popcorn, spray on a mist of canola oil for the salt to stick. I'm definitely not staying at dietary minimums on sodium - but I'm drinking a ton of water and I'm not retaining water.

    I am a huge proponent of being in caloric deficiency and that a calorie is a calorie - as long as you are maximizing your nutrients. I'm protein biased, have enough fat storage to last me some time and am embracing a very low metabolism. Being at a low caloric intake has educated me on what foods create satiety and give me the most energy. It's like being your own science experiment.
  • Hello:

    Today is also my day 4 on induction. I am really excited about this, as I really want to lose about 70lbs. I downloaded the Atkins carb tracker on my phone and use it to track every single thing. I also bough Ketosis Urine tests.

    However, I am scared that I am doing it wrong and having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I really can have bacon and blue cheese.

    I am averaging around 20-20.8 net carbs a day. My carbs have been around 6%, Fat around 60% and protein around 28-25% daily. My calories have hovered around 1200-1500 (however did have a huge day of 2500 when I ate red meat hamburgers for dinner with a little bit of mayo, pickle and mustard. I won't do that again b/c I felt really sick)

    I am just hoping to find some support on this site and someone to actually advise me if I am doing it correctly as well. I am the heaviest I have ever been and really need a change.

    Thank you in advance for all your help and good luck to everyone on this journey!!!

    That's just the media playing tricks with you. Its totally fine to eat those foods. Low carb diets allow you to eat more fat because you are using the fat for an energy source instead of carbs. It works, I've been doing it for 4 months and I'm down 40 lbs. I try not to go over 20-25 net carbs. Just be patient and remember to eat most of your carbs in leafy green vegetables and high fiber foods. Good Luck!