Filling, Low Calorie Food?



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Great ideas, everyone!

    Denise: I'm going to try eggbeaters in my omelette this morning. Also, I hate to admit it, but reduced fat cheese hadn't even occurred to me before now. Those are both great suggestions to free up some calories for later in the day.

    After yesterday, I'm inclined to agree with those of you that say my calories are too low. I think I'll stick with it for the next week though just to give mfp's calculation the benefit of the doubt. Also, I'm starting a workout program after I move in a week, which will definitely require more calories than I'm getting now.

    reduced fat cheese is probably one of the most disgusting things ever put out in the market.

    Just NO.

    it's made of depression, tears, and week old troll farts.

    And I don't care how old this thread is- I can't... I just can't- I had to get that out.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Great ideas, everyone!

    Denise: I'm going to try eggbeaters in my omelette this morning. Also, I hate to admit it, but reduced fat cheese hadn't even occurred to me before now. Those are both great suggestions to free up some calories for later in the day.

    After yesterday, I'm inclined to agree with those of you that say my calories are too low. I think I'll stick with it for the next week though just to give mfp's calculation the benefit of the doubt. Also, I'm starting a workout program after I move in a week, which will definitely require more calories than I'm getting now.

    reduced fat cheese is probably one of the most disgusting things ever put out in the market.

    Just NO.

    it's made of depression, tears, and week old troll farts.

    And I don't care how old this thread is- I can't... I just can't- I had to get that out.

    THIS ^^^

    Full fat cheese is WAY better and worth every calorie. Plus, it's a good source of protein.
  • LiriH
    LiriH Posts: 1
    Put some cauliflower in the oven and add that to your salads or cooked meals. For snacks, I like cucumber and carrot chopped into circles, and I drizzle either lemon juice or balsamic vinegar on top, with some coarse sea salt. Better than chips (:
  • nesto610
    nesto610 Posts: 107
    This is an easy one.

    Shirataki noodles= 0 calories, eat as much as you want without any of the guilt. If you want a little flavor, I usually pan fry them and toss in hot sauce with diced chicken.
  • stephenyaeger61
    Where do u get those type noodles,Walmart ?
    Can anyone help me with my last post today. Lots of thanks for any help with my questions
    Stephen Y.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Hi,My name is Stephen Y.i joined up about 27 July 2014. I'm 6'3" weighed 292. Input that I wanted to lose 100pounds. It set me up with a calorie intake of 1,810 daily ...... What can I do to lose the weight, ideas suggestions? I also noticed that these profiles listed on this msg board shows how much weight I have to lose yet? Mine does not shown that why not what do I have to do. I usually eat peanut butter sandwiches at work/fridge doesn't keep anything cold,very limited to what I can bring to work to eat/once I'm here I'm stuck/can't go anywhere from 530a-530p-a 1man security officer for a plant. I'm a 53yr old male, large frame weigh 289, 6'3" tall.

    Hi Stephen, and welcome. Have you read the "sexy pants " sticky thread- it may answer some of your questions. Are you weighing and logging every item of food- eg carefully measuring how much peanut butter goes into your sandwich? Portion sizes are very important. Tinned tuna is handy to bring to work - it's high protein, low calorie and a handy snack/sandwich filler. Doesn't need a fridge.
    To get your "ticker" which says how many pounds lost go to your profile page to set up and tick the Show Ticker option. Good luck with your path to fitness.
  • nesto610
    nesto610 Posts: 107
    Where do u get those type noodles,Walmart ?
    Can anyone help me with my last post today. Lots of thanks for any help with my questions
    Stephen Y.

    Shirataki noodles can be found in most supermarkets as well as Walmart. The are usually located in the produce section with the cold items; they come packaged in a bag of liquid. Word of advice, dump the noodles in a colander and rinse them off because they have a "fishy" smell that puts some people off.

    Good luck with your goals!
  • stephenyaeger61
    I must be a moron,lol. I went to the profile tab and the settings tab and tried to find where the ticket option is, but I can't find it anywhere. I don't have to delete my profile and redo it? Pls enter step by step how I can turn this weight ticker option on and I will be eternally in your debt. Thanks for helping me with this app.