My places hurt

Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Yesterday I did the "Biggest Loser Cardio Max" DVD. I did the warm up, then the first program, 30 minutes. I was not able to keep up, but did make it through with some good burn going on. I was pretty content with my effort.

Today.... OMFG!! I am hurting every place on my big ol' body!! Places I didn't even know I had! My glutes are so sore I can hardly sit down. My quads feel like they were used for pinching bags.
To top it all off, I passed on the video today, in exchange for a 2 miles walk across town. During the walk my shoulders and neck began hurting. YOU DON'T EVEN USED YOUR NECK TO WALK!! I couldn't believe it, but it was really sore and fatigued. I don't even recall an exercise that worked the neck.
The good news is, I made it all the way on my walk. And also, if it is hurting, it must be working. I'll resume the workout tomorrow, and perhaps alternate every other day with walking.
That's all, just wanted to whine a little bit. :grumble:


  • hahaha. GOOD JOB!!! keep at it. it gets easier, promise!!! :)
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Lol. I hear ya! My calves and abs are STILL a little achy from SATURDAY'S workout.

    Sunday, I was pretty much just a useless, limping ball of goo.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    hahaha... Um, I only did an "easy" workout yesterday, something that a couple of years ago would have been no big thing, and today all my places hurt! I'd probably be on my deathbed if I had tried your workout. :laugh: Keep up the good work!
  • Keep doing it though....Otherwise you will be hurting the next time you decide to do the workout...The first few days are the worse but it does get better and easier! Promise!
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I remember back about 13 years ago I was training for strong man competitions. I would get sore after the workouts if I skipped the week end, but not the muscles that are hurting right now. It shows how far I have regressed since then.
  • Oh my Gosh, I started laughing hard when you said " You don't even use your neck to walk".. LOL. So proud of you, you are areal trooper, hang in there you will be glad you did.
  • That happened to me also when I did that dvd! I was sore for 4 days after the first workout. Since then I do the other levels on that dvd, even though it says they're higher levels they were easier for me. That first one kicked my butt with all those lunges and whatnot. Good luck!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    That sounds like me yesterday. I did day 1 of week 2 of C25K and then some.

    my butt hurt to sit, my legs hurt to walk.
  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
    Keep it up and pretty soon you'll be glad you did. Sounds like its really working your body over, which is exactly what you should be looking for ;) great job!
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    During the walk my shoulders and neck began hurting. YOU DON'T EVEN USED YOUR NECK TO WALK!! I couldn't believe it, but it was really sore and fatigued. I don't even recall an exercise that worked the neck.

    be sure you are keeping your shoulders & neck relaxed when you are walking as that could be why you started hurting. I catch myself sometimes with my neck tight and shoulders up to my ears and have to relax them down.

    Maybe it was me bobbing my head to the music I was listening to..... AC/DC makes me get my groove on.
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